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In life, few things are as physically permanent as tattoos, and obviously, they're not for everyone. But they're most certainly for today's guest, Jordan. Jordan isn't only a tattoo enthusiast; he's exceptionally enthusiastic about the traditional method of Japanese tattooing, which is all done with hand tools in the most excruciatingly exact fashion possible, in accordance with some old, well-worn techniques. His goal is to one day be covered neck-to-toe, and he's well on his way. So let's chat about tattoos, what they mean to us, why we get them, and why they may or may not be something you want to investigate, whether in the eastern or western style.

Please Note: Fireside Chats usually goes up on Wednesday. However, as Sacred Symbols is a day delayed this week (as discussed on last week's episode), I figured I'd post Fireside Chats this week on Tuesday, so you had something to listen to. <3




This is a very interesting topic. Didn't see it coming so that makes it even cooler 😊

Jose Horrach

Oh this will be a fascinating one.

Johnny Waffles

Regarding how tattoos stay in the body, here's how it works. When the needle goes into the skin, it leaves ink in the dermis. This is where things like your oil and sweat glands, nerve receptors, and blood vessels are located. Aside from those structures, there's nothing there, so the ink has a nice place to settle. The ink isn't going into any specific cell, so when the cells are replaced, the ink isn't affected. The reason tattoos fade is due to the body's white blood cells. Tattoo ink is a foreign substance, and something the body detects as a "threat". The white blood cells try eating the ink. Slowly over time, the process of phagocytosis degrades the tattoos, causing less ink to be present and the tattoos to fade. When a person gets tattoo removal done, lasers are used to break up the ink in the skin, turning the ink into much smaller pieces, which allows the leukocytes to destroy the ink inside the body easier. Hope that helps.

Tanner Brant

Awesome episode. Super interesting topic

Marcus Brown

This was cool, I've always planned on getting tattoos at some point. Don't know if I'll do full body though lol, I'll save that for Jordan.

Trent Miller

I enjoyed this a lot more than I expected. Good job to the both of you for a very interesting conversation.


Thanks for the kind words. I have always been a very confident public speaker, but this was totally different for me and I was super fucking nervous. Glad you found it interesting!

Andrew Christensen

The idea of having a destiny (or spiritual leaning) for a certain type of tat covering, is a a bit too much imo. Otherwise quite an awesome episode!


Thanks for the info! I suppose I could have just Googled this at some point in the last 15 years, but alas.


Really? I think it's super cool to have a theme. Like, my tattoos have a theme (American history), and so do his! Thanks for listening. =D

Andrew Christensen

Not a theme per se, like his theme being "japenese" is super cool. But more so how he referenced what tattoos he got, or how far they went as "out of his control" as if they had chosen him or some sword and the stone thing. No disrespect tho jordan, like; as long as it works for u that's what matters.

Johnny Waffles

And don’t put it somewhere where you might want a bigger piece later. My first was on my right scapula, which is prime real estate for a large tattoo. Luckily it’s small and can be covered up later.

Johnny Waffles

I’m an educator of anatomy and physiology, so I never miss a chance to teach things about the body. The more you know, etc!

Edwin Garcia

Nice listen , I hope one day I could meet you in Person, maybe be a guess some day.


Interesting topic - quick suggestion for Jordan in regards to his blog - add a gallery mate. A bit tedious to try to find your back piece etc. Fun episode thanks both - really appreciate these conversations


Don't listen to Colin! Get a body suit! Be like meeeee!


I understand what you're saying Andrew. I tried to communicate my hesitation to refer to it that way. I know it sounds like bullshit, but for me, it really does feel that way. The evidence for me is when Horizakura suggests content that I'm not always into, but after it's over I feel like it should have always been there. It's definitely not for everyone, but that's how it shakes out for me. Thanks for listening!


That's a great suggestion! Thanks for that. I'm not totally happy with that theme I'm using as I'm starting to see its limitations. I will definitely work on some shortcuts. Thanks again!

Lewis Priday

This is why this podcast is so special, I don’t have any interest in tattoos but listening to Jordan speak so passionately and informatively was fantastic. Keep up the good work Colin and best of luck Jordan with your future pieces.


I finally got around to listening to this one, and it was just as fascinating as I was expecting. Jordan was a great guest, and you guys really got me thinking about getting a tattoo again; I've been thinking about it for a couple years now. The advise about doing research on artists was something I hadn't thought about very much.


Circling back to this for no good reason, but it's been in the back of my mind the last couple years. Well, a week ago I got my first tattoo for my 30th, and I'm loving it.