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Late last year, we learned that Sony would skip E3 in 2019, an unprecedented exit from the world famous trade show that began way back in the mid-'90s. But with the recent words of a top PlayStation executive, we now know for sure what we earlier suspected: The company feels June's annual gathering has grown increasingly irrelevant. Is their stance forward-thinking? We discuss. Plus: We open up to you about our relationship with gaming PR, wish the very best towards those likely facing layoffs at Activision Blizzard, recount January's best-selling PSN games, commiserate over Disney's relationship with EA, and more. Your questions, comments, and concerns round things out, as always, on topics ranging from subtitles in games and the ethics of using walkthroughs to Japanese voice acting and the old 3D fad we all hated.


0:00:17 - Intro.
0:01:24 - Our first Sacred Symbols Let's Play is up; go to Patreon to vote for what's next!
0:02:48 - Don't forget: Episode 35 (two episodes from now) will go up one day late.
0:03:16 - "Colin? Why? And how much?"
0:03:47 - Why do people from New York sound so weird?
0:06:44 - A word on gaming PR, gatekeeping, and our relationship with early access moving forward.
0:20:51 - What are we playing?
0:34:57 - Activision Blizzard is reportedly bracing for significant layoffs.
0:39:55 - Apex Legends is doing great, and people love it.
0:45:51 - Disney seems resigned to stay with EA when it comes to Star Wars games.
0:50:27 - The top-downloaded PS4, Vita, and PSVR games for the month of January, 2019 were...
0:51:31 - A high ranking Sony executive has publicly questioned the continued relevance of E3.
0:53:06 - Five old-school PC RPGs are en route to PlayStation 4.
0:53:54 - Kingdom Hearts III is putting up big numbers for Square Enix.
0:55:29 - EA expects big numbers for Anthem; loose plans for new games revealed.
0:56:55 - A LEGO Marvel Collection is incoming for PS4.
0:57:25 - New Sony patents may show us a glimpse at PlayStation 5's motion controller.
0:58:15 - Devs are starting to get antsy about Sony not allowing cross-platform play for all.
0:59:16 - Capcom talks Resident Evil franchise sales numbers.
0:59:55 - A sequel to 2012's Dragon's Dogma may soon enter production.
1:00:52 - Minor game announcements and release date information.
1:02:15 - This week's new releases for PS4, PS Vita, and PSVR.
1:07:55 - Should games be better about giving players more to do and more reasons to play again (like RE2R)?
1:10:10 - Will the VR "fad" ultimately die like the 3D fad did?
1:11:44 - Subtitles in games: Yes or no?
1:13:22 - Is it "wrong" to use guides/walkthroughs in pursuit of Platinum Trophies?
1:17:04 - One listener missed out on all of 2018's games. Where should he begin?
1:19:07 - Do Japanese games (particularly JRPGs) get away with having bad dialogue and voice acting?
1:23:56 - Outro.



Joey Rawlings

Where's that link for the next Let's Play... I'm ready for snarky Colin and Kingdom Hearts 3. :)

Ryan Murdoch

Sweet, totally gonna listen to this while I am welding today at work!

Cole Minder

I love you so much for standing up for yourself Colin. This games industry hive mind is so unbelievably frustrating.

Caleb Greer

Colin’s the dude. Thanks for your honesty

Tony Rivera

Completely unrelated to the episode. I'll be excited to see what's in store this week from the two lugnuts of all things Playstation.. But Colin, I just noticed an unboxing video of an Alucard statue on IGN. Curiosity was peaked and I googled a few statues, then feasted my eyes on an offering from SideShow. They partner to vend the most detailed and intricate collectibles that I've ever seen. What are your thoughts? Thinking about getting it? Not cheap: $450 on SideShow. But since you're a die-hard Castlevania fan, thought you would be interested to see it. Enjoy! <a href="https://www.sideshow.com/collectibles/castlevania-symphony-of-the-night-alucard-gantaku-anime-904345" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://www.sideshow.com/collectibles/castlevania-symphony-of-the-night-alucard-gantaku-anime-904345</a>

Jason Pettet

Colin! I say just don’t worry about early shit. I personally care about your opinion very much, but I don’t listen to the show for reviews I listen to it for the news and talk about roaches and grappling hooks. I say just keep going how you are and fuck early access of games, especially if it is causing stress and anxiety for you.

