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In May of 1999, the very Earth below us shook as Star Wars fully emerged from dormancy. While George Lucas ate around the edges throughout the '90s, re-releasing the classic trilogy multiple times while launching an absurd amount of toys and other merchandise, it all ultimately led to one thing: Episode I. As the first Star Wars film since 1983's Return of the Jedi, Episode I -- subtitled The Phantom Menace -- had immense pressure put on it from the moment it was announced, and for most fans, it simply didn't deliver. But really, there's a lot more here than just (in our opinion) a subpar film. There's a ravenous fandom to discuss, too, one that we were (and kinda still are) a part of. There was the early Internet, forums, leaks, rumors, and more. There's a director who probably shouldn't be directing, a producer who didn't really seem to be producing, and special effects that don't age quite as well as you'd think. What went wrong with E1? What did it do right? And what was it like seeing it in the theater, opening day, opening show, around a lot of very, very, very excited people, about a decade before you could even share the experience on your smartphone? This is the longest episode of KnockBack yet, and you voted for it. (Yes: We're angels.)



Joey Finelli

This podcast is longer than the movie.... and better. :)

Marc Elfering

Awwww shit... here we go! Also to jump into this now that I'm halfway thru the episode, Lucas went to Hasbro and said I'm making another Star Wars, I'll give you the exclusive rights to the toys for 100mil. Insanely smart business decision given the movie made over $1bil and he funded it with Hasbro money

Ethan Harter

Thank you, Colin and Dagan for delivering this beautiful birthday gift! :')

Jason Stafford

Gosh. I'm always so mixed about the prequels. There's the part of me that was starving so hard for more Star Wars after 1983 that still fondly remembers the spirit when TPM came out. Then there's the part that was slightly disappointed. I've softened on the film as the years go on and can still find many things I love about it. I'll never not be in love with Ewan McGregor's Obi-Wan. (Confession: I can still barely wait to show my grandson these movies in a couple years. He's 4 now) I'm sure I'll have to put my anti-sensitivity armor on for this podcast, but here we go!

Caleb Greer

I appreciate your comments in the beginning of not changing the nature of the discussion. As the guy who submitted the topic, I would have felt cheated lol.

Captain Canada

While there's still plenty to hate about the prequels, honestly, the dumpster fire that is "The Last Jedi" has made me soften on the prequels...

Zack E

Haven’t listened to the entire episode But if you want to spend a few hours talking about how you don’t like a movie, then please do it. You and Dagan are the content creators. Don’t feel like you need to be more positive, or more neutral, or more negative towards any topic. Knockback is great because you both are genuine, if you try to withhold some sort of opinion then it’s not going to be an effective show. The listeners are more than welcome to disagree with the discussions. That’s the entire point of a podcast like this.


*Insert GIF of Chris Farley flipping up his sunglasses*

Matthew Clem

Can't wait to check this out. I like SW just fine, but I'm not too crazy about it. That said, I definitely remember enjoying TPM a lot when I was a kid, and even when I rewatched it before Ep 7. It's still probably in my top 3 or 4 of all of them.

Kenneth Oms

This is the length of a joe rogan episode and I love it. I remember watching this movie in Puerto Rico as a child. I remember standing outside in line to go in. I remember my mom falling asleep and snoring through the movie haha. I’ve tried rewatching this and I can’t do it. I remember hanging out with a buddy and trying to rewatch the prequels getting ready for force awakens and I just couldn’t do it. I didn’t even like episode 3 anymore. Like you both said there are parts that are good, but as a whole it’s just awful.


Natalie Portman is an OSCAR WINNING ACTRESS!!! And she’s awful in these movies. It’s not her, it’s the direction.

Tim J Weckwerth

I'm 35 minutes in and I realized I still had another 2.5 hours left. Its going to be a good afternoon at work :)


My favorite part of this episode is when you explain how you would have created this movie differently. Like when you explain that it would have been so much better if it focused on a race between the Jedi and the Sith to get to Anakin. I've never looked at it that way and now I'm just left wondering what could have been.... 😔

Michael Miller (edited)

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2022-01-24 08:32:55 Your idea for Episode I being about the Jedi & Sith racing to find Anakin is brilliant. Also I always thought it should’ve been Darth Maul that Anakin killed in episode III. Dooku was such a pointless character. I did however like how Obi Wan ends up killing Maul in Star Wars Rebels.
2019-08-22 18:39:17 Your idea for Episode I being about the Jedi & Sith racing to find Anakin is brilliant. Also I always thought it should’ve been Darth Maul that Anakin killed in episode III. Dooku was such a pointless character. I did however like how Obi Wan ends up killing Maul in Star Wars Rebels.

