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Please welcome Sean Clinton back to the show. Last time Mr. Clinton came by, we talked about his history growing up as an American soldier's son in Europe, and how that painted his life both personally and politically. Today's episode is quite different, though, because Sean is a professional personal trainer, and when we met the first time, I told him I wanted to pick his brain about that. This episode of Fireside Chats is dedicated to said inquiry. What's it like to help people get and stay fit? And how does one navigate the world of health, with so many options, often conflicting? Turns out, there's much to discuss.




Mr German Efficiency, was not expecting that.


Wii Fit trainer lol (male)

German Efficiency

Hi Everyone! Here are my public URLs in case any of you want to ask me any more questions directly. I'm always there to help. <a href="http://twitter.com/SeanEfficiency" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">http://twitter.com/SeanEfficiency</a> <a href="https://YouTube.com/GermanEfficiency" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://YouTube.com/GermanEfficiency</a> <a href="https://www.Facebook.com/theGermanEfficiency" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://www.Facebook.com/theGermanEfficiency</a> <a href="http://twitch.tv/GermanEfficiency" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">http://twitch.tv/GermanEfficiency</a> --- @Colin, it was an absolute blast to be on the podcast again, this time covering an "easier" topic. :-) Thanks again for having me on, and stay strong! -Sean


Good motivational podcast! I guess it's time to start working out again. Also, I love that you guys touched on the external costs of an individual's obesity in our partially socialized health care system. That issue is one of my favorite topics to ponder as an interesting confluence of economic, political, biological, and philosophical quandaries.


I've been working out body building style for 10+ years and I've never had an interest in training another person. I don't encourage people to go to the gym. I keep it all to myself. I explain what I do to a point and let it go in their one ear and out the other. I always wonder why people look at it as cool but never do it and incorporate it into their lives? I forgot what it's like to be a average person (I know that reads bad). It's all mental lol. I tell people I wanna be the strongest Saiyan in the galaxy and eyes are rolled. If you are reading to this point check my IG - erk430. I don't train for attention or female interest. It's all for me, my mindset and becoming an elite me. It's a 24/7 365 thing.


I’m so glad to see Germanefficiency on the show. I’ve seen him on a couple Easy Allies shows before.

Craig Carter

Really enjoyed this one Colin. Sean and yourself podcast very well together, certainly wouldn’t mind if you had him back in multiple times.


I ordered at Whitecastle - 3 double cheese burgers, 3 bacon and cheese single sliders, sack of fries, 5 mozzarella sticks, 5 chicken fingers...think that was it

Mitch Krassin

This dude is fascinating to listen to. I always love learning something new about fitness and the human body.

Marcus Brown

Great to see Sean back! It was great to know more about him and his profession. Till next week!

Phillip Guglielmo

That...is not the body of a Kingdom Hearts fan. Seriously though, phenomenal chat guys. I work out and (try) to eat healthy, and this has given me a lot to think about in terms of both my workout habits and my lifestyle in general.

Jimmy Valentine

Hey Sean. Is there a way to DM you other than fb and Twitter? I'm not on either. Do have Instagram or could email you. Let me know. Thanks!

German Efficiency

IG works. Of course DM here at Patreon also works. My Email address is sean[AT]clinton.fit. Use whichever you prefer, I will write back for sure.


Great Fire Side Chat. This episode came out at just the perfect time. We just started a fitness competition at my job, and because of this episode I learned a lot of great tips. Thanks Colin!

Kevin Sullivan

Thanks for this podcast, I much enjoyed the conversation. As someone who used to weigh about 240 and now weighs about 180, I strongly agree with your point about body positivity and responsibility. I am and have been in control of what food and drink I put into my body. My decisions and my actions led to my weight gain and more recent weight loss. While I don't want to criticize or make fun of people for their weight, we would all do well to realize that individual responsibility is the biggest factor in maintaining a healthy lifestyle.


Yeah, I mean, some people definitely have a harder time than others, but no one is obese because of genetics. I'm so sick of the excuse-making. It's insane.

John Quinn

This was a great episode Colin. I’ve been fluctuating in weight in my 20s and still trying to figure out the best way to manage it. I’ve been doing a lot of cardio and seem to have plateaued. I think I will try taking some of Sean’s advice and focus on building some muscle, to see how that goes. Thanks to Sean for posting his resources here


I'm glad this episode could be useful for you! Seems to have hit the spot for quite a few folks, which is great.

John Lynch

Changing routine worked for me. When I plateaued I did intermittent fasting for a bit and that helped