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Way back in 1985, a most unusual flick came to the silver screen. It was called The Goonies, and for most people that saw it (both then and now), it morphed into an instant classic, a memorable movie in an era of memorable movies. Thing is, it's an interesting product well above and beyond it '80s cult status. It stars some famous actors, it was conceived by one of the film industry's most famous names (both then and now), it wasn't a merchandising cash cow, and -- perhaps mercifully -- it's never been remade. There isn't even a proper sequel (though there is that Konami game...). At the end of the day, The Goonies was all about childhood adventure and imagination, and it's those two aspects of our younger days that we celebrate during today's episodes. See, it turned out The Goonies were good enough. Question is: Are you?





Jeremy Cochran

Knockback...best bday present yet.

Jason Pettet

This is my wife’s favorite movie ever. I have to wait until tonight to listen to this with her she’s excited too lol.

Great timing!! My flight was just delayed 5 hours so I’m gonna be stuck in an airport all day. This will help


ANDY!!! You GOONIEEE!!! SLOTH! Loves Chunk. Literally every moment of Mouth (Corey Feldman) and Data (Jonathan Ke Quan - yes I had to look that up). Honestly - I don't think there's a single wasted shot or bit of dialogue. Maybe the single best movie about kids being kids on an unlikely adventure with real/unreal stakes.... and the coolest f'ing looking waterslide!

David Graham

So you don't consider the NES Goonies 2 to be a true sequel? ;-) But seriously, that question about the squid scene being shown on television blew my mind because I had seen that and totally forgotten about it. I've also been trying Baby Ruth's for twenty years and been consistently disappointed.

Brandon Soto

Looter Shooter. Oh wait, wrong video


Does anyone know if Colin's doing the Interstellar episode soon?

Anthony Longo

Colin you asked wayyyyyy too many questions in the beginning lol the answer to all then is that it’s an 80’s movie !!!! Come on mr logic.

Jason Stafford

I think part of what makes The Goonies such a timeless and relevant movie is the way the kids act. In most scripted stuff with kids, they take their turns with lines and stuff. In The Goonies, the kids are all talking over each other just like real kids. It's subtle, but noticeable.

Nate McKinney

Great episode. Had no idea there was supposed to be a cartoon at one point, but I'm not surprised. Everything had a cartoon back then. The history of cancelled animated series based on things is really interesting. I'd love you guys to do an episode on that someday if possible. I bet Dagan would love researching it. I recently found out there was a cancelled Jurassic Park animated series. Little 7 or 8 year old me would've ate that shit up. And 30 Seconds to Mars dude. Yes. "Capricorn (A brand new name)" is SO fucking good.


I think if I remember correctly, The Fratellis were making counterfit money and they had just killed 2 people before the boys arrived at the restaurant. They chase after the Goonies/capture Chunk as they know and have seen too much. As to why they have Sloth in teh basement... no idea. Because they're bad people? **Shrug**. The goon docks being sold required every house to be sold as they were planning to build a golf course. So yep, you were right with him being the last hold out. Once they get the treasure at the end they can then buy every home in the goon docks and 'save' it.

Marcus Brown

Thanks so much for reading my inquiry, I can assure you no true abuse was committed just the annoyance of my child self. This was a awesome episode about an awesome film, can't wait for next week.


LOL. We totally failed to bring up the game. It's funny, too, because for literally years of my life, into adulthood, I was under the impression there was a Goonies sequel because of the Konami game, and I had just never seen it.


Okay, this brings some clarity, but the reason the third brother is in the basement is still unresolved. LOL.

Sean P.

Hi Colin, I'm getting towards the end of the podcast where you and Dagan are talking about how there are no original ideas and everything is a rehash. So I was just wondering if you have watched Stranger Things? That show really reminds me of The Goonies when it follows the kids' perspectives and is 90% of why I love the show so much. It feels like a spiritual successor to The Goonies, slasher films, and Stephen King novels all at the same time and I think it does a great job. I agree so much that we need original ideas out there. So I like to celebrate the actual new ideas. Best, Sean


I watched the first season, and really like it. But I haven't gotten through the second season as of yet.

Michael Candelaria

Thanks for answering my question guys, love the show and all the CLS content

Michael Candelaria

Great episode as usual guys, as for a comment made about "things can be inspired by, they don't have to be sequels" I totally agree and I'd like to throw out some movies that as an adult that made me feel the same way that the Goonies did as a kid and there's no way they weren't inspired by the Goonies. They made me wish I was a kid again seeing them with those eyes, those movies are Super 8 and Earth to Echo. Now, Earth to Echo is more of an E. T. style story but there is definitely some Goonies in there as well. You should give those a watch if you haven't. As I always say, thanks for the great content guys, keep kicking ass.

Aaron Gaspar

Another great episode from you two! I was however a little disappointed that there wasn’t (I don’t think) a mention of the iconic Cyndi Lauper title song. Every time I hear it, it’s stuck in my head for days. Just a small gripe, but I’m anxiously anticipating the next episode! Thanks guys!


Dude, I've had that song stuck in my head for like two months. I'm surprised we didn't bring it up... though I thought we did...