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This week was already going to be zany here on Sacred Symbols. That's 'cause there's a ton of news to get through, including the roll-out of the long-awaited, vaunted PSN name change functionality, new tidbits relating to Ghost of Tsushima and The Last of Us: Part II, kinda-sorta-maybe confirmations concerning new entries in the Horizon and Killzone franchises, and much more. Hell, we even learned more about Respawn's upcoming (entirely single-player?!) Star Wars game. But then something quite unusual occurred: An interview with Sony's Mark Cerny was released, like mana from heaven, and within it was a shocking amount of information about PlayStation 5 (though they won't yet call it that). For the first time, we have actual answers to common PS5-related questions (like backwards compatibility, various confirmations on components, PSVR integration, and more). So it's only right that the World's Most Beloved PlayStation Podcast jumped into the details with all the gusto you'd expect from such a mighty show. Thereafter, we round things out with listener questions, including one that presents a puzzling inquiry: Is there an unsolvable tension between art and play?


0:00:17 - Intro.
0:02:03 - We're wishing our best to our French audience (per the Notre Dame fire).
0:03:27 - One listener gives a shout out to Insomniac and the accessibility options in Spider-Man in response to last week’s conversation.
0:05:02 - Another listener writes in to show another perspective to last week’s negative discussion about GameStop.  
0:06:42 -  In regards to Borderlands: The Pre-Sequel, one listener suggests to give it a chance before Borderlands 3.
0:07:47 - Chris and Colin are both wrong about The Division 2, says yet another listener.
0:08:44 - What games are we playing?
0:11:12 - Sony confirms some PlayStation 5 details for the very first time.
0:19:51 - Hell has frozen over. You can now change your PSN name.
0:23:48 - Should old or inactive PSN names be purged?
0:25:27 - Why didn’t Sony wait until the bugs were worked out?
0:30:13 - EA and Respawn Entertainment finally talk Jedi: Fallen Order.
0:37:05 - It looks like Guerrilla could be working on both a Horizon sequel and a new Killzone at the same time.
0:42:10 - Ghost of Tsushima and The Last of Us: Part II may be a while away.
0:46:33 - Blood and Truth has gone gold.
0:47:22 - New reporting (and Sony itself) confirm that PS4 games are being edited for sexual content. Japanese devs ain't happy.
0:51:33 - Capcom is releasing a plug and play system in the form of an arcade stick.
0:52:46 - IO Interactive has revealed the 2019 content road map for Hitman 2.
0:53:16 - An official Paralympics game is in development.
0:54:37 - Minor game announcements and release date information.
0:56:22 - This week's new releases for PS4, PS Vita, and PSVR.
1:05:23 - LeVar Burton would be a great guest on the podcast.
1:05:49 - Dangerous Driving devs created a Spotify playlist instead of paying music licensing fees. Good or bad?
1:10:20 - Are AAA publishers and devs really moving away from single player content?
1:12:43 - Are games like Doom holding back video games as art (and vice-versa)?
1:20:54 - Should PlayStation create a game like VRChat for PSVR?
1:25:40 - Outro.



Austin Ashworth

Glad the scheduling allowed you guys to discuss the PS5 interview! Excited to listen!

William Harding

Seems the delay with the show this week worked out considering the announcement. Thanks guys!


Mire games/art discussion! The one Fireside Chat with Chase Williams needs a sequel.


i'm excited to listen on my long car ride today


Amazing episode with a bunch of awesome news and discussions, keep it up, fellas!


With all due respect - Borderlands the pre-sequel is trash. But beauty is in the eye of the beholder.


Colin, I love you but this snooker pronunciation is killing me: <a href="https://youtu.be/ZgttydjHtoY" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://youtu.be/ZgttydjHtoY</a>

Cory Hahn

I sure hope the LoU2 Twitter stuff is a giant red herring and that it’ll be ready this year or early 2020. I like the poetry of it capping off the PS4 generation and multi-gen games, for whatever reason, don’t sit well with me as I can’t help but think that developers held back or made a gimped version for the older console. It was a night and day difference for the Destiny 1 content once they stopped supporting the then legacy consoles. If ND determines that LoU2 is better suited for PS5, then I will continue to wait patiently as I am only interested in playing when its ‘ready.’

Keith W

If PS5 is going to have a wireless VR headset, that means the unit has ultra low latency WiFi tech built in right? Here is to hoping a “companion” handheld that’s just for playing streamed ps5 games.

Bogey Zero

Chris, please feel free to talk more about Sekiro. I'd love to hear your thoughts. The last time you talked about it you were just starting and only gave your initial impressions. Now that you're further I'd love to hear more.

Brandon Soto

Please, please Sony; 60 FPS on all games &amp; PS3 backwards compatibility. 🤞🏽🤞🏽

Brian Borlaug

Thanks for answering my dangerous driving Spotify question Colin. I hadn't thought about it from the prospective view of a musician that'd you'd brought up and appreciate the view point you've added. This is why you're the best in the biz


I highly doubt PS5 will have a wireless VR headset. But I do think there will be more elegant solutions on the console.


The former will probably happen (barring resolution)... I wouldn't count on the latter happening, unless there's some sort of PS Now stuff going on.

Phil Crone

Hey guys - Fallen Order was previously confirmed as a 3rd person action game. Cannot find a source, but I know I had heard that already.

