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Today's episode was already shaping up to be a sizable one. After all, there's THQ Nordic-related news galore to get through, not to mention the conspicuous exit of two prolific producers from BioWare, new NPD sales data, and much more to discuss. But then a meteor struck: Insomniac Games has been purchased by Sony, the first acquisition PlayStation's first party has made in more than eight years! This news comes unexpectedly, but also represents a seemingly necessary move, particularly in light of Microsoft's recent splashes in the exclusive studio space. So let's chat about the biggest news in the PlayStation universe in quite some time, and then wrap things up with delightful listener questions on topics like retro game collecting, couch co-op, loading up on sales, and generation-defining experiences.


0:00:17 - Intro
0:03:47 - CLS merch reminder (and Sacred Symbols+ is a hit!)
0:05:02 - How does one balance playing games and spending time with a significant other?
0:08:10 - Supposedly, there’s no such thing as a vegetable.
0:10:28 - What games are we playing?
0:13:18 - Sony has purchased Insomniac Games.
0:22:23 - Shawn Layden teases potentially releasing Sony games on other platforms.
0:25:18 - Both Anthem and Dragon Age 4 lose their producers in one week.
0:30:27 - Sony surprise-releases Erica on PlayStation 4.
0:32:23 - THQ Nordic has acquired two new studios and invests in five others.
0:35:52 - Dead Island 2 has moved on to its third developer.
0:43:23 - EA has revealed Need For Speed Heat.
0:44:35 - New Metro, Saint’s Row, and TimeSplitters games are in development.
0:49:01 - PUBG on PS4 is getting cross-platform support with Xbox One.
0:50:41 - How's the financial health of the video game industry?
0:56:44 - These were the best-selling games in America in July.
1:02:35 - There will be a MediEvil comic released alongside the game this fall.
1:04:29 - Persona 5 Royal has a western release window.
1:05:24 - Spelunky 2 has been delayed.=
1:06:27 - Four new DualShock 4 colors are coming this fall.
1:07:22 - Pantsu Hunter: Back to the '90s is coming to PS4 and Vita.
1:07:56 - Minor game announcements and release date information.
1:11:02 - This week's new releases for PS4, PS Vita, and PSVR.
1:19:17 - What co-op game have we put the most time in via local multiplayer?
1:21:56 - Would we ever want to collect retro games?
1:26:14 - Why does Epic keep Fortnite in beta?
1:29:35 - Has it been an off-year for games?
1:34:19 - Are rampant game sales making backlogs worse?
1:35:49 - What games define each PlayStation generation?
1:39:23 - What does Chris think about Halo Infinite’s creative director leaving 343?



Saulius Vekteris

Colin is everything ok? You posted this on sacred symbols + ;))

Zack E

Colin you aren’t crazy, or at least you aren’t crazy by yourself. I’m pretty sure somewhere early on it was known that Death Stranding would come to PC. In December 2015, there was that video by PlayStation that had both Andrew House and Hideo Kojima discuss the new relationship. In the YouTube description for this video, which is on the PlayStation YouTube channel, it states that the new game “will be console exclusive to PlayStation 4”.

Brandon Soto

After what Microsoft did with buying all these studios, Sony had to do something. Excited for the future, especially the Rachet 2016 / Spider-Man sequel. Resistance Collection on PS4 maybe?

Drew Sleezer

Hey team, one thing to note about the Ben Irving BioWare story. I believe that Ben Irving was the producer for Anthems post-launch game development. If I remember correctly, the game was developed in one studio, then after launch sent to that Austin based studio because they had experience with persistent multiplayer games (Star Wars: TOR). So I’m not entirely certain Mr. Irving had much to do with the games development.

Kam Wallis

Seems like an industry issue, everyone has short term memory loss, abd then acts surprised when old info is presented as news again.

Kam Wallis

At the begining I was hesitant about Chris, but every episode solidifies him even more in my mind. So much so that I now sub and watch him frequently on YouTube, and he has won me over! I know it's a long shot as you're both busy, but would love to see a topical non-gaming show rise from the ashes of Fireside Chats with Chris involved, maybe Dagan seasonally as well? Just a thought.

Raymond keys

Would you recommend oninaki to I am setsuna fans?

James Galos

The inversion rate is not an indicator of recession. I’m a bit of a economic and political nerd and the 100% accurate is true if you stretch it out to 3 years from when the rate flips. You could take any number of indicators and fudge the numbers to say they “predict” recession. Big corporate media (I don’t call it mainstream media anymore) wants a recession so this is what you hear everywhere for a media cycle. Now that my gripe is over I want more sunset overdrive in my life. That game was fantastic and seemed to come and go far to fast.

Kenneth Oms

Sacred symbols a “I wonder if he thinks about me,” podcast. Haha great episode as always

Michael Miller

I swear Chris has a new issue with his apartment every episode.


Driving home listening to episode 60, literally crying at all the bloody THQ Nordic banter. This podcast is always the highlight of my week.

Brandon Soto

Sucker Punch please Sony. 🤞🏽We need Infamous back.


I agree. It's a big purchase to balance the field, and it certainly won't be the last one.


Hey, I'm really glad to hear that. I really feel like I made the right choice for co-host. He's a funny dude, and he understands games. He's been essential to the chemistry that makes this show work.

Jimmy Champane

Hey Colin! Great episode as always. As you know I was a big fan of the work you did at IGN and some of my favorite pieces you put together were the history articles about Naughty Dog and Insomniac. I was wondering if in a future Sacred Symbols + episode or an episode of Side Quest you'd look into what exactly went wrong with Fuze? I'm a massive Insomniac fan and I knew that it really came down to EA and not them, but I'd love to hear that full story and I don't feel like anyone is more equipped to tell it than you.


