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Hey All!

I hope that this posting finds you and yours very well.

It's that time! I'm pleased to reveal the next 10 topics that will be covered on CLS: KnockBack. Dagan and I will be recording this wave between February 21st and February 25th in Philadelphia, and we're stoked to reconvene.

Here's what we're thinking, topic-wise. Episode numbers are tentative, and don't necessarily reflect the order in which the episodes will be published:

Episode 54: Metroid, Metroid II, and Super Metroid
Episode 55: The Goonies**
Episode 56: Our Childhood Homes
Episode 57: BioShock
Episode 58: The Office (American)
Episode 59: The Pool
Episode 60: Our Favorite Concerts
Episode 61: PlayStation 2*
Episode 62: First Dates*
Episode 63: The Karate Kid**

* - This is a Patron-selected topic.

** - These topics were originally supposed to be handled during Wave VI, but we ran out of time. If you submitted an inquiry during Wave VI for these two topics, you'll need to resubmit them here. Sorry for any inconvenience this may cause.

Okay, so now that the topics have been established, it's time for you to participate as much as or as little as you'd like! In the comments below, leave your thoughts, memories, questions, comments, concerns, or whatever else about one, two, or more (or all!) of the topics given. Just make sure to clearly identify what subject you're talking about. We'll then use your postings on the episodes we record... it's that simple!

You have until Sunday, February 17th to submit your inquiries.

Thank you, as always, for your support. -Colin

P.S. Apart from the Patron-selected topics already listed, we will have two outstanding topics from Patreon elections moving into February: December's winner ('90s Nicktoons) and January's winner (Batman: The Animated Series). Both will be handled during Wave VIII's recording sessions in April.



Brandon Soto

PlayStation 2; The console that single-handily changed the gaming industry. Old competition died like Sega, new competition was created such as Xbox, and virtually no one could compete such as GameCube. As a GameCube/PS1 owner, I would as get excited to go over my friend’s house and play his PS2. It was always a fun, memorable experience. Man, if only GameCube ran DVDs.... 🤔

Craig Mcguire

Goonies; Guys, how in the hell did that film never get a sequel ? The thing I love about Goonies is that it's one of the films that actually lives up to the nostalgia, just a great cast with great chemistry and fun entertaining villains, endlessly watchable and always entertaining.


The Office (American); I can honestly say that The Office changed my life. It directly impacted my sense of humor while I was in high school and it’s stuck with me ever since, and not only that, it singlehandedly made me realize I want to make my living writing in some capacity. I’m 1 quarter away from graduating with my bachelors with an emphasis in screenwriting and I wouldn’t be where I am without this show. It’s something about the way the show seems like it’s not even written that stuck with me. It seems almost improvised, and I remember being so surprised when I found out absolutely everything was meticulously crafted, even when the camera zooms, who it zooms into and what facial expressions they make. I can’t even name a show that’s come close to The Office ever since, aside from maybe Parks and Rec, but that show never touched the heart that The Office had. I’ve also noticed that whether or not I’m going to get along with a person directly correlates to whether or not they like The Office. I’m serious. Have you guys ever noticed that? I went on forever about this and I could go on for much longer. My favorite show of all time by several hundreds of miles. Catch you guys on the flippity flop

Marcus Brown

Hi Colin and Dagan, I hope you both are having a great day. What is there not to say about the iconic film The Goonies that hasn't already been said. Therefore I have a memory instead about this film. As a child I was very chubby so my mom would always call me Chunk and if I ever wanted something I would have to do the Truffle Shuffle first. At first it was embarrassing but after awhile I would embrace it and even did it better then that kid. I can't do it anymore but I look forward to tormenting my future kids with it.

Marcus Brown

Movies have always had an impact on me as a child. So after seeing The Karate Kid you could say bullies weren't an issue anymore. This was beyond an underdog story for me but an educational lesson as well. I learned heart, determination, and how to Wax On-Wax Off through chores. This was Rocky for the youth and it will always be a classic. And let's be honest, Johnny was the victim lol. STRIKE FIRST/STRIKE HARD/NO MERCY.

Joshua McGee

Hey Colin and Dagan, Let me start this off by saying thank you for all of the great content on Knockback as well as Sacred Symbols, Side Quest, and Fireside Chats. While I listen to many different podcasts about gaming, your content is what I look forward to the most every week! Keep it up! In regards to Bioshock, what are you most favorite memories throughout the game? I fondly remember the first time descending in the elevator and seeing the first splicer at the beginning of the game. Also the part in the doctors office where as the player is approaching the silhouette of the doctor can be seen and then, out of nowhere- the lights go out! I remember being so scared to move forward in the game, thinking I would be attacked at any moment. I wrote this game off when I viewed the first trailer and then went away to boot camp during its release date. I don’t get around to playing it until 2009 but I’m so glad I decided to go back! Such a great game! Thanks again guys!

Jeshua Anderson

Metroid- The Metroid series is the one series I always thought i didn't like, but then I play it and I can't put it down. Every new game released I think "PASS", then I play it at a friends, or like in 2001 I tested it, and I realize I love it. Getting new abilities feels like a drug hit or something. Just love it. Btw, Colin Super Metroid always ranks high on peoples lists, except for you Colin. What is it you don't like about it?


Goonies! I remember very vividly the first time I saw this movie. Grade six class Halloween party 1990. I was so immersed in the characters and story. I was sitting on the floor right infront of the tv and nothing else existed till the credits rolled. Do you guys remember your first viewing of this classic?


PlayStation 2! This was the first console i ever purchased day 1! I took the morning off of work three of my friends and I all pre-ordered them from the only store in our town that sold them, The Real Canadian Superstore. We (including my younger brother and his friend who skipped school) took my parents van and got in line. Once we had our box we formed a line and everyone high fived every person. Great memories! But it was bitter sweet. About a month after getting it i got the "disc read error"..... Took it to the still in business Sony Store. They sent it in to get fixed and was without it for another month. What are your first memories of your first PS2?


I grew up in a small town in Australia and we had an indoor and outdoor pool. The outdoor pool was always a fun summer activity. It had a diving pool with a 1 metre and 3 metre diving board. My younger brother and I used to love going to the pool on colder days as there was nobody around so we had free rein to use the diving boards as much as we wanted. It was so much fun albeit on those days very cold.


I have had some great first dates some awful first dates and some meh first dates but my for my first ever date I was going to the movies and my date stood me up. This was in the time before mobile (cell phones) were common place so it was a communication breakdown as opposed to something more sinister. Our official first date when it happened was great. My worst first date I realised after about 5 or 10 minutes that I had nothing to say to the gal and it was awful. In the end she played the "friend is sick fake call card" and I could not have been happier as I did not know how to nicely say "this is awful and I am leaving". Suffice to say that after saying goodbye I deleted her number from my phone after taking 5 steps and never spoke to her again. On the plus side we did go to this place in Melbourne called The Ice Bar which is a bar made out of ice

Alex Ball

Goonies Question: Aw, The Goonies. One of my favorite movies. Who can forget the charming tale of a bunch of foul-mouthed little shits, who steal a map from a museum exhibit in their attic, because that’s a thing, then going on a treasure hunt that includes escaped convicts, booby traps and a Sloth-man who is almost certainly a product of incest. In all seriousness, I love this movie. The truffle shuffle, the broken penis statue, the preparatory make-out session between Andy and Mikey in the dark. My question revolves around the “Octopus scene.” It feels like the Mandela Effect, but it seems some people remember the octopus and some don’t. Do you guy’s remember this scene?