Your idea for Episode I being about the Jedi & Sith racing to find Anakin is brilliant. Also I always thought it should’ve been Darth Maul that Anakin killed in episode III. Dooku was such a pointless character. I did however like how Obi Wan ends up killing Maul in Star Wars Rebels.


“Yeeeessssssssss” - Colin Moriarty

Marcus Brown

This may have taken the #1 spot for favorite episode. This was great and a nostalgic trip down memory lane. I appreciate you two returning to this film and giving it the care to make a 3 hour discussion about it with all pros and cons addressed. It is interesting because this was the film that made me a fan of this franchise. I was 6 when I saw this and would burn out the VHS back in 01'. The same with Attack and Revenge with Revenge being in my top 5 of all time. As I got older I did realize the problems with the prequel trilogy but it never rubbed me differently. I don't love it as much as a child but I still see it as fine. Attack obviously is outright horrible and cannot defend lol I think the generations are different because when seeing the original trilogy after the prequels I thought they were good but not what people made it out to be. Could just be era or generation gap but it is what it is. I love the new films as of late and The Last Jedi is my favorite and feel Kylo Ren is much deeper and a overall better character then Vader. Feel I'm running on now but all in all I feel all opinions are respected and we can all agree how polarizing this franchise is. Much love, may the force be with you.

Brad Gray

In regards to the cleaner look of the prequels I would say look at the glitz and glamour of imperial Russia compared to the run down look of Cold War USSR.

Brandon Soto (edited)

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2022-01-24 08:32:54 Qui-Gon Jin & Darth Maul; The best 2 characters single-handily ruined. That alone is why the prequels never stood a chance.
2019-08-22 19:54:03 Qui-Gon Jin & Darth Maul; The best 2 characters single-handily ruined. That alone is why the prequels never stood a chance.

Qui-Gon Jin & Darth Maul; The best 2 characters single-handily ruined. That alone is why the prequels never stood a chance.

Brandon Soto

Ewan McGregor’s back must’ve been killing from carrying these movies

Toren R. (KESA)

I completely agree with Colin on having Anakin in the movie less, but maybe in different way - I'm fine with introducing him early in the movie, but having his lines and even his visibility extremely limited, like the way the robot is in the beginning of Ex Machina, where you just get these spooky, little glimpses of this vulnerable creature that actually has something very sinister lying just beneath the surface.

Toren R. (KESA)

Warmtake: I think Sandra Bullock would have been a better fit for Padme. She was big in the 90's,but not too big - new her way around weird sci-fi (see demolition man) an has much more of that fiery spirit of Leia


McGregor as Obi-Wan really worked, and I'm glad we're gonna see him reprise that role (or so it seems).


In my opinion, The Last Jedi is still a superior movie to anything in the prequel trilogy.


I appreciate that. We just try to have a more positive and constructive tone, generally, and so we wanted to warn people that this episode wouldn't really be that. We want KnockBack to mostly be a celebration... but that can't always be the case.

Kenneth Oms

I had to write a second comment about the force. In the Star Wars mmo, Star Wars galaxies, in order to unlock the force you had to get stronger physically and also find spiritual relics/meditation spots in order to strengthen your connection to the force and unlock force sensitivity. The game handled the force in such a great way, you had to become a monk essentially.


I suppose... but I still don't think it makes sense, if you continue on to the new trilogy.


I think that by showing less and moving more slowly, they could have made something so much more powerful.

Brad Gray

I mean I definitely don’t think it was intended. I just use that as my justification for it. In reality I think George just was going crazy with computers.

Keith W (edited)

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2022-01-24 08:32:54 5 > 6 > 3 > 4 > 7 > 2 > 1 > 8. That said I like them all except 8. 8 sucked.
2019-08-22 20:54:25 5 > 6 > 3 > 4 > 7 > 2 > 1 > 8. That said I like them all except 8. 8 sucked.

5 > 6 > 3 > 4 > 7 > 2 > 1 > 8. That said I like them all except 8. 8 sucked.

