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At the center of any enterprise is money, and the gaming industry is no different. But with the recent layoff of a staggering 800 people at gigantic (and profitable) publisher Activision Blizzard, questions are starting to be raised about the financial viability of game development as-is, and the treatment of the thousands of talented men and women that make the games we love. Se, we dive head-first into the subject. There's also plenty of news to get through. A high-ranking Sony executive has spoken openly and candidly about PlayStation 3's struggles. Is that a good sign for PlayStation 5? Also: Hollow Knight's getting a sequel, Tokyo RPG Factory's next game has been revealed, The Division 2's open beta is inbound, and both Catherine: Full Body and Bloodstained: Ritual of the Night have much more release clarity for we, the western gamer. As usual, we round things out with your letters, including a chat about hunting games, the longterm viability of the Battle Royale market, the future of EA's NCAA Football series, and violent video games' relationship to real world violence.


0:00:17 - Intro.
0:00:36 - Extraneous fast food and movie talk.
0:03:32 - Due to travel, next week's episode will be recorded and posted one day later than usual.
0:03:54 - Chris' computer died.
0:05:48 - Is porridge a soup or a cereal?
0:06:30 - The Resident Evil 2 Platinum isn't apparently as difficult to get as Colin claimed last week.
0:07:22 - Thank you for your incredible feedback pertaining to our "Relationships With PR" segment last week.
0:08:18 - Reminder: Patreon supporters can now vote on some of the Let's Plays we do. (Be gentle.)
0:08:51 - What games are we playing?
0:15:58 - With 80 Platinum Trophies under his belt, what's Colin's technique to chase Trophies?
0:18:12 - Activision Blizzard lays off 8% of its staff; reports profitable year.
0:29:32 - Sony leadership speaks candidly about PlayStation 3's awful launch and troubled lifecycle.
0:31:31 - A sequel to Hollow Knight has been announced, and it's PS4-bound.
0:32:08 - Tokyo RPG Factory announces Oninaki, and it's PS4-bound.
0:34:13 - Catherine: Full Body on PS4 finally gets western release date; Special Edition also revealed.
0:35:47 - Bloodstained: Ritual of the Night slated to finally come to PS4 this summer.
0:36:18 - The Division 2's open beta has been dated (and preliminary Anthem talk).
0:40:16 - THQ Nordic acquires Warhorse Studios and its Kingdom Come IP.
0:41:17 - BioWare wants to continue with Mass Effect.
0:43:12 - Activision confirms that 2019's Call of Duty will have a single-player campaign.
0:44:42 - Final Fantasy XV, Resident Evil 2 Remake, and Dragon Quest XI DLC details revealed.
0:45:22 - Minor game announcements and release date information.
0:46:55 - This week's new releases for PS4, PS Vita, and PSVR.
0:52:31 - Has Colin tried these Final Fantasy Tactics-like games?
0:56:41 - Out of the games we play, what percentage of them do we beat?
1:01:29 - Would Sony be wise to introduce a Switch-like device?
1:03:42 - With so much competition, is the Battle Royale genre/model sustainable?
1:10:27 - One listener highly recommends Hunter: Call of the Wild.
1:12:26 - Will EA's NCAA Football series ever return?
1:14:42 - Are iterative and/or modular consoles the future?
1:17:33 - Why are video games and/or gaming culture sometimes blamed for acts of real world violence?
1:24:51 - Is the Uncharted trilogy overrated, particularly from a gameplay perspective?
1:29:17 - Outro.



Tony Rivera

C&C!! About to do a double red blood cell donation.. needed something to listen to- impeccable timing as always! Thanks!!

Forrest Hunter

Thank Christ for you guys. I've been having an exceptionally awful week, and I've been looking forward to you two sexy bastards talking, haha. Thanks for all you guys do.


This looks awesome, looking forward to my drive home from work today


Is that a KnockBack teaser at the beginning of the episode hinting at Cobra Kai? Colin, don't tease like this.

DB Cooper

As someone that works in the film industry, you make great points about "business people" making "artistic" choices in film. Definitely happens way more often than people think or assume, especially behind the scenes and are often not spoke of (unlike the Edgar Wright and Sascha Baron thing) especially in huge tentpole films. But again, good point.