Alex Ball

Childhood Homes Story: Heyyyy Guyyys. I thought I would tell you about a neat story about my childhood home. We moved into my longterm childhood home in 1998 when I was 9 or 10. I lived there all the way up through high school and finally left when I went away to basic training. While in the military, my parents finally moved and the place was bought by an older man and his wife. I got married, had a son and when my military career was over decided to move back home. While house searching I come across my old house that I grew up in. Apparently the older couple had passed away and it was up for sale. I now live in the same house I grew up in, where my son now has my room.

Alex Ball

The Office Question: That’s what she said. Is there a better character than Michael Scott? He is the physical form of embarrassing moments that keep you awake at night, except that’s his whole life. Way too many great episodes to name favorites, but my question is who do you relate to most? I am sometimes a Dwight and sometimes a Jim in real life, but at work I’m a total Stanley.

Alex Ball

PS2 Memories: Aw man, the console that changed the game (pun). Games, DVDs, CDs. This was the real all-in-one entertainment machine. I remember I didn’t get one until about a year or so later. My dad bought me an extra controller, memory card, 2 games and 2 DVDs. The two games were Madden 2002 and GTA III, which my mom was furious at because of the media attention it had. The two DVDs were Austin Powers: The Spy Who Shagged Me and X-Men, which were my first DVDs. Nothing was better than a snow day at home being able to play Bully or Tony Hawk.

James O'Donnell

Hi Colin and Dagan. Firstly, I hope this finds you both well. My question, or more so my topic of discussion is related to Bioshock. Colin, I've been a fan of your work for a long time and you've always been outspoken about your love for Bioshock and I've always agreed with what you've had to say about it. It's in my top 3 favourite games of all time. There was nothing like it but at glance, it was similar to everything, which added to its intrigue I think. When the 360 and PS3 launched it seemed everything was a first person shooter. Good ones, bad ones and terrible ones. I think what the team at Irrational did was take a genre that everyone was buying into and shook it up. It is a first person shooter, yes. But it brings more than your average run and gun affair. The wonder when Andrew Ryan introduces Rapture in the first bathysphere trip below the surface was unlike anything we'd seen. Once inside its halls it was an isolated and lonely experience. Every corner you turned you were met with echoes of what life was once like when Rapture was created. A world where best and brightest were given free reign to express themselves outside of the restraints of modern society and religion. The crazy and unpredictable nature of the different types of splicers alongside the gun combat and plasmids was a fun and difficult approach to enemy AI The twisted tale of the Big Daddys and Little Sisters was something I've never experienced in a game before too. It was wholesome but unnerving at the same time. The fact that there was RPG elements with the Gatherers Garden and Power to the People Machines. Another thing that really created a sense of horror and insanity was the crazy cast of characters. Ryan himself, your guide through the game, Atlas. Side Note: As an Irishman, it was great to hear this accent at the forefront of a video game. Sander Cohen was a personal favourite though, he was deranged and completed off the rails which made for such an interesting part of the game's story. Fort Frolic was a joy to explore because of him. All of the above added to my love of the game (let's pretend that final boss battle never happened) and I think they are the reason the game stuck a chord with so many people. My questions simply, guys. What did Bioshock do for both of you that makes you hold it in such high regard and do you think Bioshock will ever be revisited? Or do you think it should be? I think Bioshock 2 got a bad rap but I really enjoyed it and having gone back to it in the Bioshock Collection, it really holds up. Thanks as always for the incredible amount of content you both give us and I cant wait for this season's Knockback.

Simon C

Hi guys!!! first, thanks for the hour's of entertainment! My question is for the ps2 episode. This console had many great games, but for me the game/game series that defines the console is gta. When gta 3 came out it blew my mind, a open world where I could do anything, for someone who's gaming started with atari this was truly next gen. How important in making Ps2/gaming mainstream was gta? (everyone where I worked got a ps2 to play this game, gaming was now cool! Now for adults ) Do you think gta series helped sell many ps2? How badly did it effect the image of the kiddy Nintendo GameCube? And what memory of gta3 etc coming out do you have? Can you believe now a console having 3 gta games in its life span!!! Keep killing it with great content!


I think Michael is one of the weakest characters up through his final season. He’s too one note to be an effective lead. I think they realized that, hence the rise of Jim and Dwight

Marc Elfering

Is Colin's opinion on Super Metroid his worst gaming opinion? Not only is Super Metroid a masterclass in game design and pure fun, but it was a pivotal piece in spawning an entire genre. I was jus curious if Colin does not like the game because of the sprite size...or if he actually thinks it is a "bad' game. Love you guys, and party in the USA Dagan

Marc Elfering

My brother and I played our PlayStation 2 so much over the years that we twice sent it in to Sony for maintenance. They covered both the cleaning cost and a laser replacement so long as we paid shipping (which was $25 from Ohio to Pennsylvania) and waited 2 weeks. I think you'd be hard pressed to ever find a company doing that these days


The Pool: Hey Dagan and Colin! Some of my best childhood memories are associated with pools. At my childhood home we had a small deck in our back yard that was fairly high off the ground. Attached to that deck was a standard old metal slide, but in the summer it was a water side. My dad was really great at making things fun. No one liked to go down the slide in the summer cause it was metal and as we all know, those slides would give you third degree burns after sitting in the sun all day. So my dad got one of those inflatable pools, filled it up with the hose, and put the pool at the bottom of the slide. Then he would take the hose and set it up at the top of the slide, creating a water slide. I remember spending hours just going down the slide, walking back up the stairs, and going down again. After about 30 minutes that inflatable pool would be filled with leaves and dirt but we didn't care cause it was so much fun. Another quick memory is when me and my brothers would fill up these big trashcans with water on a hot summer day and just bob up and down in them. We made do with what we had.


The Office (American): Hey Colin and Dagan, I greet you both from the tundra of Chicago. When I saw you guys were gonna do an episode on the office I exploded with joy. The office has been my favourite show since I was a freshman in high school (I’m a junior in college now). This show has gotten me through so many moments in my life, everything from the drama, to the jokes has me hooked every time I put an episode on. My question to you guys is this: What are your opinions on Michale Scott as a character? To me he has always come off as a loveable asshole with a heart of pure gold. Let me know what you guys think! Go Hawks! (Colin congrats on the islanders)


Bioshock: I remember I was in 5th grade when Bioshock came out. I rented it with a friend, having no idea what it was. I started playing and was completely captured by it. My friend actually ended up getting kinda scared when we got to the Steinman part and said he wanted to go play outside. I straight up told him that he needed to leave because I wasn’t going to stop playing. (We’re not friends anymore). To this day Bioshock is one of, if not my favorite game of all time.

Bryan Cacciattolo

Our favourite concerts One of my favourite concerts was taking my Dad to see Roger Waters of Pink Floyd 2 years ago for his birthday. My Dad had not been to a concert since watching Queen in the 80s and we are both huge Pink Floyd fans to say the least. The band was fantastic and this was definitely my favourite concert experience because its not only about the music but the people you share it with

Patrick A Crone

Hey Dagan and Colin! I was pretty stoked to see the Metroid was one of the topics of this wave. I love the series and Super Metroid is not only my favorite Metroid, but my favorite video game in general. I was actually introduced to the series through my friend's hatred of the original. He had gotten it for Christmas of 87 and found the game too confusing. I must side step a bit and explain that this kid was a lot like Cartman from South Park. He was an annoying, spoiled brat, but he had all the cool toys and video games, so it was worth suffering through his personality to have access to them. With Metroid, he was pissed that he couldn't get very far. So he concocted a story about the game being stolen by a bully so his mom would buy him something different. He said as long as I went along with the story, I could keep Metroid for myself. As it turned out later, the reason he was so frustrated with the game was because he never bothered trying to travel left once he hit the dead end at the beginning of the game. So he didn't get the morph ball to travel under the small gap. His loss was my gain because the game was amazing! I still remember drawing out maps and writing down codes to get through the game. And to think I owe it to a kid that would've never given a game away under other circumstances. Take care you two and keep up the good work!