LastStandMedia (edited)

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2022-01-24 08:32:54 Hmmm... 5 > Rogue One > 6 > 4 > Solo > 7 > 8 > 1 > 3 > 2 Something like that.
2019-08-22 21:06:30 Hmmm... 5 > Rogue One > 6 > 4 > Solo > 7 > 8 > 1 > 3 > 2 Something like that.

Hmmm... 5 > Rogue One > 6 > 4 > Solo > 7 > 8 > 1 > 3 > 2 Something like that.

There’s No I in LLC

Yeah episode 2 was awful. 1 remember it being bad at like 7 or 8 years old. It was just so boring.

john spatta

Off Topic: Just thinking has Dagon played halo? Wouldn't mind a cross-over episode if he did with Chris if he did.

Will Hahn

Wonderful job talking about this film. I have been waiting for a conversation like this for a long time! Hats off to you both for making a 3 hour podcast go by so smoothly!


When I watched 2 a year or two ago, it was actually worse than I remember. I can't get over that.


Could StarWars be a fluke?

Kenneth Koepnick

Fantastic episode! Poignant point- there’s more bad Star Wars than good, for sure! You guys were so fun. Love the girthier episode too. Anyone who enjoyed this episode should check out a movie called Fanboys.

Tyler R. (edited)

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2022-01-24 08:32:53 I remember seeing this when I was 13 and being so excited. I actually really liked it and had read the book. There was a card game me and my buddies spent a fortune on collecting that was for the original trilogy... For episode 1 between friends and all I went to see the movie 7 times in theaters because I was/am such a super nerd of Star Wars. Thank you guys for doing this episode! 4>5>6>1>Rogue One>7>2>Solo>3.
2019-08-23 03:18:58 I remember seeing this when I was 13 and being so excited. I actually really liked it and had read the book. There was a card game me and my buddies spent a fortune on collecting that was for the original trilogy... For episode 1 between friends and all I went to see the movie 7 times in theaters because I was/am such a super nerd of Star Wars. Thank you guys for doing this episode! 4>5>6>1>Rogue One>7>2>Solo>3.

I remember seeing this when I was 13 and being so excited. I actually really liked it and had read the book. There was a card game me and my buddies spent a fortune on collecting that was for the original trilogy... For episode 1 between friends and all I went to see the movie 7 times in theaters because I was/am such a super nerd of Star Wars. Thank you guys for doing this episode! 4>5>6>1>Rogue One>7>2>Solo>3.

Chad Lewis

I agree with you on almost all your ideas of what they should have done. Especially with keeping maul Alice and using less Lloyd. But killing qui gonn, as cool as he is, is absolutely essential to the story of anakin. It takes him from sad and unsure to absolutely terrified and is the first step in sending him down his path. The order gives up on him almost immediately which adds a lot of depth to his relationship with obi-wan too.


Maybe his vision for StarWars was the prequels. And if he had the technology and cash, he would have ruined the first movie too.

Brandon Hardman

This came out when I was in fifth grade, and I remember not understanding what was going on in the movie. I just assumed, for the longest time, that I didn’t get it because I was dumb... a couple of years later when AotC came out and I didn’t understand that one either I realized it might just be the movies that were stupid... that same year I also exploded a mug in the microwave by trying to melt Reece’s to make chocolate sauce, so I may not have been entirely wrong either way...

Trent Miller

I thought you guys were very fair in your assessment of this movie. I agree with most of the criticism you had for it but I’d disagree with you on a couple things. Jar Jar is aweso.... never mind I can’t joke about that. I do disagree with how you guys said that this is the best of the prequels. It’s second best. Episode three is better and episode 2 is by far the worst so we can agree on that at least. Another thing I take issue with is the pod racing. I really dislike this part of the movie. I think it lasts way too long (just like real racing) and the announcer of course is unbearable. Other than that it was a very good episode. I would love to see you two redo the prequel because you guys had some excellent ideas on how to fix them. I’ll see if I can contact Disney to make this a reality.

Michal Dudic

I can't bring myself to dislike the movie, I was 7 when I saw it in theater and it was extremely evocative to me. I even had a Jar Jar tshirt LOL.


Colin, thanks for taking the time to read my lengthy letter at the top of the show, I appreciate the candor of your response in acknowledging my concern. Hope your week finds you well! -Ben

Chris B

I’ve always been torn with this film. It’s quality is the reason we pirated attack of the clones when it was released. Maybe we all are to blame for putting the trilogy in a pedestal. We also should have seen this coming after Lucas put those dumb teddy bears in that almost ruined rotj.