Tanner Brant

Bioshock Collection on sale right now for 15 bucks on PSN just letting people know

Joey Rawlings

As of right now, I would lean into the 'outsider' mentality simply because attempting to work with some companies, even with the best of intentions and with professional courtesy, it seems that 98% of the games industry has blackballed Colin. I would like Sacred Symbols to not become over-the-top, inappropriate, and loud ala Barstool Sports; there's a nice blend of the baby-sacrificing, roach commentary and non-sequiturs to go along with the news and listener feedback. I personally really enjoy the cooler, calmer, more laid back podcasts rather than the louder, 'get hype' podcasts of his previous company. At some point, these observations that Colin has made (ex: the YouTuber w/ 500 followers getting a copy) to be obvious for all to see if change is to happen. Part of the reason I listen to podcasts is for the people/hosts, not their brand or the company they work for. There's no point in begging for access to games that are distributed through PR companies or people that don't like Colin; it feels like the definition of insanity, will drive Colin deeper into his depression and anxiety and not be worth the time. Work with those that will work with you and ignore those that will ignore you. I'm sure there are metrics for the 'special' episodes for spoilercasts that you've done; look at the games that you got early and the games you got at release - what do the metrics show? Do they rate higher simply because it's earlier? I'd be surprised at the numbers as I don't think it matters either. Most of us have followed Colin for years; ~5,000 of us pay for his content and ~50,000 listen to him and Chris speak weekly, and I can only assume that those numbers will rise to the point where companies will eventually do an 'about face' and offer those games to C+C in order for promotion because of their following. It's just going to take time for those with axes to grind with Colin to eventually move out of their 'gatekeeper' positions and allow others, who recognize what Sacred Symbols is and their audience, to advance early copies. I think it's important to keep in mind, CLS was born from a tweet from March of 2017; that was only 2 years ago; those gatekeepers are still in their positions, but hopefully will not be there for long. As far as staying silent about issues - stop. The frustration that you're expressing, albeit anonymously to protect names and to prevent legal action, is the stuff that most of us don't see/can't see and I'd imagine some of us want to hear about. I know nothing about the games industry aside from what a few Patreon people and well-known personalities have said - this story about Metro and a previous Side Quest re: Konami was very interesting. Colin said in the episode that you can 'connect the dots' - frankly, I'm too blind and don't have that ability, but I'm thankful that Colin took the time to connect them and explain the situation. Personally, I wouldn't mind a segment on CLS: SS at the beginning like this - giving Colin a soapbox to rant about something he sees wrong with the industry. Call it... #ColinWasRight. ;)

Richard Duflo

Hey, guys I just wanna say that not having early access isn't going to be a problem for me. I've been a follower and fan of yours since the Beyond days. This issue isn't going to turn me away. If anything, it only strengthens my desire to be here. Your takes and insight on certain releases might be "late," but they're the only ones that really carry weight with me. I can't speak for the whole community, but I can't imagine I'm the only one who feels this way. I appreciate your honestly with these issues and I think the decision to lean into it is the right one. Keep up the great work. I know, that's a bit cliche, but I mean it. You both do great work that I look forward to and some unprofessional people in the industry aren't gonna get in the way of that.

Cory Hahn

PSA - BioShock Collection PS4 is on sale this week for $14.99.

Philip Andersen

You guys are not alone. More Youtuber's seem to have got on the silence treatment or being blacklisted by game publishers recently which mostly has been regarding rumors ending up being true or they don't like how some people has talked "too much negative" about a game. I even saw a video earlier today where AngryJoe had commented "welcome to the blacklist club" in regards to EA.

Barrett Boswell

Great episode as usual. That Titanfall 2 training course speed trophy....S.O.B. I easily tried over 100 times before I got that trophy, a BRONZE TROPHY!! Garbage. Should have been given 5 platinums for that just for sheer aggravation.