Brandon Hardman

The Office: What is the worst part about being in prison? PlayStation 2: The PS2 is (in my opinion) the greatest console ever in regards to JRPG’s. Do you have a favorite JRPG on the PS2?

Christopher Hopkins

Which do you prefer 2D Metroid or 3D Metroid and why?

Christopher Hopkins

Do you still remember your childhood home phone number? I don’t think I’ll ever forget mine.

Jacob Knopp

Episode 58: The Office is to me what Seinfeld is to you. I have seen each episode at least 20 times, I know every joke, every line, and it still makes my gut hurt with laughter. I hold it as the greatest show ever made. Despite this, I do think that the show should have ended when Michael left. There were a few good episodes post Carell departure, but Michael is what makes The Office. I concede that the show isn't perfect, nor is it for everyone. I will never stop watching the show for as long as I live. Why do you enjoy The Office, and what are some of your favorite moments?

Chris B

Bioshock: “Would you kindly...” Three simple words that left such an impact. How did you react to that moment? (Spoiler territory I know)


Bioshock: Hey guys! Loving the show, your nostalgia gets me through my long commutes. Bioshock was my favorite game of the 360/PS3 era. I can remember my at-the-time girlfriend watching me play and getting so scared she would make me turn it off or just leave the room. I never considered it, but bioshock dips it’s toes into many genres. What genre do you consider bioshock to be primarily? It is easily my favorite horror game of all time. (RIP dead space)

Tyson Williams

Karate Kid: Easily one of my favorite movies, not the best not even close but I adore it. It came out when my dad was 14, he loved it (and Elisabeth Shue) so of course he showed me it at a young age. There’s just something magical about it I can’t put my finger on, like a deep nostalgia for a time I didn’t live in maybe it’s because of all the 80’s music and movies I was raised with, or the appeal of the romanticization of California and the west coast. Side note the YouTube Red Series Cobra Kai which continues the story of the original and has the same actors and it’s actually quite good, it could be better but it met my expectations for sure and it felt like a satisfying continuation of the characters’ arcs

Will Hahn

The Office Hey guys! I’m so glad you both are finally talking about this show. I’ve been waiting to hear about this show in podcast form for a long time. I’ll cut to the chase. The Office is absolutely hilarious and we all know it, but what really surprised me about the show is how human and relatable it was to every single person who watched it. One of my favorite moments in the show was when Michael came to visit Pam at her art show when no one else showed up. When he told her how amazing her art was, you could tell that in that moment Michael Scott was an inherently good person at heart and that he legitimately cared about the people that he worked with. Then of course... he ruins the moment with Pam when she hugs him and she feels the candy bar in his pocket! This just goes to show the brilliant comedic timing and acting that this show had to offer.

Tyson Williams

Bioshock: One of my favorite games, an almost perfect game in my opinion, the main storyline starts to drag by the end and the little sisters endings and binary moral choice system kinda sucks and undermines the thematic nuance and complexity in the rest of the game. Some people don’t like the pipe dream hacking minigame but I do. And I wish it had inventory management like it’s spiritual predecessor System Shock 2. Speaking of, Bioshock really got me into the classic pc immersive sim genre like the system shocks, Ultima Underworld, the original thief games, Deus Ex, Prey 2017 etc. Side note: people don’t talk about System Shock 1 much but it came out the same year as Super Metroid and three years before Castlevania added the vania to metroidvania.

Will Hahn

Bioshock Bioshock is definitely one of my favorite games of all time and one of the best games ever made. The atmosphere, the audio diaries, the sound design and environments, all of it was great. No game really has ever come close to that level of storytelling in my opinion, with the exception of The Last of Us. My question to you two: What was your favorite memory of the game or that “oh shit” moment you had when you first played it?

Tyson Williams

PS2: Gamecube is better Okay but seriously there were a lot of 7/10s on the ps2 but I don’t mean that in a necessarily bad way. I think there were just a lot of neat new games with interesting concepts and double A games that put creativity ahead of polish. And there are a lot of franchises I wish would make a return that started on the ps2 so they can refine and polish them but it seems we’re only gonna get some ports every once and a while on ps4

Phillip Guglielmo

Unpopular opinion: The PS2 is the best console for 3D platformers. While the N64 will always be the signature console for this genre, what I love about Jak, Ratchet and Sly is that they took the best elements of the N64 collectathons, namely exploration and charming characters, and did away with the ridiculous bloat and aimless level design. Plus they fixed a lot of the issues with previous 3D platformers like slippery controls and the ever-present awkward camera. It's a real strength of the PS2's library that I don't feel gets enough recognition.

Brad Gray

Childhood Homes - As someone who never moved as a child (my mom still lives in the home her and my dad bought before I was born to this day), was it weird to move growing up? P.s. ironically from 21 to 30 I have never lived in the same place for more than a year and a half. Karate Kid - Have either of you watched the YouTube show Cobra Kai? My boss is a huge fan of it and tries to get me to watch it almost every day. At this point it’s become more of an inside joke that I HAVENT watched it that it’s more fun to keep avoiding it.

Kevin Sullivan

Childhood homes - did you all ever write your names anywhere hidden or otherwise leave your mark. I did this by writing on top of doors. Other kids who lived in an old house before us did the same as well.

Caleb Greer

The Office (American): Good day Colin and Dagan, I would like to ask: what is your favorite line or moment from the show? Personally, even though Season 8 is inferior to the previous seasons (although it gets more hate than it should), I die when Andy calls Robert California in an attempt to blackmail him, and Robert responds, “Well, I will not be blackmailed by some ineffectual, privileged, effete, soft-penis'd, debutante. You want to start a street fight with me bring it on but you're gonna be surprised by how ugly it gets. You don't even know my real name.....I'm the fucking lizard king.” and hangs up :,D Also, Robert’s monologue to Jim about how “All life is sex.” Have a good one!


First Dates - There was this girl I had a huge crush on in high school, but we were friends so it took a while for her to go out once with me. I was so nervous, so naturally I had a horrible stomach ache. So throughout the course of The Incredibles, I had to shit 3 times. Violent diarrhea. Being a teenager and shitting around girls was hard.

Andrew Christensen

The Office: The Office is like comfort food from a tv for me... It leaves me with just the right amount of joy, and sadness; in a perfect recipe for comfort after a rough day, or hard experience. The office will always hold a place in my heart for that, and so I have watched it 3x all the way through, and I have watched the best episodes "gay witch hunt", "saftey training", and "beach games" 15x+ each. This leads me to hold, that season 3 is the BEST season. What season do each of you think is best? Thanks and keep up the good work "Dwight, you ignorant slut" -Michael Scott

Korey Burns

Would love to hear you get into 90's hip hop for an episode


The Office: This might be my favorite American show of all time(up there with Seinfeld). I think one thing that made this show so good was the focus on every character in the Office. Everyone always had an opinion or comment whether it was Oscar and his relationships, Angela's relationship with Andy and Dwight, and Kevin being Kevin, each character had a few episodes in the spotlight and it really fleshed them out.


