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Meet Jose Horrach, a New York City-based professional chef with a ton of experience, loads of interesting stories, and a whole lot of insight. Our Fireside Chat, not surprisingly, revolves around cooking, eating, and drinking, but for as fun as shoving food in our faces is, tales from the kitchen can be just as riveting. What is it like working in the cutthroat, under-paid, demanding, and daunting world of professional restaurants? And how can newcomers make their way into the field... if they dare?



Jose Horrach

Thank you again for having me on! It was a pleasure and alot of fun to be a part of the show.


Great episode ! ^^ TY

Alan Ortega-Lopez

I love me some Hells Kitchen, has anyone seen Hotel Hell? Its pretty hilarious when Gordon Ramsey takes blue lights into hotels.

Jose Horrach

He really knows how to hilariously shame these incompetent business owners lol

Peter Mark

Good thing he's a cook and not an economist


This was great. Made me glad I never pursued a career in the industry.

Caleb Bean

As a chef myself( in upstate NY), this was a treat man!! Thanks Jose for carrying a torch for our difficult, mostly thankless job and thanks Colin for always having an awesome variety of guests ,gonna miss these fireside chats