That's not what I'm reading. While I don't dispute that you could make lots of different things fit into lots of different parameters to feed an ideological bent, it seems that when this happens, recession DOES follow. https://www.washingtonpost.com/business/2019/08/14/recession-watch-what-is-an-inverted-yield-curve-why-does-it-matter/

Lucas Gremista

Hey Colin, I don't have the means to get all your physical game collection, but I'm definitely interested in getting a few (or quite a few). Let me know if you're cool with that and how do I proceed. Thanks!

Hose A Contra Razz

Hey Colin, With news today about Sony and Disney split on the movie rights going back to old terms, what going to happen to the video game rights? I know this was part of the new deal a couple of years ago. Will we see Sony lose the exclusive Sony spiderman video game rights? Will it go to a new studio not in the Sony family? I work with Sony reps on the pro side of electronics buying millions of equipment for the military and one thing they tell me is that every division in Sony don't talk each other when deals are made as a heads up.


I think the reason fortnite is still in early access is because this allows them to release updates at a faster rate, I don't think they have to go through as many certification processes.

Jeremy Craves

I also think it was part of the deal to share Spider-Man with the MCU but have never seen anything definitive confirming that. For the January 2019 Q&A I asked Colin about the report that Insomniac got to choose what Marvel game they wanted to make and they chose Spider-Man. I found it hard to believe that they could have made an exclusive Iron Man or Thor game. I believe Colin's answer was Sucker Punch and Insomniac were approached with only Spider-Man. I hope your question makes it as I would also like to hear more about what he thinks of Spider-Mans exclusivity to PS. Story that provoked my original question https://www.playstationlifestyle.net/2018/03/13/insomniac-chose-spider-man-ps4-after-being-given-a-choice/


That could be interesting to look into, but I doubt we'd ever really delve into it. I know some stuff about the game off-the-record, but not sure what else I could say that's not already in The History of Insomniac.


Thanks! But I actually just ended up sending them to my brother (or I'm going to this week).


Sunset Overdrive remains to this day the best Xbox one exclusive. That game is such a standout with how much character that game has. It’s combat was also fun as hell.


Really excited to see who else Sony acquires. It seems like Remedy is a for sure bet. Would love to see Housemarque personally, I can see Kojima Productions happening at some point too.

Philip Andersen

When it comes to gameplay, I think Insomniac is far ahead of NaughtyDog nowadays, but NaughtyDog is far a head when it comes to story. Guerrilla and SantaMonica took risks with GodOfWar and Horizon and both had excellent gameplay and story combined which makes those my top PS4 games so far.


I thought the MP3 was being put back up?

Carlos Quintanilla

Yeah, I was just looking into Remnant From the Ashes right before I heard THQ Nordic bought the studio. I was laughing my ass off.


We'll see. Kojima would be an interesting guy to wrap-up, but I don't see why he'd want to when he can go anywhere and command the resources and time he wants. I'd imagine Activision, Microsoft, and others would love to throw money at him if given the opportunity. But, stability's nice, too.


I totally agree. Naughty Dog mastered a more visceral third-person action game in TLoU, but there are many better third-person shooters than Uncharted. I'm eager to see how TLoU2 feels.

John Fazio

Can you please share on Instagram a picture of this G.I. Joe sarcophagus? Great episode by the way


I've noticed that your various podcast no longer seem to have links to download the MP3 version for offline listening, for us $5 and up patrons. Can you please add that back

Tony Parra

I don't see a way to download the episode in MP3 format, is that posibble? Love the show

Marc Elfering

download is still on the mobile version...weird it isnt popping up online here

Jeff Byrd

Does this pop up three days early on podcast apps as well?


Patreon made the decision last week to remove this option. Then they decided to put it back. Then they told me that it's on a case-by-case basis. I told them I wanted it turned back on for CLS, they said yes... but it doesn't seem to be happening yet? Can you DM me if you're still having problems?

Ryan Harvey

I really think pubg will withstand until the single player because as it wanes in the west it is very much so alive in the asian and offshore territories. As for your laugh... hahah the rise of Skywalker meme where they replaced darth sideous' laugh with yours, is and always will be gold.


The P5 jokes though...you guys are really missing out. 😒


Welcome to the family, son.

Jeff Caseres

Hey guys!! Been on a two week trip in Greece and now going back home to NJ! So I am now catching up and You guys are my saviors between these flights! Love y’all!!

Shane Quinn

Been mooching the podcasts on free feeds for so long I'm delighted to finally be able to support CLS. Thanks so much C + C for all the great content and for keeping me sane in work


Latest greatness and love the content! I been gaming a longtime. I find I have a strange relationship with my hobbies as for months I am all in and involved but then I hit a time where I am introverted and play next to nothing. This summer I have really only played one game, The Division 2 with my brother. Only play like an hour or two a couple times a week but it has been a fun time. My brother and I use to game together often years ago but hooking up for family time has been fun. Both in our 50’s, families, work all made gaming together hard and he hates the toxic online culture which kept him in single player games for years. I also play mostly rpg’s and single player games. Division 2 is nice, non competitive and scales well with just 2. Challenging but not unfair I really have became a massive fan after being luke warm on the first game and dropping it fairly early. Love your work and you guys brighten my work week!


Thank you for being here, David! I'm glad you're enjoying the content. I personally think the ebb and flow of playing games -- how many we play, how often we play, what we play -- is part of what makes the hobby so exciting. I said it on this week's episode, but if someone's not having fun playing, they shouldn't be playing! I'm glad you're getting some bonding time with your bro.