The Pool: I have actually bad memories of the pool(at least in the beginning) because my experience was going to swimming lessons and being forced to put my head underwater and jump off the horrifying high dive. Of course as I got older I learned how to swim and enjoyed but my first emotion involving the pool was terror.


Playstation 2: I bought a GameCube originally because I was a Nintendo kid, but I soon realized I needed a PS2 not long after. Sly 2 Band of Thieves blew me away originally for some reason, and then I found Final Fantasy X and Dragon Quest VIII(the better jrpg).

Connor Peterman

Hey guyyyysss Bioshock 1 for me had a good critique of capitalism that didn't come off as preachy. Are there any other video games you have played that offer an equally engaging political message?


First Date: My first date involved me asking for a non-smoking table at a restaurant that didn't even allow smoking and trying to sum up the courage to hold her hand in the movie theater. Did you guys do anything embarrassing on your first date?


Our favorite concerts: Hey guys. I have attended too many concerts to count at this point but one show stands out above them all. My favorite band is Metallica and back about 2 years ago i bought general admission tickets for my friend and i to see them. I entered us into a contest to upgrade to the “snake pit” which is a small enclosed area in the middle of the stage exclusive to only about 500 fans. We won that contest and were sitting in the middle of the stage surrounded by one of the greatest heavy metal bands of all time. We were ecstatic. Its something i will never forget and i doubt will ever got topped. Have you guys ever been lucky enough to sit front row (or closer) at a concert?

Sean Mason

Thank you for providing countless hours of entertainment. Metroid 1, 2 and Super Metroid: Having come to this series much later (I didn't play Metroid 1 until 2001), my only exposure to Samus was in Smash Bros. I remember how shocked I was at the reveal of Samus's gender. When/how did you guys find out about Samus being female? Thanks for all that you do! PlayStation 2: Where do I start? This was the first console I bought with my own money (I was 8). I remember hiding my copy of GTA III, as my parents wouldn't let me play M games. I have a vivid memory of running to the TV and switching the video input any time I heard someone walking to down the stairs. Ahh, the memories.


On the PS2 the logo on the disc tray turned 90 degrees. How long did it take you to realize that?

Austin Killian

For “First Dates” Hi guuuuuuuys! I wanted to share a quick memory of my first date. I was 16 years old and was set up to go on a group date with a girl from my group of friends. It was meant to be casual and kind of an ice breaker into the world of dating, which was okay with me as the other girl in the group was someone I was actually interested in. I thought, even if I’m not with the one I want, at least I’m getting some face time. Anyway, we started by watching a movie and before the movie began I jokingly made the move of yawning and putting my arm around her. I immediately laughed, said just kidding and pulled my arm back. But as I did, I noticed some disappointment in her face. We spent the rest of the movie way too close to each other but I was too scared to move to the edge of the couch for fear of hurting her feelings. It wasn’t until later I found out she liked me and was hoping something might happen that night. Did either of you totally let down a date without even realizing it? You guys are awesome and I love everything about this show, keep up the great work! -Finley House

Austin Killian

For “Our Favorite Concerts” Holla Amigos! How are you both? I have an interesting concert experience to share with you. Now let me preface this by saying I’ve actually only been to one live concert in my life which I’m hoping to change in the future. Back when I was 19 years old I got a call from my brother that our favorite band, the Red Hot Chili Peppers, were going to play a random show at the rose bowl in Portland, Oregon on my 20th birthday and he wanted to know if I would like a ticket to go see them with him. Of course I said yes, how could I refuse? He later told me there was a catch. I thought, he probably wants me to pay for our food or something, which was fine. But to my surprise he said that this isn’t technically an RHCP show, they are actually special guests for some environmental summit that the Dalai Lama was doing. So we had to sit and listen to a bunch of panels for 6 hours before the concert even started. Needless to say it was super weird, wouldn’t suggest anyone do this for their first concert experience. But the show was great! Did you guys have any weird concert experiences? You guys are doing great! Love everything you do! Especially you... -Finley House


I was going to make mention of Cobra Kai myself and looked through the comment to see if anyone else has brought it up. The Karate Kid has a number of films that can be covered for the Knockback topic but some part of me would feel lacking if they did not include Cobra Kai in the topic as well. It adds some additional context to the films that I didn't think I needed from the point of view of Johnny. Colin and Dagan should definitely have a sit down and watch the series as the first season isn't very long.

Michael Vecchio

Hey guys, Not really a question so much as a distinct and somewhat traumatizing memory I have of the pool is when I was 10 years old. I was at a public pool at a campground that my family went to every summer and I was hanging out with my brother and some friends. There was no diving board so we'd take turns just jumping in off the side. I did a running jump in and instantly I knew something was wrong. I could feel a sharp pain in my foot everytime I paddled and I looked down and saw a ton of blood coming from my big toe. I get out of the pool (or I should say was carried out because I couldn't walk) and my big toenail was completely smashed, nearly half of it torn off. I had to use crutches for a few days and the nail damage was permanent. It's been 20 years since and it's still fleshy at the root and as it grows out it looks like a long shard from the Fortress of Solitude lol. I still have no idea how it happened but needless to say I was very hesitant to leap into pools again for quite sometime.

Joey Rawlings

Behind the scenes stories of your times working at IGN and Sesame.

Michael Candelaria

This is for The Goonies episode. As a kid I loved this movie and it filled me with an awesome sense of curiosity and a want to explore. My friends an I tried to make an adventure out of everything because of our love of this movie. However, I watched the Goonies again a few years ago and man, it just didn't hold up for me. Do you guys feel this way about the Goonies? If not, has there ever been another movie, book, album, or video game that the magic was kind of sucked out of by adult you? Thanks for all the awesome content duders

Eric Wilson

The Karate Kid - What are your thoughts on the Karate Kid remake with Jaden Smith and Jackie Chan? I think its highly underrated, and it also showcases Jackie Chan’s acting which surprised the hell out of me. He’s amazing. Thanks, guys!


Childhood Homes: My favorite thing about my house growing up was the basement. When my sister moved out I moved down there when I was 15. With my Husker Flags and Band posters put up it honestly became HQ for my friends and me. So many nights playing Tony Hawk, F-Zero X, Tiger Woods, and other activities. Kids with the basements that belong to them always seem to be the go to. Did you guys feel this and was this your basement or a friends?


The Office: One of the things that surprises me about the Office that didn't sit with me as a teen is how well it portrays an actual Office. The Boss trying too hard to be liked, the know-it-all, the dude who is just looking at retirement. Do you guys have people that related either from IGN or Sesame?


The Pool: No question/comment. Just wanted to give a shout-out to the other gingers and pastey kids like myself that had the embarrassment of having their Mom make them wear a t-shirt at the pool.

Tanner Brant

Super Metroid- I know Colin isn't crazy about it but I love the sprites and the game just feels great to play and discover hidden items that upgrade Samus. The atmosphere of the game is insane too-really haunting and immersive. One of my favorite games of all time, right up there with SOTN for me if not better.

Tanner Brant

Bioshock- At the time it came out it was a revolutionary game, with how the story was told and the plasmids. I'm curious what Dagan thinks of the game since he never played it until now. Does it hold up for someone that is playing it for the first time all these years later?