Nick DeBoer

Longer than the movie! Love it! Personally I soured on Star Wars after I saw the re-released original trilogy in the 90s with the stoopid CG additions. The prequels just aren’t good and the new trilogy is just shaky at best. Yet somehow Rogue One was spawned from all this and it’s my absolute favorite. Great in-depth discussion! Keep the great episodes coming


Yeah, we're reached that sad tipping point where there's definitely way more bad Star Wars than good. Sucks.


I think the prequels get worse and worse, but I also haven't seen Episode 3 in a very long time.


Possibly so, but I really think the end-story is about a rich man with too much power and too many yes-men.


Now I feel like I need to watch Episode 1 again, it's been a minute. I remember those good parts, the redemption of the movie is tied up in only 10 minute segments spread verrrrry thinly. (The word redemption is giving it too much, maybe "tolerable" is a better word)


It was a good thought, and they did essentially remake the story and made it wayy better too!


No your both wrong, it's 6>5>4>Rogue One..... The rest are.... Tied.. Except 8... Watching Paint Dry > 8. Although my favorite quote is in 3, it doesn't save it

Jeremy Tan

I really dug this episode. You guys pointed out a lot of things that I hadn't thought of before (like Colin's point about how stupid it was for the droids to have ranks). I'll have to rewatch the movie again now just to see all these things for myself again. That said, I personally felt that the criticism towards Natalie Portman was a little harsh given that she was still in high school when making this film. And given all the criticism about how George Lucas' directing style made even seasoned actors uncomfortable. I imagine it would've been even tougher for a high schooler to work with that. But otherwise, loved the discussion and keep up the great work guys!

Ross Joseph

I loved this 3 hour discussion on The Phantom Menace. While I largely don't agree with your negative thoughts on the film, I don't mind hearing them. I've been a prequel lover for so long now, I have just about heard every thought, good or bad, when it comes to these three films. They meant something special for me growing up, and being that I was born in 1984, the prequel trilogy were my trilogy of Star Wars films I grew up with. Sounds strange considering Colin and myself are both the same sage. Either way, I love this episode, and hope to hear more talk (good or bad) in future episodes.

Nate McKinney

Dude!! Colin, your idea for how to redo the story, with them trying to get to Anakin is fucking awesome. I want to see that movie now!

Ben Williams

Hey Colin! Sad to not hear you discuss the "Jar Jar is an evil genius sith Lord theory". It's ridiculous, but would this have redeemed the movie at all for you if true?

Joey Gondhalekar

Just a correction I’m sure you’ve gotten 100 times already, but Obi-Wan and Maul don’t fight in clone wars. They end up fighting in Rebels, about 5-10 years before A New Hope. It wasn’t retconned in Solo

Matthew Cooper

Anyone else out there who hasn't ever seen a single Star Wars movie?


Great episode. Nothing wrong with constructive negativity.

Jessica Gutiérrez

Knockback, my favorite show you guys do, can't wait to listen to this.


Yeah, I was gonna say, we were born the same year. Then again, I had an older brother and a father who were obsessed with the movies (and many others), and I got involved early.

Matthew Cooper

Haha... I feel like I should at least sit down and watch the originals sometime

Tyler Bello

I think your absolutely nuts episode 1 is by far the worst and episode 2 and 3 are perfectly fine movies (just ignore Hayden christianson). Still fantastic episode as always! :D keep up the great work!

NJ (edited)