Tom Mack

Sounds like Silly Chris went walkies at 1:09:13. Did his mic go off? Might wanna boost/fix this for the main release.

Jimmy Champane

Great episode guys! I've been playing a TON of Apex Legends and I love it. I know you'll never play it, Colin, but I think you might like it because there's a system for pinging items, weapons, enemies and locations mapped to R1 so you'd never have to talk to anyone, hah! I definitely feel your pain on being ignored when asking for games. I reach out to studios all the time for movie screenings but the film world still prefers written reviews to videos. It always stings when I get ignored and see a site with far less of an audience than my channel post their review at embargo. Anyway, hope you're having a great week!

Andrew Christensen

Silly Chris... Switched to his cell phone audio for a bit....

Andrew Christensen

Also i think we should make a resolution, for all patreon supporters to email Ubisoft to contact colin

Luke Bernhard

Great podcast - but could you guys consider refraining from "spoiling" games that recently came out? There weren't any details, but they guy who had the comment that KH3's ending apparently sucked and contained a shill for another game is a spoiler in my book. Game came out 2 weeks ago.

Jeremy Craves

I'm going to laugh so hard if Metro hits Open/Meta Critic with 70ish out of 100. You are hoping to tell your audience that the game is great "go get it". Instead we have to rely on scores some freelancer comes up with. I won't pretend to boycott something I likely never intended on buying, but watching their stumble up to launch has been entertaining/embarrasing.

Jeremy Craves

Just got to the part where you're talking about leaning into the Barstool comparison. I say lean into it and tell the unprofessionals to suck it.


Great work as usual. Screw those guys though who are so petty they can't even respectfully respond to an email.

Jason Bolla

Full commentary on The Dark Knight rises between you two! Will it hurt? For you.


Honestly Colin I don’t think getting early access to games effects your audience much at all. Personally I will watch your reviews and videos whenever you post them. I value your opinion no matter when you post it even Easy Allies doesn’t get early access all time and they post their reviews when they are done no matter when they post them. I’m sure it will hurt the YouTube crowd that just wants to watch a review the day embargo drops but does that really matter to you? I’m sure I speak for a lot of Patreons when I say we are here to hear your opinion no matter when you post it.

Marc Boggio

I think there is a certain level of respect that would come with having no official ties to the gaming industry. It would let the audience know that they can be 100% confident that you aren’t at all being limited by the desire to preserve a relationship with a publisher. A lot of people who have been following you for years know that you’re always honest in your reviews, but not everyone knows you like we do. Personally I usually wait until I have completed a campaign before I watch/listen to your direct coverage of the game anyway. I can’t speak to how much of the audience comes to CLS specifically for punctual reviews, but for me, same day, off the cuff “impressions” videos would be just fine. Do what works for you, but losing insider access wouldn’t deter me from your content in any way at all.

Shawn Hayden

Anyone else having problems with the podcast freezing?


No, but we download them 1st. Maybe that can help if you're streaming.

Ross Tarren

Another good episode Colin and Chris! Not a huge deal but I noticed some audio weirdness at about 1:09:20, just in case it’s a mic or upload thing


Well said. That is all.

Drew Sleezer

As a long time blizzard fan playing their games since the mid 90’s it’s been a bizarre experience watching all this happen with the company.

Brett Gomolka

Great Episode C&amp;C. As far as the discussion around the early access to certain games and how that will effect your coverage going forward, I kinda hope for a case by case basis with communication about whether it will be something that will be covered on launch day podcast(if possible) or if the game will have to be played after the game is launched. But overall I don't mind waiting I just would like to know what I'm looking at. -Brett G


Me personally, I think early access is completely unnecessary. I just now got around to listening to the Red Dead spoilercast, and I’m assuming I enjoyed the content (3+ months later) as much as the people did who listened to it before the game came out. Many of us don’t have to have our information early. While I’m aware a decent swath of this community probably does play their games the day of release, (or early if possible) I feel like there’s a large portion of the audience who are Moms and Dads with kids and full time jobs who don’t have the chance to play games constantly. We play when we can and enjoy that your content will be available and thoughtful once we’re ready to experience it. I think this community is largely intelligent and well-versed with the gaming culture and will make a decision to play or not play a game based on other metrics. Moreover, letting a game marinade and not rushing to have commentary on it first could be act as a positive. I’d take thoughtfully late commentary on a game over timely unoriginal nonsense any day. At least for me, I enjoy your guys’ opinions from an entertainment standpoint... and while it does often help me make a decision on a game one way or another, having that opinion to the audience before the game comes out is just unnecessary. General rule of thumb that I think typically works for people... if something is working against you and the reason for that negativity is so completely asinine, unfair and unprofessional, steer into it. You said it best... not only will your fan base be on board with it, they’ll probably appreciate this podcast even more because of it.