Anime- are you into as your brother n if u are what are your top 10 shows/films. Also do you think any Western videogame series can benefit with an anime look instead of a realistic Sincerely, the weeb

Barrett Boswell

Bioshock: Ultimately one of my favorite single player storylines ever in a game. The 'twist' might be my favorite video game moment I've ever experienced. It truly made me think about the type of actions we do so willingly and without question in video games. I'm very curious how Colin and/or Dagan reacted to this moment when it happened if it had not been spoiled beforehand.

Everyday Patrick

The Pool... Growing up, I was a competitive swimmer. During jr high and high school I spend 25 hours a week in that 50 meter rectangle. Did you really know how to swim (like, all four strokes)? Did you ever swim on a team, or was it always just for fun?

Everyday Patrick

Concerts... I went to shows twice a month as a high schooler, typically at small venues in Seattle and the PNW. I’d always snicker at the kids who bought band merch at the beginning of the show and would wear it for the entire concert. What’s your guy’s opinion on that sort of thing?

Everyday Patrick

Metroid... Samus deserves her own animated series, right Dagan?! ; )

Everyday Patrick

PS2... My fondest memories of the PS2 revolve around its library of JRPGs. The Grandia series, the FF series, and even the original Kingdom Hearts were all satisfying and super memorable for me. What’s each of your guys’ favorite PS2 RPGs?

Everyday Patrick

First dates... In jr high my biggest fear on first dates was running out of stuff to talk about. To counter this worry, I’d write out a list of 20 questions or so and keep it in my pocket for the entire duration of the outing. Just in case, y’know. Did you both have any specific worries or “tricks” to keeping well-composed when with a girl?


Dear Dagan and Colin, The PS2 was my first gaming console and my favorite game was Bully. what was your favorite game? why? what was your least favorite game? why? and what are your thoughts on Bully as a franchise?


Colin and Dagan, You probably have heard this by now, but Steve Carell and Greg Daniels have signed on to do a work place style TV show on Netflix surrounding the creation of President Trump's Space Force. I was interested to hear your thoughts on this and if you are anticipating the show or not. I, for one, have mixed feelings on this seeing as most spin-off shows are not very good and some have even been so bad as to give a bad image to it's predecessor in the public eye. You guys are, by far, my favorite podcast out there and I am proud to support your show any way I can. Keep up the good work and thank you for making the work week a little easier for me.


The pool: Be honest, we’re you a pool pee-er? And since the honest answer is yes, at what age did you decide to stop peeing in the pool? I remember the kids at my summer camp had a rumor there was a chemical in the pool that would turn the water around you red if you let loose, but even that couldn’t stop me when I was young. Love the show, keep up the great work!


Favorite Concerts: Some of my favorite concert memories were from shows I went to with low expectations, but the band blew me away. The Expendables, Halestorm, and 10 Years come to mind.


Love, faith and life. Do you believe in soulmates? Do believe in faith in that matter that it was ment to be you and your woman in life? Is everything just a coinincidence? Go deep on life. Love your podcasts and keep up the good work.

Anthony Lencioni

Favorite concerts: I know that Erin is a huge DMB fan but did you (Colin) and Dagan ever listen to them in college and what shows have you seen from them. I’m only 23 but I am a huge daver and have only seen Dave and Tim Reynolds live and not a full band set. Also, what are your favorite songs? Mine are #41, Crash, and Dreamgirl.

Matthew Perry

Hey Colin and dagan Its for " childhood homes " So I thought I would just list some childhood memories from when me and my brother grew up ;-)


“Favorite Concerts” Hey Colin & Dagan, when I graduated high school in 2013, my brother surprised me with tickets to see Paul McCartney in Seattle at Safeco Field a month later knowing I’m a huge Beatles fan. It was incredible, they played Beatles, Wings, and his solo hits. The big surprise came when Dave Grohl, Krist Novoselic, and Pat Smear [of Nirvana] came out and they did a bunch of songs including “Get Back”, “Long Tall Sally”, “Helter Skelter”, and finished the set with “The End”. Easily the best concert I’ll probably ever see.


“The Pool” I have lots of great memories regarding the pool and almost all of them include eating snickers ice cream bars and skittles with wet, pruned hands. Simpler times. My question is this: What the fuck was the deal with adult swim? I have to suspend my game of gutterball or get out of line for the high-dive to let grandpa wade his ancient ass around the kiddie section? Unacceptable. The original party foul. I despise adult swim even as an adult who now stands to gain everything from it. How did adult swim negatively effect your lives and what can we do as a people to stop this nationwide epidemic?


Hi guuuuys!! This is for the childhood homes episode if you don’t mind. My childhood home is a dump compared to the house I own now, but I moved out of it at a very young age. I have to really work hard to remember anything from those days that isn’t from an old photograph and it’s always bothered me. Is it weird that sometimes I find myself going just a little out of my way to drive by it and wonder what’s happening inside it now? I guess part of me feels like I could unlock memories deep within my subconscious if I could only stand in my old room from 35 years ago. I just wanna do something crazy like show up at their front door and explain my irrational wish and offer them $100 for their troubles. But then that might be the last anyone ever sees of me. Love you guys Ron


The office - Jim and Dwight > Jim and Pam The Karate Kid - I told Dagan this on twitter but while he was doing research he reminded me about the YouTube show Cobra Kai. Not bad! Watched it in a couple days, and worth a free trial to YouTube premium.


Hey guys - my question's about The Office. Last year me and my girlfriend finally got around to watching the show last year (I also think its weird that I'm from the UK but haven't seen the original series!) My question is: When you were watching it (presumably as it was airing), did you ever have any doubts that Jim and Pam would ever break up for good? It's hard to envision what it would have been like watching it as it was airing as opposed to me having 9 seasons available from the get go (which I then kind of inferred they'd be together until the end!) Keep up what you're doing guys! <3

John Lynch

Hey guys love the show. So here is a crazy story that might not sound believable. Me and my wife fall asleep to the office every night, always have. My son was born on January 3rd and it can’t be just a coincidence because they say babies can hear in the womb, but when the office comes on tv he gets quiet and actually physically looks at the tv. I thought it was just in my head but he has done this pretty much every night that he wakes up and cries, the office comes back on and he quiets down again!

Joshua Staggs

Hey Colin and Dagan, First off I'm very excited to get to submit questions this go around. I'll separate these by topic and I hope all of these find you both well.

Joshua Staggs

The Office: The Pranks on the show were absolutely one of my favorite bits/parts of the show. My favorite prank was when Jim dressed up as Dwight and then at the end when Dwight dressed up as Jim. My question is two fold. which pranks on the show are your favorites and have either of you ever pranked anyone at any office job(IGN or otherwise) in a similar manner to the office. Concerts: I've been to a ton of different concerts over the years, but my favorite was when my friend and I drove 512 miles to see some of our favorite European metal bands in Louisville KY. (We left from Little Rock AR at midnight that night and arrived in Louisville that after noon We had zero sleep before the show, but I was a lot younger then and could handle that type of crazy shit. It was worth it because the singer from the headlining band (The Haunted) grabbed me as I was up front and we sang the intro to one of their songs(Abysmal)What's the farthest either one of have gone to see one of your favorite groups/artists/bands? Playstation 2: I came into Playstation 2 late in the cycle for Guitar Hero and now I've started getting more into the games I've missed. I've played all God of War games, Dragon Quest, Final Fantasy, DMC games on the system. What are some essential games from the system that I should go back and play? 90s Nicktoons: Aside from Ren and Stimpy I'd say Rocko's Modern Life was probably my other favorite nicktoon. What current cartoons either on Nick or otherwise carry the torch for that style of humor and animation. PS Colin thanks for taking the time to sift through all these, my wife and I have a blast listening to Knockback every week. Thank you and Dagan for all you do.