THQ Nordic: A Viking tale... They seem destined for part-global domination before ending up with nothing more than an underachieving NFL franchise. Hope the ride is fun

Dan Parsons

One thing no one seems to bring up explicitly about the Activision layoffs is that they we not a response to this years financials rather they were based on next years projections. “This year we had this many people and made this much money, next year we expect to make less so need less people”

Nathanael Haller

I love hearing you still praise Bioshock. It’s my favorite game of all-time for those specific reasons you brought up. I replayed 1 and 2 in December, and it was just pure fun. I miss 8-10 hour FPS campaigns like this. Do you think the new Bioshock will be around the same, or they’ll go for a longer experience (semi-world, perhaps)?


great episode gentlemen. thanks as usual for the awesome content

Craig Carter

Colin, my dude, just pay the 4 dollars for Switch online so you can play tons of classics on the go... you stubborn, stubborn, stubborn man you

David Graham

I would just like to let you know that, after years of you evangelising them, I went and bought hotcakes from MCD's from this. Weren't even on the menu, but they had them. My review: no truer has it been, that "Colin Was Right."

John Lynch

Loved the episode guys. Colin I feel you on not wanting switch online but the whole year I believe is 20 dollars so it’s not much. You get those NES games, but you also get the excellent Tetris 99

John Lynch

Also, Colin I just wanted to say being from the north east, and being born in 87 listening to you over the years is funny because because you remind me of myself and my older brother. I guess a lot of that is age and location it’s just funny because you mention something like trophy hunting by the time you’re finishing the game you just want to be done. That happened to me this year with spider-man, god of war and far cry primal. Hot cakes are delicious, but how do you feel about Sausage egg and cheese McGriddles

Kenneth Oms

The one other phrase i hate more than best practices is "going forward,". People use it way too much in offices, way too much. Also, speaking of failures at launch, people have forgotten the weird parkour game called Brink that was just meh and died out pretty fast.


Fuck yeah.


Colin, your story about going to GameStop and feeling like it would be the last time brought me back to the last time I went. About a year ago I walked in with no intention to actually buy anything, but to spend all my points that I had accumulated over the years. I walked out with $120 worth of stuff (Two Dualshock 4 Controllers) and feeling inside like, after all these years of getting ripped off, I finally got something off of the store with all these points. I realize this is probably the equivalent of stealing all the mints out of the bowl at a Dr's office, but it was more so the principal. I doubt they actually anticipated someone Getting out of there with $100 worth of free gear. Getting that value for free while knowing whole-heartedly that would be my last time in a GameStop brought me so much satisfaction. Just thought I would share because you sparked this memory in my head and I found this to be quite funny as I looked back on it. Thank you and Chris for making my Tuesdays bearable. You guys have the best podcast on the web. - Greg

Marc Boggio

I know I’ll likely get a “cut the shit Marc” for this one - but for even 10 minutes, play the PC version of Vanquish that released in 2017; its criminal that they didn’t port it to PS4 and Xbox One, because even on a lower end PC, it runs like a dream. The original PS3 version was awesome and has been my go-to answer for “which game do you wish would get a sequel” for close to a decade, but seeing it at a locked 60fps is a sight to behold.

Joey Andrzejczyk

Awe. No blooper reel at the end. ☹️. Still a great show tho


The two sides (money and art) are necessary for the other to proliferate in this field... but there's no doubt that it's getting muddled.


I don't know what it'll be like. It's long been rumored to be in development, but who knows what it could be?!


I just am principally against another subscription. How many more of these things do I need?!


I like the McGriddle, but they actually have this new thing -- I don't even know what it's called -- where it's two eggs, two sausages, bacon, and cheese on a buttery English muffin. It's amazing.


This is only tangentially related to the Activision stuff, but every time a gaming company is perceived as being "money-hungry" there's always a contingent of online commentators that shout from the rooftops; "See, this proves it, they only care about money!" Well, yeah, it's a for-profit business right? Those comments always come across as extremely naive and emotionally childish to me.

