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The fumes from this year's Gamescom are just about burned away, and frankly, there's not a whole lot to talk about from the show. But a megaton nonetheless emerged during the its opening day, seemingly by coincidence: Insomniac Games is now part of Sony's first party family. It's PlayStation's first studio purchase in eight years, and if the Dev Arms Race Microsoft is engaging in is any indication, it won't be their last. This week's episode of Sacred Symbols+ is therefore dedicated to the enticing near-possibilities of what team Sony may try to buy next. Colin has five ideas; Chris has five of his own. And not surprisingly, you have your thoughts too, dear listeners. So let's hypothetically buy some shit on Sony's behalf, shall we?



Jayce Tamulevich

Jesus Christ, I didn't even realize Matterfall had be released. Did that just completely fly under anyone else's radar?


Why you've got to be such cocktease, Colin, spill the beans on Gorilla.

Mitch Krassin

Supermassive is a great call that I didn't even think about them being acquired. I adore everything they've made since Until Dawn. Super excited for Man of Medan next week!


Fromsoft is actually owned by a bigger company subsidiary of kabushiki gaisha


Also bungie has a big investor in tencent as well

Kenneth Oms

Kamen rider is a very popular Japanese television show that rivals super sentai rangers (power rangers,). I love Kamen Rider. A bandmate of mine introduced it to me and we’d watch it after practice all the time.


Interesting to hear you mention Housemarque, Colin (sarcasm.) Honestly though I had been meaning to write in for the past few weeks but kept missing the cutoff. I was basically just curious as to weather you had any insight to what was happening with Housemarque considering that you have been an evangelist for their games since way back and and I always remember you saying you had a great working relationship with them. Although it sounds like you maybe haven't heard from them in a while. I'm also very worried for them since stormdivers is a battle royal not a hero shooter, if memory serves me correctly. Idk witch will be worse for them or if it even would make a difference.


I remember it coming out and I remember playing it. It just wasn't good. Nex Machina was really really solid tho. I think they released very close to one another witch led to some people getting them mixed up.


Ditto! Man of Medan looks really promising! I hope Sony's paying attention!

Anastas Lyakh

Hi Colin and Chris! One correction - IO Interactive is a Danish studio, not Canadian or French...

Chris B

One dev that rarely gets mentioned, Frictional Games. With their specialty in first person horror, it would be a nice addition.


Most entities are owned by larger entities. Most of the studios discussed have various private shareholders.


If Sony wants to make a play for quality, arcadeish, once-every-18-months $20 exclusives on PSN, they should rescue Housemarque before the company inevitably kills itself with Stormborn or whatever the fuck it's called.


Fulbright is a terrific choice Colin, they fit very well into Sony’s knack for narrative driven games and they wouldn’t cost Sony too much in comparison to Insomniac. I have a soft spot for Fulbright, from what I understand they are currently working on an unannounced third game and if Sony picked them up I imagine they could expedite that process and help market the game in a way Fullbright has never known. Gone Home is one of my favorite games and Tacoma was massively underrated, I have a lot of faith in that little studio from Oregon.


This was a really fun episode as a thought exercise. I'm willing to eat shit on this, but I feel like y'all missed the point though. I don't think Sony is interested in acquiring small teams to round out their portfolio - they already get those games on their platform. I could be wrong, but especially with their comment on focusing on 'big games,' I feel like the point is they want more of the calibre of games they're already making. I think the goal here would be releasing God of War calibre games (by that I mean big 9.0+ titles, not the game genre) twice a year consistently. To do that they need more big studios. I don't see how a Fulbright or Supergiant (as much as I adore Supergiant) scales up to make a game Sony no doubt thinks ads an extra inch to their massive dick they like to swing around. That new studio Chris mentioned would be pretty perfect for this. I can see Remedy scaling up to do that too. As I said, I'll hold my hands up if they turn around and buy a smaller studio that makes the kind of games you mentioned, but I just don't think they're interested in 'owning' those studios or IP - especially when the games are already on the platform.


Just wanna say you guys are killing it. Keep Tuesday's Great!

Nate McKinney

Me shedding tears of despair whenever anyone mentions Legend of Dragoon 2. My heart aches, Colin! I need it!!


Well, that's clearly their argument recently, but I don't agree with it. So it's not so much missing the point as having fun constructing a first party family that gives them the best outcomes. They can have better outcomes with smaller games, too. And they are obviously pursuing that course. Medievil Remake is being made by a small team, and Concrete Genie is being made by a tiny team that Sony actually owns. They obviously want to invest in games that sell huge. But there are too many holes in the schedule. Unless they have big announcements coming up from teams we don't know about (which is potentially what's happening in San Diego), they are going to have a large first party gap between the middle of next year and a couple of years into the PS5 lifecycle.


I feel like that opportunity has come and gone. Remember: They were producing a sequel in the early 2000s that was (obviously) cancelled. At this point, a remake is more likely.


Love these studio centric episodes, my bid would be Team Ninja. Nioh is amazing and dead or alive would fill that competitive gaming space.

Koray Savas

Just wanna chime in and say that you exaggerate the Tacoma release dates quite a bit. It launched on Xbox in August 2017 and on PS4 in May 2018.


How about Platinum Games??? I'd like to see Vanquish II...!

Your Boi Nicky V

Guerilla making Socom would be awesome. I hope that's what Colin was referencing.


Are the old Ss+ episodes pulled regularly or just not tagged? Only seeing this one. Glad to be here. Either way.


I can see all three when you click the SS+ tag under "Featured Tags" on the left side of the browser. Definitely harder to find on the phone app though.

Dank Yharnam Nugz

Good day kind Sir, have not yet listened to the episode but have it downloaded and ready to go. Not sure if you've mentioned Remedy at all as a possible acquisition. I've just started playing Control. Will you guys be doing a Spoilercast for this game? It seems like something worth talking about! Thanks for the all the great content. Greetings from South Africa


I personally think Hangar 13 would be an interesting choice to take on a single-player first person shooter. They clearly have story chops with Mafia 3, but also have FPS history with their support of Borderlands.


Am I missing something? Why did nobody mention blue point?

Tony Colton

I really think Bluepoint Games would be a great addition. Serious talent there


GG working on Socom reboot would be waste of talent imo

Vaughn Allison

Not sure if you check these after they go live, Colin. Just wanted to let you know SS+ is fantastic, and I'm having a ball catching up. Love hearing more of you!

Jack Mason

I’d think the best fits would be. HouseMarque. Remedy. From Software. Bluepoint. Maybe Ready At Dawn