James Kinslow III

BioShock BioShock along with Dead Space were the two main reasons that I wanted to buy a Playstation 3 back in 2008 and I finally did with my tax money in 2009. BioShock has such a rich story and the atmosphere in Rapture is incredible. Getting down to Rapture and only having a wrench to bludgeon your enemies with made the game so much more intense and between BioShock and Dead Space, the loss of my Playstation virginity was quite horrifying in the best way possible. Now, boys, would you kindly pass the Plasmids, because I have an Insect Swarm to send your way.

James Kinslow III

Favorite Concerts My first concert was back in 2001 and I went with my aunt and my cousin to see Alice Cooper. It was fucking awesome! My aunt put the black eye makeup on my cousin and I and we all rocked out that night. Alice Cooper is known for being one of the original shock rockers and that night he brought out a Britney Spears full-body doll and sliced off her head with a katana. I actually don't have a problem with Britney Spears' music, it was just cool to see that. We had so much seeing Alice Cooper live that we ended up seeing him again the very next year in 2002.

James Kinslow III

Playstation 2 I never owned a Playstation concole until the Playstation 3, but when I had a GameCube my brother had a Playstation 2. I asked him about it, his memories of it, and here's what he had to say: "I remember getting it for Christmas and spending the whole rest of Christmas break playing it! Guitar hero 2 for sure, I was a freakin rock star. NBA Live 2006, NBA ballers, Blitz the League, and NFL street were my favorite sports games! I spent so much time playing those. I remember thinking I was awesome because I had the thin PS2, not the big bulky one. And really it was nice because it was mine and only mine, and I didn’t have to have anyone else around to play it. I was alone a lot after our parents divorced, and it kept me entertained! When you lived with dad and I was at my mom's by myself, I had it to play!" My brother is married now and they have a baby girl, but he still finds time to game every once and a while. This one is for you, JD!


In my opinion, Rapture is the pinnacle of environmental storytelling -- from the glass hallways that constantly remind you of the crushing weight of the ocean, its brilliant use of light and shadows, and, of course, the art deco/Roaring ‘20s motif. I’d argue that Rapture is one of the best video game characters created. What do you guys think of Rapture? Do you think any game has surpassed its greatness or do you foresee anything in the near future topping it?


The crane kick: hilariously stupid (c’mon, any trained martial artist should be able to see the kick coming from a mile away) or secretly brilliant (it’s so telegraphed that Johnny didn’t know what to do)? It was an illegal point, anyway, per tournament rules ;) Cobra Kai never dies.

Francis Bryan

Karate Kid Who's cuter: Kumiko or Ali with an I?


Our Childhood Homes Hey Dagan and Colin, I think an important part of the childhood home experience is when you first move away. Last summer was the first move for both my mother and I. The new house wasn’t far away so I guess she assumed we could just move everything without boxes. Cut to the day before closing on the house and barely anything had been touched. This lead to me calling in an army of friends who helped get most of the work done with only pizza for pay. The next day, I still had to get up early and do five runs solo in a U-Haul van before the new owners arrived. When I was done, I immediately fell face first into my new bed and slept for the rest of the day. How was your experience leaving your childhood homes?


Bioshock Hey Colin & Dagan Bioshock is my all time favorite game: I was obsessed with it in ‘07, and when the remaster came out I stopped everything to get platinum’s for all three. But for me, this game was the beginning of a fascination with Utopias, and Ryan’s take on society. Hearing Ken Levine say the game was based loosely off of Ayn Rand’s Fountainhead, and Atlas Shrugged convinced me to read these monsters of books. They were both amazing reads, But the cool part was connecting the subtle references he hid in the game, from those stories. I like to believe Andrew Ryan is John Galt with a whole lot of crazy added in. Also shout-out to Steve Gaynor on Minerva’s Den: the best DLC ever made. -Travis Smith


Gents, regarding the Karate Kid, did either of you watch the YouTube Red series Cobra Kai? I did and adored it. Each time I felt it was becoming too predictable or relying on pure nostalgia too much, it took a turn that completely renewed my faith in the series. I can't wait for this episode. When I first saw the original movie as a kid it changed my life. I ran around the yard doing kicks and punches for hours. Years later, I'm 37 with cauliflower ear and a passionate brazilian jiu jitsu competitor, a hobby which consumes much of my free time to the dismay of my gaming passion, but which I cannot imagine my life without. Thank you for the great show.


Gents, regarding the pool, as a little kid I used to spend hours holding onto the side with my feet up fairly high on the wall in what I called my Spiderman pose. I'd then shimmy left to right saying "Spiderman, Spiderman, does whatever a spider can" over and over. To this day I can't understand why I loved doing that so much but even now, should I find myself in a pool I'll get up to that position and do it once as a sort of inside joke to myself. Be well.


Pure cuteness, Kumiko, but to have fun with, Ali with an I.


Gents, regarding the Metroid games, I know Colin's thoughts on Super Metroid being overrated and inferior to SotN but I politely disagree. For me, it's a top 10 game that I still adore to this day, particularly for the atmosphere. The opening title screen has music which so perfectly sets the mood for the rest of the experience and even now, several years from my last playing it, I can still hear the "doo doo, duh duh" from that screen. When the baby metroid sacrifices itself to save you....as a young teenager that genuinely choked me up. I was so angry at Mother Brain in that moment that it was one of the few times I had true emotional investment in a boss fight. I can't wait to hear what you two think of those moments. Keep up the amazing work!


this is a great section of topics, bravo.

Prince Borutski

Favourite Concerts Hi Colin and Dagan, In 2011, my father and I were at an outdoor U2 concert in Montreal Canada. It started to rain near the end of the show. By the encore, I was experiencing what I still believe to be the most intense rainfall that I have ever endured. This concert became my all-time favourite when U2 preformed an acapella singalong of The Beatles – “Rain” with the 162 000 in attendance. The grandeur of this moment left me with a sense of magic that will never be forgotten. This was the largest audience that I have been a part of. What was the largest concert that you have been to? How does crowd size affect your experience?

Prince Borutski

Bioshock Hi Colin and Dagan, I am 24 years old and Bioshock was the game that gave me that “I-can’t-believe-that-a-game-can-give-me-a-story-experience-this-engrossing” feeling that it seems that many of previous generations associate with playing Metal Gear Solid. I wouldn’t be playing games today if it weren’t for this game. Moreover, I wouldn’t have taken a minor degree in philosophy at University if this game hadn’t tangentially introduced me to Atlas Shrugged in high-school. Has a video game ever made you want to investigate a subject in a different medium, such as a book or documentary?

Dennis Fox

PlayStation2 Hi Colin and Dagan, What are some of the games, or main game, that people missed out on during the PS2 cycle? The main one that always comes to mind for me is The Bouncer. Why is it that either everyone hates this game or has never played it? Why does it seem like I’m the only person who played this game and enjoyed it?! Thanks for all that you guys do, and keep up the amazing work!


