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When we launched KnockBack, we didn't know what to expect. We had this idea to do a nostalgic, retro-driven podcast, but nothing was set in stone, and Dagan had never co-hosted a show before, so we had no idea how it'd turn out, or if anyone would like it. The end result, though, has been extraordinary. KnockBack is a passion project for us -- the Brothers Moriarty -- and convening every couple of months to record a handful of episodes is a highlight for both of us on our respective calendars. But, more than that, it has become thousands of people's favorite CLS show, with a hardcore, thoughtful, and connected community. Watching as more and more people find their way to our podcast (last month was its biggest month ever!) is the definition of gratifying. So as we move into Year Two, we first thought we'd reflect a bit on Year One, and reminisce about our own journey tapping into our memories like we never have before.



Craig Carter

Love the thumbnail! Dagan looks like he hasn’t changed much over the years lol.

Marius Skarsem Pedersen

You know what I love about KnockBack? The focus on positivity. With all the crap that's happening in the world, it feels so damn good to listen to the two of you talking about things you love. It really brings a smile to my face. Keep up the fantastic work!

Kyle Goodrich

This is so awesome! So happy for you guys. You're doing seriously amazing work that really makes my days so much better. Thank you Colin and Dagan!


If the audio of the dad episode is entirely lost to the digital realm, would you kindly have him appear as Roy Campbell in the Metal Gear Solid style recovery of the Bram Stoker VHS.

Keith W

Great show as always!

Kenny Gutzler

Fun fact --- when you are telling stories of your past, I envision those said activities happening in a house, backyard, and neighborhood exactly like the one I grew up in, just this one your house. So the hole you have to dig up in your old backyard, I know where you hid it in my head. Storytelling and the imagination at it's finest!

Jeremy Cochran

Such a great listen...I love this show and you guys are the best. Made my day!

Marcus Brown


David Graham

In one year, I expect a retrospective of this retrospective. A retrospective of the retrospective on retrospective.

Ryan Murdoch

Have you ever talked about Dagans name?, its totally seems like a final fantasy character name. Also, KnockBack is the best!

Ryan Murdoch

CLS kinda makes me think of Megadeth and Metallica, Dave gets kicked out of the band, and eventually we end up with two great bands that would not have existed otherwise. Same thing with Colin leaving kinda funny, painful at the time for all involved I am sure, but look what that created.


Awesome man, I’m almost all the way caught up. Stoked to hear this one!

Brandon Soto

Favorite podcast Colin. I also have been following you since IGN/Kinda Funny, so you’re just awesome. 🙂 I would like to see you & Dagan do let’s-plays of your favorite retro games. An Altered Beast / Sonic 1 playthrough will be pure comedy.

Jason Stafford

Man, if you hadn't told me you guys were in separate locations, I'd never had known.

Kevin Sullivan

I am very much looking forward to the two of you podcasting with your sisters.

Joey Rawlings

Wanted to 2nd this. Either Dustin is an editing genius or that back and forth between Colin and Dagan have a natural cadence, even over digital means.

Joey Rawlings

Great episode and congrats on a great year. One minor thing that I'd suggest is to replace "Season 2" as "Year 2". You already separate the different recordings as 'waves', which have no reference in regards to a certain time period. Describing podcasts in the 2nd year as "Season 2" sounds disjointed to me when thinking in terms of time. My understanding of seasons from a calendar point of view is every 3 months, and as a gamer can vary from 1 month to 3 months.

BettyAnn Moriarty

So wonderfully done. I love seeing/hearing you working together. You share such an obvious mutual respect and love for one another, that it just works perfectly. Congratulations on your first anniversary of KnockBack! I can’t wait for more. And more. And more... 😘😘👏🏻👍🏻❤️❤️


Great episode! I don't know how much more work it was to edit, if recording in two different locations made much of a difference, but to me it didn't affect the quality of the podcast. The flow and rapport is just as good as all the other episodes. Obviously it's more fun for you two when you're in the same room.

Andy Reno

I’m super hungover at my desk and this is giving me reason to not fall asleep

Christian Doolan

Well done guys on the first Season of Knockback. You absolutely deserve the praise being sent your way. The show is very special and I still feel proud to have contributed a question on an early episode. It’s gone from strength to strength since then and continues to be a highlight of my week. I can’t wait to hear more. All the very best for 2019 and Season 2!

Matthew Perry

Congratulations on your first season of knockback , I have a new job which has now extended my travel time on the road by 2 hours which at first I wasn't too ecstatic about but I'm now able to keep up with all your shows daily which is awsome ! Look forward too season two and more of dagans dad jokes ;-)


Yeah, that's fair, although I don't think we really even intend on referencing the turnover.


Dustin turned around the edit quickly, so my assumption is that it wasn't that big of a deal. Really, we just want to have an excuse to hang out.

I was honestly mildly worried to start listening to this series because the cynical side of my head thought maybe you were just bringing Dagan in because he’s your brother and he wouldn’t be a talented podcaster like you. Obviously I didn’t need to worry about that. Dagan’s communication skills rival your own! He’s a fantastic talker.

Brett Gomolka

Just wanted to say, Colin was Right. Dagan is too modest with his skills, Truly Dagan you are killing it on the Mic. As an adult that has watched animation and anime for most of my life it refreshing to hear someone who has so much passion and knowledge about the subjects. Also a lot of topics covered in the last yr have been things that brought great joy in previous times and It has been awesome to reflect myself while also hearing your guys experience too.Celebrating 12 months of being on/a Patreon right along with the show. All the best Brett G

BettyAnn Moriarty

I agree - it works beautifully!Dagan’s amazing and the boys talents compliment’ each other. They’re tremendously gifted on their own...and together - just incredible! 😉💞

You did a good job with those boys momma Moriarty!!! Bravo!!😊

Koray Savas

Just wanted to chime in and say that recording this remotely is indistinguishable from your recordings in person. If you had not mentioned it I would have never noticed. I know you guys want to maintain a standard of quality but whatever set up you used here is just as good!


He's excellent, and if he's as good as I am now, then he'll be far better than I am before long. I've been podcasting for more than a decade, professionally. LOL.


I wish he'd just own his greatness! LOL. Thank you for your support. Glad to be here for you!

Don’t worry Colin. Once the inevitable happens and CLS turns into DLS I’ll still tune in for your segments. 😆


Happy to hear about the Merch and Stickers. I legit hate buying clothes but there is nothing I want more then some CLS shirts! Love the sticker idea as well!

Daniel Schiffer

It's a shame about your Dad's episode but this was an awesome look at the last year in review. I love this developing waitress character. I will say that when I worked in service / retail its like I had a capacity for remembering 10 faces. And the new one replaced the 10th. I didn't recognise any return customers. Its almost like our brains are programmed that way. In fact there were only a few non-regular customers I remember simply because of a memorable experience with them.

John Lynch

Colin I’m glad you’re going to have an episode with all the moriarty siblings, I think that would be really cool and was actually the only thing I had said I’d like to see on the show

Andrew Christensen

Finally got around to listening to this, and my main take away for me is; HOW MUCH we all want some OG Dagan artwork on merch.

Michael Miller

KnockBack really is one of the best podcasts out there.

Jose Garcia

My two-cents: I’ve never been upset with a lengthy pod from you guys. Honestly, the longer they are the better. Definitely looking forward to the Moriarty 4. Please please please do an Interstellar topic! Heard you mention it several times thus far. Watching it right now as a matter of fact :)