Everyday Patrick

Even in Japanese, PLAYSTATION 4 is known as プレイステーションフォー The “4”’is read aloud as an awkward (to American ears) Japanese pronunciation of the English word “four.” The “shi”’reading of the number “4” is totally side stepped.

Tony Colton

Another physical games bargain Tetris Effect + Doom (2016) = €20

Connor Peterman

I will eat my ps vita and puke out the remains inside my PS4 Pros disc drive if the PS5 is able to play games at 8k. There's not a single PC under $1500 today that can run that smoothly. Considering console technology as ALWAYS been at the tail end of PC tech, I just absolutely cannot see this happening. I can however belive it can stream and output 8k video. Similarly to how the Xbone S can output 4k streaming and blurays

David Graham

A day late, but not a dollar short.

Brett Carlson

In regard to the narrative hiring at Sucker Punch, I was told by someone close to me that this was not a hire for main story narrative. This was a world building hire for NPC dialogue from quest givers and lore and things along those line. Still no one should expect a 2019 release for this game. All of Sonys big 3 will be 2020 releases aside from Last of Us and will. E cross compatible with PS5 I will call it now. Last of Us is going to be announced for holiday 2019 with the old naughty dog possibility of a delay in February 2020. The PS5 launch library is going to be one for the ages Colin and I will tell you why. The PS4 back compat is going to completely blur the line between those 3 games on PS4 and there ability to be played on PS5 at launch. Imagine that Colin. You buy your PS5 and day one you can play Last of Us 2, Death Stranding. Ghost of Tsusima, Killzone. That's a fucking homerun.

Hugo's Desk

Where’s the bonus track? Always looking forward to a small joke or rant after the credits.

Brett Carlson

Idk why it is Sony's fault that you are releasing your billiards games close to another. Are these 1st party billiards games? If not then the people who own the game are the ones who set the release dates. Sony is just a marketplace for 3rd and 2nd parties. They put put the game on the intended date. Sony is not responsible for you not doing your research and releasing your billiards game next to another. Sony doesnt care which billiards game gets bought on the PS Store because they make money either way. I think it's a stretch to take issue with that. The Dreams point on the other hand is well taken.


Hi C-men. Worth noting, I think, that Nolan North wrapped mo-cap on Uncharted 4 in October 2015; 5 months before the intended release date of March 2016. Even with the (then unannounced) delay to May 2016, this still only put 7 months between the lead actor wrapping and the game releasing. <a href="https://twitter.com/Neil_Druckmann/status/655172166166536192?s=20" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://twitter.com/Neil_Druckmann/status/655172166166536192?s=20</a>


Hey Colin, do you think Gearbox will ever try to bring Borderlands to the Switch?


Jedi Fallen Order is a 3rd person action adventure game, they talked about the game's mechanics at the panel at Star Wars Celebration where they launched the trailer.


Came to mention this, seemed like they somehow missed all these details about the game beyond the trailer and launch date...


Yeah I'm not really sure how tbh. Guess they must've only watched the trailer and missed everything else about it.

Brett Carlson

Colin, I was curious if you did that 2018 end of the year stats wrap up that Sony provided for your gaming stats. I have been wondering since then if anyone has played more then 2768 hours in 2018. I would feel like less of a low life if you played more lol


Some people think he was talking about playback, but why wouldn't he say that specifically? This seemed so buttoned-up -- they invited one outlet to talk to one guy one time about one topic -- that I have to imagine every word was delivered as intended. But I'll certainly take your word for it, technology-wise.


I'm not contending that they're still writing the story, but everything you outlined still needs to be written, voice acted, baked into the game, flexed in terms of the quests themselves, etc. It's a lot. I would agree: No way that game is coming 2019. (I'm of the mind that Sony is telegraphing TLoU2 not coming this year by allowing Druckmann to Tweet so openly about the end of motion capture, etc.)


Oh, I completely disagree. I think Sony should act in the interest of its partners, and work with them to separate their games when they conflict, even if they don't know about each other. I totally think you're wrong, there.


Good info, but it confirms what we think: That game ain't coming this year (unless they intend on releasing it around Thanksgiving).


I did. I think you beat me by a bit (I wanna say I was at 2500), but those numbers are wildly inaccurate. I keep shit paused all the time.

Hugo's Desk

I see, making it even more interesting! Now I have to hear all the credits just to make sure. Haha. Thanks so much for all the amazing work.

Brett Carlson

What I really want to know is how does Kotaku get away with their bullshit journalism. Calling The Joker Smash update racist when that's a total lie. They did not even get the transcript for the song. They just printed bullshit. Its infuriating. Being a combat journalist for 6 years in the U.S. Navy I would have been court martialed if I wrote and printed a story of that damaging quality with no real factual backing other then my warped personal ideology. Its fucking unethical is what it is, and the gaming community as a whole needs to impart some type of penalties for this shit. A retraction, a monetary fine or job termination. Reporting news that is not factual knowing its not factual is just the same as plagarism.

Chris Martinez

Love the show. Heads up just on your discussion about 'Snooker'. Just so you know there is a world Championship tournament that happens at the moment that's why they are both releasing in this window. Otherwise the rest of the year no one really cares about snooker. So no need to feel sorry for these developers who I am sure would still release at the same time. Also you pronounced it wrong but that's ok because no one cares about snooker.


We're gonna talk about this on the show this week, 'cause I most certainly didn't mispronounce it.