The Chicken Chaser

Never played Bioshock 2 but I loved Bioshock Infinite. That part Chris is talking about with the Boys of Silence, oh man. There’s one scene where you turn around and there’s one right behind you, I about had a heart attack. What a game!


Just excellent character designs. Nothing will beat the Big Daddies in the original, though. These hulking, dangerous creatures that won't so much as breathe in your direction unless you initiate hostilities. I love it.


It's entirely emotional, and completely detached from the nature of the capitalist system for literally hundreds of years.

Marcus Brown

Uncharted Overrated? Blasphemy!

Zack E

I can’t stand the “going to university” thing either. “He’s at university” It truly makes me cringe every time I read or hear it. I also get weirded out when someone asks someone what they are studying as well. “What are you studying?” Can’t we just stick to “What is your major?” Or “What are you going for?” Combine the two for the ultimate cringe “What are you studying at university?”

Zack E

Colin you definitely need to put attending a major college football game on your sports bucket list. Specifically pick a major rivalry. There is nothing like going to an Ohio State-Michigan football game. 100,000+ insane fans inside the stadium. 1000’s outside the stadium tailgating all day. The bands are amazing. It’s truly an incredible experience.


I do have to say for for me Bioshock infinite has better forshadowing/enviromental story telling that rewards multiple playthroughs and exploration plus the story was more i guess satisfying.


The McGriddle man. So good. So underrated


I actually looked into Activision Blizzard’s annual reports after last week’s episode as well (also an accountant). Another thing I think that’s worth mentioning is that while revenue (the amount of money actually being generated through sales and the like) has been increasing year over year, net income (revenue minus expenses and taxes) has been slightly decreasing year over year. This is likely what’s leading to these massive layoffs—a way to reduce expenses in an attempt to increase suffering net income. This is important because net income is the money that’s leftover to actually distribute to the shareholders. I think the fact that they’re so focused on letting shareholders know that they had “record revenue” may be a way to shift the focus away from declining net income. Just a thought I had while listening. Great show as always! Take care, Colin.

Michael Miller

I remember Dead Or Alive 4 had an achievement for losing 10 online fights in a row that was worth zero points. Early achievements/trophies were wild.


Thanks for reading my comment about getting review codes early and how that impacts us as your audience. You guys do a great job. Love hearing your thoughts. Reason for commenting is I just want to say I appreciate how realistic and straight shooting you are regarding businesses and layoffs. There is a massive vocal majority who just shout about how unfair it is, but that's just the nature of business. I have empathy for those layed off of course, I myself have been made redundant and it's soul crushing, but I think it's important to remember that these are businesses and at the centre of business is money.

Eric S

The big movie to think about is Solo. The guys responsible for it were taken off of it I can’t remember their names and Ron Howard had to do a ton of reshoots to fix what the original directors had done that Disney/Kathleen Kennedy did not agree with.

Daniel Schiffer

That was an enumerable discussion on Blizzard. I appreciate how succinct you guys are. As a result your discussion continues long after in my head. I never thought about it like you described regarding capital for reinvestment, citing ubi and large companies investing further in their game products. Like how EA sports division may have provided the capital to invest in smaller niche titles like Dead Space in the past. To sustain themself its like they have several planetoids, the large the mass the more pull it allows to bring in smaller satellites and stunning moons. I think the issues is perhaps when they get too big. Like EA and Ubisoft shifting towards "live services" and Acti Blizz perpetuating a direction of annualisaton, enforcing their bleed the IP approach onto Blizzard.


I will always be down for more Mass Effect. That said, it’s not looking too good for BioWare lately.

Eric S

Lawbreakers was a great game functionally but the characters in the game were very forgettable.


I know you guys mentioned it as a joke, but the whole Bezos/Amazon backed THQ Nordic was an initial thought I had. What if Amazon is gearing up for the release of an Amazon style PS Now?


1) The best McDonald's breakfast item is the Bacon, Egg, and Cheese biscuit. 2) I also miss the NCAAF series. It was hands down my favorite sports franchise. Being a Nebraska fan myself, it was nice having a game that had my favorite team across all sports.