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2022-01-24 08:32:52 Well done to the Moriarty brothers for another excellent episode! A bit late to the proverbial perhaps, but a few thoughts crossed my mind and I wanted to throw them out into the community... apologies for the essay. Episodes 1-3 could have been phenomenal contributions to the franchise but if anybody had the right to screw it up, it’s the original creator. Midichlorians could possibly be acceptable if you think of them as a physical side effect of the force. Attracted to, or more evident in those who are more attuned to the mystical power, like adrenaline or dopamine in churchgoers. The technology to detect them could have been lost with the destruction of the Jedi. I enjoy Gary Whitta’s work (including his book) but Rogue One is overrated. It was an opportunity for insight and character development with the rebel alliance, instead we got another lost child story. The alliance was portrayed as inept and infighting barring a rag-tag team who were introduced in passing. Were we meant to care about these alliance soldiers who had less screen time than yet another Han substitute? Episode VII was safe, agreed. I do have to disagree with the dismissal of Ben Solo/Kylo Ren as a nemesis though; his character explores mental health issues such as delusion, manic depression, and psychosis. I think Adam Driver deserves much more credit as there are a lot of nuances to his performance if you watch closely. Kylo Ren/Ben Solo is already demonstrating more power than Vader. Not only the ability to deflect weapons fire but to stop it in motion. To take a Wookie bow blast to the gut (a weapon which decimated many others) and continue to fight multiple assailants and survive. Add this to his clearly unstable mental state and I think we have the first genuinely interesting character setup since Leia. Snoak was never meant to be important. He was an opportunity to demonstrate Kylo/Ben’s twisted sense of reality. To show that he’s not loyal to his Sith master, nor anything else. That he is broken and deranged. Carrie Fisher’s last scenes were absurd, however the director and team consciously decided to keep the film intact as a tribute to her final cinema contributions, rather than editing it to kill off her character. It’s not great for the story but I can live with that. I think they gave a statement on this. Episode VIII explores a new direction and focuses more on character development and relationships. I also interpret it as focusing on trauma, mental health, and psychological abuse. Luke never saw Han again for the same reasons he ran from civilisation; guilt, shame, and a profound doubt in himself. I genuinely think if people look at episodes 7 & 8 through the lens of character motivations and psychological impact, they’d get more out of the new trilogy, and more appreciation for the writers/director. Finally; did anybody ever say it was the same blue milk?
2019-08-26 21:49:02 Well done to the Moriarty brothers for another excellent episode! A bit late to the proverbial perhaps, but a few thoughts crossed my mind and I wanted to throw them out into the community... apologies for the essay. Episodes 1-3 could have been phenomenal contributions to the franchise but if anybody had the right to screw it up, it’s the original creator. Midichlorians could possibly be acceptable if you think of them as a physical side effect of the force. Attracted to, or more evident in those who are more attuned to the mystical power, like adrenaline or dopamine in churchgoers. The technology to detect them could have been lost with the destruction of the Jedi. I enjoy Gary Whitta’s work (including his book) but Rogue One is overrated. It was an opportunity for insight and character development with the rebel alliance, instead we got another lost child story. The alliance was portrayed as inept and infighting barring a rag-tag team who were introduced in passing. Were we meant to care about these alliance soldiers who had less screen time than yet another Han substitute? Episode VII was safe, agreed. I do have to disagree with the dismissal of Ben Solo/Kylo Ren as a nemesis though; his character explores mental health issues such as delusion, manic depression, and psychosis. I think Adam Driver deserves much more credit as there are a lot of nuances to his performance if you watch closely. Kylo Ren/Ben Solo is already demonstrating more power than Vader. Not only the ability to deflect weapons fire but to stop it in motion. To take a Wookie bow blast to the gut (a weapon which decimated many others) and continue to fight multiple assailants and survive. Add this to his clearly unstable mental state and I think we have the first genuinely interesting character setup since Leia. Snoak was never meant to be important. He was an opportunity to demonstrate Kylo/Ben’s twisted sense of reality. To show that he’s not loyal to his Sith master, nor anything else. That he is broken and deranged. Carrie Fisher’s last scenes were absurd, however the director and team consciously decided to keep the film intact as a tribute to her final cinema contributions, rather than editing it to kill off her character. It’s not great for the story but I can live with that. I think they gave a statement on this. Episode VIII explores a new direction and focuses more on character development and relationships. I also interpret it as focusing on trauma, mental health, and psychological abuse. Luke never saw Han again for the same reasons he ran from civilisation; guilt, shame, and a profound doubt in himself. I genuinely think if people look at episodes 7 & 8 through the lens of character motivations and psychological impact, they’d get more out of the new trilogy, and more appreciation for the writers/director. Finally; did anybody ever say it was the same blue milk?