Hugo's Desk

Colin, I have been following you since your IGN days, please do not let anyone in the games industry bring you down. We love your podcasts and your content is far superior to all the podcast garbage out there. Your brutal honesty, professionalism and, positivity are ​​what makes you content so unique and why you are the only Podcast about games that I still listen to. Do not give up, it's so important to have an unbiased voice in games media, you are few and far between. Thanks so much for everything. Love from London, Hugo Guerra

Will Hahn

Dude, I love the cut-for-time stuff at the end 😂😂 “Yes, brother! They expect one of us at the wreckage!” Long live you Bane impression, Colin.


That's super cool. Erin is already mad that I have too much stuff, though. And I consider myself a minimalist!


To be clear: I would never do a Barstool-like show. I'm not even sure I'm capable of that. It's not my style (though I enjoy listening to it). I was just saying, we have two paths, and we just need to stray more towards one, I think. Thank you for your feedback!


Chris was saying that on the show, though I really don't want to play with other people. =D


Hey Luke... I gotta disagree with you, my man. I don't see how commenting on something's quality, or suggesting that it refers to a sequel, is really spoilerish. That said, we're always mindful, and will continue to be moving forward. Thank you for your feedback!


Thank you. I think I'm with you. Our access doesn't really affect much. We'll see how it plays out. EA just e-mailed me today about something, for instance, so it's not everyone.


I'm generally in agreement that though many people play games at launch, many others don't, and regardless, the conversation surrounding said games stays relevant for some time. We appreciate your feedback. Thank you.

Zack E

I know it’s done, over, old, etc. And we obviously don’t know everything behind the scenes. But it’s getting actually more and more ridiculous that nobody at you’re former company publicly stood up for you. Such a shame. So opportunistic and fake, at least that’s what it appeared to be. You’re a (seemingly-I don’t know you but I’ve listened to many conversations you’ve had over the years-) decent person. You have opinions, opinions that aren’t even close to being radical. Keep doing your thing and being yourself and everything will work out. Sometimes you have to zig and zag when you originally thought you could go in a straight line, but eventually you’re get to the same destination if you are determined enough.


The reality is, I was left out to dry, and everyone saw it with their own two eyes. And it has greatly affected the narrative about me, when those closest to me refused to come to my aid when I needed it most. How you interpret the rest is, of course, up to you. Thank you for your kind words, and your support.

Marcus Brown

Woooo! Thank you for reading my question, I appreciate it. Great episode as always.


As a Long Islander myself, I don’t have an accent or know anybody that does. A NY accent anyway. 😄 Props to you for shedding light on the reviews situation. Early access is nice but it isn’t a deal breaker for me. I’m here for your perspective and to hear you tell it like is. Props for putting me on to Shesez’s “Boundary Break” series. Interesting stuff. Funny enough, watching his Resident Evil 2 video put me on to another channel, A+Start, that has a video game glitches series. So that’s 2 content creators new to me that I found from this ep. 👍🏼 I had the same initial reaction to BioShock as Chris did. It gave me the creeps the 1st time and I put it down. Then whenever I went back and realized I was just gonna electrobolt and shoot everything, I walked around like a mad man. 😄


I couldn't give less of a shit if you never get early access again. I don't listen to you guys every week because of the timelines of your coverage, I listen because you're entertaining, smart and have great chemistry. Honestly, the 'leaning into it' option you laid down got me super excited for the future. Go nuts. Your supporters will stick with you every step of the way.