Bioshock Colin and Dagan, My first memory of Bioshock was glancing at the game cover at my local store when it was only out for Xbox/Windows and seeing that hulking Big Daddy and little sister. I remember thinking "what the heck even is that monster and why would he have a little girl next to him!?" After doing some digging I was instantly intrigued but did not own an Xbox or a good enough computer to run it at the time. Once I finally got my hands on it when it came out for Playstation, I was fascinated by the world and its inhabitants. What I really enjoyed the most about my journey through Rapture was slowly learning about each of the characters and piecing together the world which I was exploring through the audio diaries. Each character added a little more spice to the story and gave me incite on the life and death of this underwater fallen city. So for me it was the characters and world building that really made this game shine and still be relevant in my life even today. I just recently started reading the Bioshock prequel novel by John Shirley which follows multiple characters during the birth of Rapture, and so far I am loving the characters I have come to know all over again! My mind keeps coming back to this game, meaning it must have had a huge impact on my gaming career, so I thank Kevin Levin and his team for this remarkable title that should be celebrated once more! Thanks for all your content over the years, Joe

Jeshua Anderson

Childhood Home - As a kid in the backyard I used to play with my action figures (and accessories) in the dirt creating landscapes, and terrain with the hose going for rivers and lakes, just like the toy commercials. Seeing as you guys are huge into GI Joe, and those were the main commercials like this, did you guys ever play in the yard with your toys?

Jeshua Anderson

Favorite Concerts - in the 90's, here in the Pacific Northwest, festivals were all the rage. Events like SummerJam, Endfest, Bumbershoot, and Sasquatch and more were my first concerts as for a single charge (per festival) i could see multiple acts. Did you guys ever go to events like Summerjam and Lalapalooza?

Jeshua Anderson

First dates- I remember my first date, me and a buddy took two girls to winterball. But first we took them to one of the most expensive restaurants in Seattle called Palisades. Its on the water, and the floor is an aquarium. I was so hype and treated my date like a queen. I spent $450 on our dinner that night. This is in 1998 money. As soon as we got to the dance she disappeared and i never saw her again. Did you guys ever blow stupid amounts of money on pointless dates as teens?


Favourite concert for me was Linkin Park when they came to New Zealand in 2007. It was my first time seeing them live and I was blown away - they sounded amazing and had so much energy and interaction with the crowd. It ended with Bleed it Out which included an an amazing solo from the drummer. I still have the audio from the show and listen to it frequently - they used to record all their concerts then you could download them from their website.


Playstation 2 memories - I remember buying the console with Gran Turismo 4 and GTA San Andreas which kept me going for a long time. Other games that come to mind are Burnout 3, God of War 1 & 2, Black (re-release this please), Medal of Honor series and those god awful party games like Buzz and Singstar. I also remember that for a while we had to put something heavy on top of the disk door (slim model) otherwise it wouldn't read disks at all. Still have the console today though and it works just fine

Nicholas Brilhart

PlayStation 2 was my first jump from one console generation to the next. I don’t remember the occasion on which my parents bought it for my brothers and me, but I do remember that the reason I wanted a PS2 in the first place was to play Scooby Doo: Night of 100 Frights, and learned that it wouldn’t work on my PS1. Most of my time with the actual PS2 was with licensed games from THQ like SpongeBob SquarePants: Battle for Bikini Bottom and Smackdown vs. Raw. In fact the only PlayStation 2 exclusive I had was War of the Monsters. It wasn’t until the HD collections on the PS3 that I started getting around to franchises like Sly Cooper and God of War.

Nicholas Brilhart

BioShock- My first time playing BioShock was the demo on Xbox 360, and I thought it was so boring that I didn’t even finish it. It wasn’t until 2014 when I played BioShock Infinite on PlayStation Plus that I went back to the original. At this point I knew from the start not to trust Atlas and quickly put together that he was Fontaine. I like the setting and the mind control twist is cool, but outside of that I think the game is pretty underwhelming.

Ryan Murdoch

Hey Colin, is Dagan still in the market for a mega drive? (He mentioned it in the retro collecting episode) I've got one that he can have for what ever he thinks it's worth. I live in new zealand, so it's a PAL system


On the topic of first dates- Hello Colin and The Pimp now known as Dagan Moriarty. Heve either of you ever had a first date (or regular date) that soured your opinion of a restaurant, or Movie, etc? For me I will always have a problem with the second Guardians of the Galaxy due to a particularly annoying first date. Before the Movie I had to console her as she very violently cried over the mere idea that her favorite cat would die someday. Wasn’t any better during or after the movie and the trend followed through our ensuing relationship. Do you guys have any similar stories or perhaps one where the opposite occurred? Thank you both for the always amazing content and always remember, remember the fifth of November.

David Graham

What's up, my dudes, Bioshock- I would like to say that I don't think I've ever been as excited about a topic as when Colin spoiled this one was happening. My question is this: would you ever consider getting Jack's wrist chain tattoos? Probably the coolest tattoo in games if you ask me, and it's something I've been endlessly debating getting ever since I played the game in high school. PlayStation 2- I would like to know what both of you think of Naughty Dog's forgotten PlayStation franchise, Jak & Daxter, and what your experience was with it and its evolution (or devolution, depending on who you ask) throughout the generation. I'm aware Colin's spoken for many years how he thinks it would be a step back for NDI to return to Jak, but if the series did come back, not necessarily by them, what form would you want it to take? Stay golden.

Luke Tucker

The Karate Kid Do we train to be merciful at KnockBack? (No Sensei!) This was my first movie I ever owned when I got a check from my Great-Grandma for $25 for Christmas and was able to buy the VHS of The Karate Kid. I proceeded to watch it at least 60 times prior to my teenage years, probably more. I will add myself to my fellow Patreons championing the excellent YouTube series Cobra Kai and am anxiously awaiting Season 2. But in regards to the original two films that really matter I have two statements/questions. 1. Ali with an I (oh Elisabeth Shue ❤️) was my first celebrity crush. Can you guys remember yours? 2. Did you ever find yourselves shouting “Cowaaaaard!” in the voice of Sato often for no particular reason, or was that just me?

Luke Tucker

Metroid & Super Metroid The original Metroid is the first game I remember watching a friend play in the neighborhood that had a password system. I don’t think I ever owned the cart back in the day, but it made quite an impression on me. Super Metroid I did own the cart of, and it is one my favorite games of all-time. The music, the art and the atmosphere IMO are unmatched in 16-bit gaming. The sci-fi platformer was the perfect balance of challenge and fun to me as a young gamer. The save pods on the map made it a great pick up and play that had depth, story and an amazing sensory experience. And you didn’t even need notebook paper! I still have my Nintendo Power Players Guide to this day.

Luke Tucker

The Goonies Have either of you ever been to Astoria, home of the Goondocks? I moved to Oregon this past August and live about a 2 hour drive from there now, which as an ‘80s kid is pretty surreal. I visited once when I was out here with a friend a decade ago, the town is literally on a 45 degree angle in some spots. I also have been to the spot of the opening car race in the film which is in Cannon Beach, near the familiar looking rock formation known as Haystack Rock. Beautiful scenery.

Luke Tucker

The Pool Hi Guyyyyyys! Let’s be honest, once we hit middle school the pool was about seeing the girls at the pool. My stories mostly consisted of checking the girls out I was interested in while “not looking” and my mouth failing to come up with many interesting words if I did manage to converse with a crush. That and being relieved that hanging out at the pool did not require me to wear my speedo like I had to during swim meets. Any interesting and/or memorable stories on this matter? My final top of mind one was the time I decided to go home and watch Ninja Turtles II on VHS instead of spending the rest of the afternoon at the pool when my major middle school crush was there in a bikini. Turtles 2 is great cheese but yeah, I don’t know what the hell was wrong with me that day.

