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Tokyo RPG Factory's newest game is all about rescuing people from the space between life and death, not to save their lives, but to allow them to actually die.


Oninaki: The JRPG All About Purgatory

Tokyo RPG Factory's newest game is all about rescuing people from the space between life and death, not to save their lives, but to allow them to actually die. All footage was captured on a PS4 Pro (1080p60) using a copy of Oninaki provided by Square Enix before public release and free of charge. Listen to Sacred Symbols, CLS' PlayStation podcast (also available on podcast services and here on YouTube): http://bit.ly/SacredSymbolsPS Listen to the CLS interview podcast, Colin’s Last Stand: Fireside Chats (also available on podcast services): https://soundcloud.com/colinslaststand Listen to the CLS retro podcast, Colin’s Last Stand: KnockBack (also available on podcast services): http://soundcloud.com/clsknockback Twitter: @notaxation Instagram: @clsmoriarty Facebook: /colinslaststand Colin's Last Stand is a product of Colin's Last Stand, LLC PO Box 1233 | Santa Monica, CA 90406


Phil Crone

I bit on the 10% off preorder after enjoying the demo. My biggest concern was whether or not the loop wore out its welcome. Given you're still enjoying it at 15 hrs, I'm much less concerned now.


It's a fun game, and the story gets pretty fucked up. If anything, the game gets in your way too much, and doesn't let you play it enough. It also seems that old areas don't repopulate enemies, so I don't think you can grind (though maybe that happens later).

Curse These Metal Hands

Hearing you mention it on Sacred Symbols peaked my interest. Currently downloading the demo on my Switch, looking forward to checking it out 👌


There is an enormous amount of exposition in the game, at least from my perspective.

Steven Oslund

I've never been into JRPGS before this year but I'm slowly starting to understand and appreciate them. Enjoyed this video and it's definitely piqued my interest enough to grab the demo. Thanks for sharing!

Juan Paolini

Echoing what everyone else is saying and I’m downloading the demo on my switch right now. I thought I’d return the favor with a recommendation for you. Since you’re also a big fan of Metroidvanias, I recommend checking out a game titled Blasphemous. After years in development it finally got a September 26 release date in the Nintendo Indie World video on Monday. It has beautiful pixel art and looks dark as fuck. Seems a bit up your alley!


I don't have this problem, personally. My PC is a work machine, and also a number of years old. I don't game on it. PS4 is my primary choice for games due to friends and trophies. I only buy games on Switch that are exclusive (Xenoblade, Fire Emblem Warriors, etc) or got censored on PS4 (Neko Para). I drive on my commute, so 99-100% of my gaming time is at home. So the Switch is just an underpowered home console for me. If a game releases on both, and is content equal, I get it on PS4.


I appreciate opera, and I'd go to one if invited, but I'd never buy a ticket or listen to it voluntarily. Ya dig? =)

Raymond Aludino

Oninaki wasn't on my radar at all. This should scratch my action JRPG itch nicely until the new Tales.

Toren R. (KESA)

Completely unrelated, but has anyone else seen this video of the alleged ps5?? I've seen this shape all over the place but hadn't seen an actual video...thoughts? https://www.instagram.com/p/Bq5hHGeg_vt/?igshid=w6w1e2dza2uc


This video is from late 2018, and is definitely fake. They probably haven't even finalized what it'll look like. The specs may not even be locked-down yet. They won't enter manufacture for about another year, so still early.


Wasn’t sure how you’d like this based on the combat. Glad you’re enjoying it.

Jason Pettet

I’m liking it a lot just there seems to be a problem with my music where it doesn’t play if I’m fighting.