Simon C

Hey Colin in terms of getting game's for early access, f##k them! For me early game access reviews only benefit the PR of the game, you guys reviewing a game a few week's early or not would not effect my listening habits! I don't buy games on the day of release , I would rather wait a week or two and get the game cheaper, bug free. Early access reviews only benefit the PR of the game not you guy's, if they treat you with no respect why should you help them do there job! You were one of the only people talking about metro game's, and they could not put a side petty vendetta to help sell a game. A game I was excited about, but now has gone right down on my list, I will pick it up 6 months down the line for £20. As a lot these comments say, we listen to the both of you for the entertaining, smart opinions and chat. Not for a 2 week early access game reviews. Keep up the great content guys!

Hugo's Desk

The Dark Knight Rises is the best Batman film ever! Colin is right! He is always right...

Craig Carter

You and Chris could talk about old games for an entire podcast and I wouldn’t care, I just love hearing your guys opinions on anything and just listening whatever the subject is. Just my two cents

Kenneth Oms

I'm so excited for Dragons Dogma 2, the first one and the expansion were so damn good. It's honestly a shame people slept on that game it had cool mechanics. The MMO is also pretty good although its only available in Japan, but i've seen people stream it and have a lot of fun. My favorite is climbing the boss' and just slashing at them and feeling like a badd ass with how fun the combat can be.


I have probably beat Plants vs Zombies 15 times across my phone, 360, PS3, and iPad. It really needs a proper sequel without the microtransaction bullshit.

Tyson Williams

The video series is called Boundary Break, the YouTube channel is Shesez

Tyson Williams

I love old school PC rpgs and I don’t know how the controls will be on PS4 but I hope they sell well, maybe Bethesda will properly remaster Fallout 1 and 2


Wait, you don't know anyone on the Island with an accent? That's almost impossible to believe.


I played it briefly when it launched on PS3. I'm not sure why, but it just didn't click with me at that time.


Yeah, it'll be interesting how they sell, but also how they're released. All at once? Staggered? Packaged?

Phil’s Sphincter

Thanks for another fun and informative episode. To be honest whether you get early access to a game is completely irrelevant to me. I find many of the reviews from early access are simply rushed hit point synopsis of a game. I am rarely swayed to buy or not based on them. I much prefer an actual insightful look at a game that has been formulated over time, it doesn't have to be on the latest game. Everyone is playing older things anyway, who is really keeping up with the latest all the time. As to your future direction on this issue well that will be up to you but I have always been drawn to artistic commentators that speak freely based on their own reasoned experiences. These don't formulate by racing through something to beat a launch deadline. It is why I appreciate your work. I enjoyed hearing your passion on this issues, sometimes being on the outside is far more powerful than the mainstream would lead us to believe

Kenny Gutzler

You guys continue to do a great job! Thanks for all you do!

Peter Campbell

Really enjoyed the episode. Yet you and Chris are oh so very very wrong about 3D. Its awesome, especially on PSVR. Its for real men. I will happily go down as one of the last defenders of 3D.

Nicholas ONeill

Hey Colin. I don't care if you get early access or not. I listen to the show because I like your POV on games and the news of games. I'd say lean into it. Fuck those companies if that's the type of PR they want representing them. I'll still play Ubisoft and Deep Silver games but they will never receive a penny from me directly. I'll buy those games second hand if I want them. And I encourage you to make any other companies acting this way. I don't want to support companies who behave like this.


Been a fan since your ign days(beyond), this podcast was the one that finally made me become a patreon. Was at the gym listening and hearing the "no metro for you" explanation. Dropped the weights and signed up right from my phone. Keep being you. Youre audience can clearly see through these petty biases and will be here listening regardless of early acces or not.


I come here for your point of view and will continue to do so regardless of whether or not you have early access.


Viva La Symbols!!

Karl Brown

Hey Guys, I just wanted to say it doesn’t bother me if you guys don’t have early access. I’m happy to wait for your opinions and often decide if I’m going to purchase a game before reviews. Also, I sometimes save the review podcasts for after I’ve tried the game to compare opinions. Anyway, keep up the great content and don’t let the “haters” get you down. Much love to you.

