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Well... we tried to, anyway.


We Opened Our Dark Hearts: Sacred Symbols Plays Dreams

Well... we tried to, anyway. All footage was captured on a PS4 Pro (1080p60) using a copy of Dreams (Early Access) purchased by CLS. Listen to Sacred Symbols, CLS' PlayStation podcast (also available on podcast services and here on YouTube): http://bit.ly/SacredSymbolsPS Listen to the CLS interview podcast, Colin’s Last Stand: Fireside Chats (also available on podcast services): https://soundcloud.com/colinslaststand Listen to the CLS retro podcast, Colin’s Last Stand: KnockBack (also available on podcast services): http://soundcloud.com/clsknockback Twitter: @notaxation Instagram: @clsmoriarty Facebook: /colinslaststand Colin's Last Stand is a product of Colin's Last Stand, LLC PO Box 1233 | Santa Monica, CA 90406



No audio from the game. Also, why didn't you guys change the filtering for the games that were shown to you so that you could maybe find better quality stuff? You should know games like this never show "top rated" or "most played" by default. I haven't played the game but according to the UI it was showing "Not Played, Recommended" creations.


A recurring dreams episode would be hilarious!


There is audio for the game (I double-checked when someone else said that). Game sound always lowered to the same level on our LPs: -35dB. We just wanted to mess around. We'll go back one day.


Yikes! I feel bad for MM. Even though it was their choice to make this game, I feel so awful for them. This game has bomb written all over it.


It's nothing...


Hahaha!! This game should be called Nightmares! 🤣


I think it would be awesome to have you guys on camera. Get some face reactions. I know its a fuck load more work though!

Trevor Bolstad

Thoroughly enjoyed watching this! Though I do agree the game can be a bit unsettling. I look forward to you two revisiting this soon.

Nate McKinney

Oh dear. Yeah, that's a tough sell. I feel like something like this would be more at home in a PC space where it can develop a really hardcore following that can sustain it like a lot of games do on that platform. On consoles a lot of people move on to whatever the next thing is really quickly. I just don't know if it will be able to get its hooks into people and stick around.


Please make this a series on cls!


Looks really beautiful and interesting, but I don’t see myself getting into this game. Mad respect for what MM is doing though


I appreciate the sentiment, but it's not gonna happen. (Or we don't have any plans for that, at least.)

Adam Barnes

This Let’s Play gave me cancer

Mostly Indies

I have a TON of optimism for this engine and this platform overall.....a developer just needs to be in this space and doing their best to continuously improve it, which they are. It seems inevitable that there is eventually a HUGE prize for the developer behind the platform.

Toren R. (KESA)

Man...I don't knowwwwww I LOVE LBP, and I think it's cool that they have these tools, but this looks like absolute trash... I really wish MM had made another LBP, because if I'm not mistaken, someone else made LBP4? I think there's still so much opportunity within the 3d platformer space, especially now that everyone is over pretending Mario Odyssey was a 10/10 lol Hate to be so negative towards it, but to think that this is how MM has been wasting their time is a real shame.


One of my favorite Let's Plays, it was hilarious, would definitely like to see more!


This look really rough and not something I want to put hours into when I can play actually developed games. Fun let's play though!

Ste Coventry

That Web-Slingin’ was pretty tight bro. Rudimentary, but pretty tight.

Anthony Longo

Could be a cool series I see something here. Good show guys.

Brock Smith

“Ruckus - Just Another Natural Disaster” is an awesome level to try. It’s kinda cute and funny and pretty polished 👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻


That would be cool. I've no idea what their plan is, at present.

Derek Waechter

This might be my favorite let’s play so far.


Colin, watch Into the Spiderverse. It’s just a dope movie in general.

Joel Wood

I would actually love to see you guys play patron generated levels (if anybody here is making them), or in general just more dreams. It could be a funny recurring lets play series with totally different levels each time. Its also fun to watch you play something when you have no idea what to expect.