Well done to the Moriarty brothers for another excellent episode! A bit late to the proverbial perhaps, but a few thoughts crossed my mind and I wanted to throw them out into the community... apologies for the essay. Episodes 1-3 could have been phenomenal contributions to the franchise but if anybody had the right to screw it up, it’s the original creator. Midichlorians could possibly be acceptable if you think of them as a physical side effect of the force. Attracted to, or more evident in those who are more attuned to the mystical power, like adrenaline or dopamine in churchgoers. The technology to detect them could have been lost with the destruction of the Jedi. I enjoy Gary Whitta’s work (including his book) but Rogue One is overrated. It was an opportunity for insight and character development with the rebel alliance, instead we got another lost child story. The alliance was portrayed as inept and infighting barring a rag-tag team who were introduced in passing. Were we meant to care about these alliance soldiers who had less screen time than yet another Han substitute? Episode VII was safe, agreed. I do have to disagree with the dismissal of Ben Solo/Kylo Ren as a nemesis though; his character explores mental health issues such as delusion, manic depression, and psychosis. I think Adam Driver deserves much more credit as there are a lot of nuances to his performance if you watch closely. Kylo Ren/Ben Solo is already demonstrating more power than Vader. Not only the ability to deflect weapons fire but to stop it in motion. To take a Wookie bow blast to the gut (a weapon which decimated many others) and continue to fight multiple assailants and survive. Add this to his clearly unstable mental state and I think we have the first genuinely interesting character setup since Leia. Snoak was never meant to be important. He was an opportunity to demonstrate Kylo/Ben’s twisted sense of reality. To show that he’s not loyal to his Sith master, nor anything else. That he is broken and deranged. Carrie Fisher’s last scenes were absurd, however the director and team consciously decided to keep the film intact as a tribute to her final cinema contributions, rather than editing it to kill off her character. It’s not great for the story but I can live with that. I think they gave a statement on this. Episode VIII explores a new direction and focuses more on character development and relationships. I also interpret it as focusing on trauma, mental health, and psychological abuse. Luke never saw Han again for the same reasons he ran from civilisation; guilt, shame, and a profound doubt in himself. I genuinely think if people look at episodes 7 & 8 through the lens of character motivations and psychological impact, they’d get more out of the new trilogy, and more appreciation for the writers/director. Finally; did anybody ever say it was the same blue milk?


I agree. Episode 2 is one of my guilty pleasure movies that I actually don't mind watching and have seen the most out of the prequel episodes. It's by far my least hated one.


"Episodes 1-3 could have been phenomenal contributions to the franchise but if anybody had the right to screw it up, it’s the original creator." I would certainly never dispute that! You're right there. =D

Jason Stafford

Colin you keep mentioning in Star Wars discussions about not liking Threepio and Artoo being in every movie. I get your criticism and I don't personally like how Threepio was justified in TPM, however, I seem to remember an interview from Bantha Tracks (the official fan club newsletter) in the 80's where GL said that he intended Threepio and Artoo to be the narrators of the saga, especially Artoo and that's why he wanted them in every film. Take that for what it's worth. It does lend itself to some fun theorizing about how reliable they are as narrators and might even explain why Artoo seems to be able to pull off the impossible at times. :) It has also been suggested that Threepio has been subjected to multiple memory wipes over the years, but Artoo never has been.

Jimmy Valentine

It's interesting. As someone who has seen most of the Star Wars movies but isn't a huge fan, I don't get the infatuation with the original movies. Maybe it's just my taste or something. I don't think they're good at all. I'd rather watch LOTR than any Star Wars movie.


Colin and Dagan, I have to say this might be my favourite knockback I’ve listened to so far. Really enjoyed hearing your thoughts and dissection of the film. Phantom Menace holds a special place in my heart because it was the first Star Wars movie I saw and introduced me to the original movies which I’d missed as a kid. A lot of what you said still rung true with my own thoughts and expanded my thinking elsewhere. Really great stuff 😊

Joe B

Loved the episode, but Colin is crazy in saying most Star Wars is bad. The Clone Wars, Rebels, OG Trilogy, most books, Ep.7, Rogue One and comics are all very high quality and vastly liked. Even Solo and Episode 8 had a lot of fans. I dont think anything close to most of Star Wars is bad.