Tony Colton

I vote that you buy the games... That way ur one with the community and ties into your mantra of being 100% real and truthful . For me I'm looking for your opinions and insights on games so having a review for embargo isn't something I'm looking for and happy to wait for opinions when you guys are good and ready to give them. Have a great weekend 🤩


Thank you for your feedback, and for your kind words. I think we know which direction to go into.


Thank you for your feedback! I'm buying both Metro Exodus and Far Cry: New Dawn this weekend, so we are well on our way. That said, EA is talking to us about Anthem, I just heard from Tecmo Koei about DOA6, etc. So I think we'll play it by ear.

Billy boob

If you get early access then great if you don’t then whatever do your review a week later. I’m just keen to hear what you guys think whether it’s on time or a week or so after. A week or so after is still relevant for the average person who isn’t playing Every big game that comes out. I also have a job, girlfriend other hobbies i do not need the game on release but that’s just me x

Dennis Fox

I really think you guys buying the games is the move. We may not get as many games covered, but it honestly seems like a much better way to go about getting the games and seems to be way less stressful! And honestly the podcast doesn’t have to cover every single game that comes out, it’s great every week no matter what. Also, RIP good Star Wars games :(


I'm finally considering to become a patron but I'm confused on how it works. For example I don't know how to vote or submit questions for the show. Also I would get the ad free version of the show. Do I download it off here (Patron App)? If so I don't know how that would work either. I would appreciate it if someone could fill me in on it. I've been listening to Colin for years and believe he is the most brutally honest man and respect the shit outta him and his views. He deserves my compensation! Thanks


Thank you for your feedback! I think a mixture of asking and then not following-up is probably going to be our path forward, with the exception of publishers that have already snubbed us.


Hey! Be not confused. It's easy. Every Friday, $2+/month subs will gain access to a thread for the next episode of Sacred Symbols that goes live at noon each week. You just post your stuff there, and I scour it for what I need! The ad-free version of the show is this very version of the show you're posting on. You gain access to it when it goes live on Tuesdays if you're at the $5+/month level. You can listen to without that after three days; the ads stay removed. Thank you for your support. &lt;3

Andrew Hoculik

Finally someone in the media/podcast sphere talking some sense about the realities of the Activision/Blizzard layoffs. 800 people losing their jobs is horrible, but if those jobs are redundant, it doesn't make sense for a company to keep paying those people. In my opinion (coming from someone in the games industry), a union would not help with this situation either. This whole #FireBobbyKotick thing that is going around right now is ridiculous. Really looking forward to the next episode when you can comment specifically on this topic and the apparent group think of the other game media outlets that is happening.


Too late for submission for tomorrows Sacred Symbols Colin, but worth mentioning this if you see it... Bioshock Collection available for £12.99 on UK PSN Store - an absolute must!


We'll talk about it more in-depth and with more nuance this week, now that we have all of the information. It's a complicated issue that requires a mixture of realism and empathy. We'll get to the heart of it!


New listener here, been listening for about ~5 weeks. Your section after an hour is my favorite part of the podcast: when you read emails and then chat back and forth and share your opinions. The prior news section and "The Drop" are just a horrible listening experience. You read the news so fast, and with such a awkward cadence that it is hard to follow what proper nouns you're talking about. Then, in what feels like in the midst of an unenlightened discussion or reaction to the news item, you start rattling off a new news item. I don't think listeners are able to follow that you've suddenly changed the subject. Then "the Drop" is just boring. You're reading off the Playstation blog post verbatim, and you only fleshing it out with: Colin: "The mechanics look good in that one", Chis: "mehh". What are the mechanics? This section is devoid of information. The ad-speak of "the drop" really doesn't describe the game, and you usually just read it in a mocking tone anyway. If I were you, I'd watch the trailers for these games, list the names being released with a sentence of how you'd describe them, then go into depth on the ones that look interesting and why. Not just "I'm going to get that Exodus."


Sorry you don't enjoy it! That segment is a nearly-decade long tradition on the shows I've done, and it's not going anywhere, but your feedback is appreciated. Remember: That segment usually falls in the 50 minute-ish mark, so just use the timestamps to skip. Thank you!