I always do my best to be balanced and keep things real, as it were, and I'm glad that's shining through, particularly in this argument. Thank you for listening!


This is true, though it seems, from my perspective, that Ron Howard did a pretty great job! I really liked Solo.


Just when I though Mr Ray Gun would let me down he talked about DOOM.


Best dinner: Rib-eye and THREE Asparagus. My pee is certainly pungent afterwards...


Happy to hear Chris is enjoying Hollow Knight! Probably my biggest surprise favorite of recent memory. Currently working on beating the last pantheon and the platinum as a result. Colin, have you gotten this platinum??? Probably the hardest thing I've ever done in a game and I have the Bloodborne and BOI: Rebirth plats.


i have Hollow Knight and i tried it months ago but i couldn't get into it. I think i was still super into Dead cells and a million other games. So many games in my backlog. i finally picked up guacamelee 2. you should play Into the breach, it's awesome.

LastSharpTiger (Ben Sharma)

Re turn-based RPGs, Colin, have you played the Trails series? I've been playing them on my Vita and PS3, and I'm hooked. Trails in the Sky FC and SC on the Vita in their PSP edition, Trails of Cold Steel 1 and 2 in their Vita and PS3 editions (sending data back and forth through the cloud). Enjoyed it so much I got an old PSP to hack so that I could play the fan translations of Trails from Zero and Trails of Azure, the Crossbell duology, and now anxiously awaiting Cold Steel 3 for the PS4 and the re-masters of Cold Steel 1 and 2.

Jonathan Broussard

I can’t wait for the Catherine PS4 release. There is even a mode where you can skip the puzzle parts and just play through the story which will be fun to play through with my wife. She like watching me play it back on PS3 but would always be bored at the puzzle parts. Keep up the great work C&C!

Tyson Williams

Oof I’m late. Hollow Knight is one of favorite games of recent memory, good choice Chris, but how dare you Chris shit on my Karate Kid. Also Colin you should watch Cobra Kai, it totally validates your theory about Danny being the antagonist

Tyson Williams

I would say Uncharted 2 has really well designed levels and the guns are most satisfying for me in 2, Uncharted 4 has the best story and cinematics but was poorly paced, 3 has the second best story, 1 has some fun set pieces but all of the sequels improved upon it (I would say Golden Abyss is even better than 1 as well)


Colin, the reason why ResetEra sucks is all of the annoying people from NeoGaf *left* and moved to ResetEra. So ResetEra is like old NeoGaf concentrated. The new and current NeoGaf isn't that bad now.

Eric S

Uncharted 1 was okay but to say Uncharted 2 and 3 are not great is just not okay to me. I really enjoyed 2 and 3 both were great games and had good controls not great but good and the action was steady and entertaining. On the gun note it just shows how sad the world is becoming where we can not just admit that there are crazy people out there that do stupid stuff and it comes down to them making a choice to do something wrong. There are crazy people that play video games just like there are crazy people that go to church etc. I think we could go on and on with that one.

Mario Diosdado

Complaining about Nintendo not allowing you to buy Metroid on switch is absurd. Nintendo Online is $19.99 for 12 months and it gives you 33 NES games, and it adds more games every month. Colin complains about buying the games multiple times... well yes, Nintendo finally made a great thing to fix that, it's called Nintendo Online, and it's dirt cheap.


Nah, I gave up on the Platinum simply because I walked away from the game for a bit, and I'm not "good enough" to do the optional shit anymore. You build a rhythm, you know?


You should give it another try. It's really great. Better (in my opinion) than the other two Metroidvanias you mentioned.


I messed around very briefly with the Vita version of whatever game came out in like 2015. Wasn't really for me, but I should go back and try again sometime.


The puzzles are fun! Though I must admit when I was reviewing it pre-release at IGN, I needed help on YouTube via a Japanese video to get past the last stage.


I agree: Golden Abyss is better than Drake's Fortune, and it's a bummer that it doesn't get much love. I wish Bend ported it to PS3 (which was in the cards for a while), so that more people could experience it.


I find the whole trilogy to be a master class. As I recall, I Platinum'd all three games on PS3 and PS4!