Richard Kikuchi

I'm right there with you my man. I love the new trilogy, and 8 is probably in my top 4. I love how Kylo's broken spirit is evident in his jerry-rigged lightsaber, and his welded together mask after he breaks it. The main critique of number 8 is that nothing really hapened plot wise, and Number 7, and 8 happened within a span of 2 weeks. Had episode 7 not ended the way it did, and we see Luke toss the lightsaber over his shoulder to end the movie, then much more time could have passed to move the plot along. I never got the critique of Luke's character. He abandoned everyone for a reason, and that reason is because he failed. He wouldn't just hop back to the resistance willy-nilly after trying to kill is nephew; which was the whole catilist of starting the First Order. Not to mention, the Yoda scene was one of my favorite moments in the new trilogy. Rian Johnson did an outstanding job, in my opinion.

Richard Kikuchi

I have made it halfway through, and thought I'd add these two cents. Anakin fulfilled the prophecy of bringing balance to the force. Before him there were thousands of Jedi, and only 2 sith. Now after he killed all the Jedi, there were 2 sith, and 2 Jedi. I think that's the major theme of the new trilogy, how to maintain the balance of force users. Luke broke the rule of starting a new academy. Only one apprentice for every master. He had multiple apprentices instead of just one; which caused his entire academy to collapse. Another theme is how Lucas feels about politicians. If you pay attention to how the politicians act throughout the trilogy, they are easily swayed by a secret sith Lord to give said sith Lord complete control over the galaxy. The deciding vote in the Senate was none other than Jar Jar Binks. The fact that Jar Jar had any say in government showscases Lucas's view on governments.

Tyler J Sampson

As a big fan of The Last Jedi, all the hate hurts. I get it and respect it. But it hurts.

Devon McCarty

Yo, this is hands down my favorite analysis of The Phantom Menace I've ever heard. If I were to re-write it, I'd say Darth Maul should have killed Qui-Gon Jinn and then hacked off one of Obi-Wan's legs while beating him unconscious. Before blacking out, Obi-Wan would watch Darth Maul kick his former master into the pit, sending Qui-Gon into the abyss, and Obi-Wan on a three-movie long plot for vengeance against Maul. The fight ends with Anakin watching his master kill a surrendering Darth Maul, which is the final straw that sends Anakin to the dark side. *** Sincerely, outstanding work here gents. You and Dagan went hard here. The injury and loss of Qui-Gon

Tyler Webb

The whole episode summarized “there is no feeling”. This comment hit the nail on the head. I rewatched the movie and as a parent thought the mother son thing would at least get me... nothing, there is no emotion, and I cry at kid stuff so easy.

Jeremiah Lyne

Amazing how fast that 3 hour episode went - really enjoyed it. Watched this movie probably when I was 12/13 and remember enjoying it. However, even on first watching, I knew something was wrong with the midichlorians concept. Also, the droid army was far too comical. I think that trilogy could still have been salvaged but then came Attack of the Clones.


I'm really talking about the movies at this point. There are, from my perspective, four great movies (IV, V, VI, Rogue One), two good movies (VII, Solo), and four bad movies (I, II, III, and VIII). So I suppose it's fairer to say: There's barely more good than bad.

Tyler J Sampson

Nah it’s cool man, like I said I totally get it, it’s a a contentious movie, I just happen to like it. It’s cool that you dont

Josh Bailey

I am only about 40 minutes into the casts and it's been at least a decade since I've watched the movie in its entirety. However, I was 11 when the movie first came out. It must be either because of my age when first being exposed to the movie or my lack of a sophisticated eye towards the arts, but I never fully understood the hate towards this movie. I loved the pod racing, but I will admit that JarJar was a bit much though I do get the comparison to C3PO. They are both clumsy and both always had an opinion on what was going on at the time.

Jay Marron

@Garrett Jaggard LOL laughably troll harder, tasteless loser man-child

Jay Marron

I just started the episode. Please don't tell me this turns into YET ANOTHER ridiculous troll and cryfest about The Last Jedi. SMDH

Jay Marron

@Dav9834 God you raging loser sheep are such a delusional level of pathetic

Jay Marron

@Keith Wray TLJ is objectively one of the single best movies in the franchise. Maybe it's time you turn off that laughably clueless, biased childhood nostalgia instead of living in the internet echo chamber of tasteless crybaby man-children who genuinely think literally anything from the prequels was better than TLJ.

Jay Marron

@Tyler R. "PS I left 8 out on purpose" Of course you did, tasteless crybaby man-child

Jay Marron

"there’s more bad Star Wars than good, for sure" Great: 5, 7, 8, Rogue One Good: 4, 6, 3, Solo Bad: 1, 2 But sure, genius. It's alllllll terrible 👌🏻