Luke Tucker

Our Favorite Concerts Hello Cleveland!! My top 5 favorite artists I’ve seen in concert are Aerosmith (my first concert), Cheap Trick (twice), Huey Lewis and the News (once), Sammy Hagar/Van Hagar (4 times/once with Van Halen) and Whitesnake once...sadly no prime-era Tawny Kitaen present but a phenomenal show nevertheless. I have two comments and questions. My favorite concert video is Van Halen: Live Without a Net (1986). The first concert VHS I remember renting from the video store and a key part in making Van Halen my favorite band. Do you guys have any favorite concert videos of a concert you didn’t get to attend? And on that note, Cheap Trick: Live at Budokan (1978) is in my opinion the greatest rock concert of all-time. If I had a functioning DeLorean time machine, I would travel back to April 28, 1978, to attend that show in Japan. What concert would you choose if you could go back in time and attend any concert in history?

Marc Elfering

For Bioshock episode Would you kindly read this comment out loud? That is all


When you talk about the Goonies, don’t forget they music, big part of that movie.

Jeremy Cochran

Did you guys use your pool as a way to get girls to come over? I had a good friend in high school with an in ground pool and this was a constant go to strategy and it paid off in spades. God bless him and swimming pools! Love you guys, you're the best!!

Lachlan Pini

Playstation 2 - Hi guys! Thanks so much for the great content you continue to produce! My memory of the Playstation 2 goes back to Christmas 2003 when My brother and I woke up to a brand new original fat PS2, a copy of Enter the Matrix and a copy of A Dog’s Life (regrettably). We then proceeded to get stuck in to a long and fruitful session before the family would arrive for the big family Christmas lunch. Little did we know, however, that the progress we made in our respective games would be for nought… Unfortunately, Santa’s trip to Toys’R’Us (Parents forgot to entirely remove the packaging) was not a completely fruitful endeavour. It seemed that, in the rush to get together all of the other Good Kids presents Santa forgot to get a Memory Card for our brand new system. Suffice to say, Mum was none too pleased to be dragged back to the mall with two pestering kids that following Boxing Day only to be met with the sticker shock of a $50AUD Sony branded Memory Card. I don’t think I’ve ever been made to feel more guilty about saving progress in a game before or since, thanks so much again guys and keep up the great work! :D


This is a great round of topics all around.


The Goonies was a movie recommended to me by the video store clerk and ahh man, I love this movie. The sense of adventure and friendship shines all throughout this movie. And brilliant casting by Richard Donner. Shoutout to Short Round and Data as two awesome character names.


Bioshock is a perfect game. I remember browsing the xbox store looking for demos to play and found Bioshock. I still contend that the opening 15 mins is the best in any game. It sets up the themes and tone of the game perfectly and the atmosphere is chilling. Ken Levine made a master class game and in years to come it will be held in high regard

Britton Dowers

The Goonies Love this movies, and one I have introduced to both my sons. (14 and 7). Just recently let the 7 year old watch and he was glued to it. I have so many memories of watching this movie during the summer on the Disney channel. What is different about watching it there is The Disney Channel had a different made for television version that had an additional scene with a giant Octopus. The octopus attacks the gang after they jump off the ship, and Data actually mentions it when talking to the police. You can't get this scene on any DVD/Blu Ray I've ever seen and it's never in the deleted scenes. I would love for them to release a special version with this in it. Either of you remember seeing this version? I promise this isn't a Nelson Mandela effect. <a href="https://youtu.be/35AUFYzvUXI" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://youtu.be/35AUFYzvUXI</a> Love the show keep up the great work.

Kyle Goodrich

The Office - Hey Colin and Dagan, Hope you two are doing well! The office is my favorite comedy show by far, and one very near and dear to my heart. I've seen the first six seasons at a minimum 25 times - most likely more - and I know there are others like me out there that seem to be always watching the show. Colin, you've mentioned you like to put random episodes on sometimes and I believe you've said you have watched the show through a few times. My question to you both is this: what makes The Office so rewatchable? To me there is this unique comfort to the show that is unrivaled. Sure, it has a high level of cringe and laugh out loud moments, but it can also be so wholesome and endearing especially in the first 3/4 of the show. It's what has kept me coming back for the last decade. Thank you guys for everything, Knockback is one of my very favorite podcasts around!

James Kinslow III

Metroid My first experience with a Metroid game was Metroid Prime for the GameCube and since then I've been a fan of the series. I've never actually played the original Metroid or Metroid II, but I have played Metroid: Zero Mission for GBA and I remember finding it to be quite an enjoyable experience, especially playing it for the first time after the high that Metroid Prime had given me. I also played the Metroid II remake Samus Returns that came out on 3DS back in 2017 and I really loved that game. It looked great, the sound design was superb, and the game's atmosphere was top-notch. I loved battling the progressing stages of metroids going all the way up to the Queen Metroid. You can tell it's influenced by Aliens. The game gets real difficult towards the end! I played through Super Metroid again last year on 3DS, and while I really enjoyed the game, I wouldn't go so far as to say it's the best SNES game. I think Super Mario World and A Link to the Past still have it beat, but it's still a great game. In all, Metroid Prime is my favorite of the series, perhaps for nostalgia reasons, but of the three in today's Knockback topic I would say Samus Returns for the 3DS is my favorite (if you're counting remakes, of course). If you haven't played it, it's worth dusting off your 3DS to return to the metroids' home world of SR388. Good day, gentlemen, and may you collect those bounties by eradicating every last one of those damn metroids!

Trent Miller

The Goonies: Hi guuuuuyyyysss!!! This could go down as a movie that I was too young to watch when I did. I’m not too sure how old I was at the time but I watched it with my older cousin, and even though I was terrified at some points, I had to tough it out to look cool. It gave me nightmares for a week. PlayStation 2: Hello there Dag and Col. The PlayStation 2 is probably my favorite console. It was the first console that really hooked me. We had an NES and an N64 but this was the one that really grabbed me. It played host to some of my favorite games with the Sly trilogy, the Ratchet and Clank games, and Jak and Daxter. Do you guys think that “console mascots” like the main protagonists in these games are gone for good? It seems like at least PlayStation has gone for more of a mature audience with their first parties.

John Fazio

Bioshock: I will never forget playing bioshock for the first time. It was the first game I bought with my Xbox 360. I remember not knowing after the opening cutscene when you are floating in the water that the game was starting. I thought the graphics were so amazing and I had no idea the cutscene had ended. This moment right here I will never forget in gaming history. It was really the first time I was in awe from graphics.


I'm compiling your feedback now, so consider this the cutoff! &lt;3


I submitted this during the previous wave and didn't realize you wanted these reposted. I'll understand if you can't include it. KARATE KID: Earlier this year I marathoned the original 80’s trilogy as well as Cobra Kai, and the experience really impacted me. I felt this spark telling me to make a change in my life. So in mid-August, I set a goal to lose 50 pounds by my birthday in December. I changed my diet, purchased a kickass Cobra Kai t-shirt, and began to form a solid workout routine accompanied by 80’s montage rock. My birthday comes up next week, and I’ve now lost a total of 54 pounds over the three months. I am now on track to win my battle with obesity by Christmas. I feel great and I look forward to my Birthday reward of Smash Bros and Pizza next week. As over-the-top as a franchise like Karate Kid may be, there is a real motivation to be taken away about discipline and determination.


Favorite Concert I know this is likely too late. Nonetheless my favorite concert memory is seeing a man in a wheelchair get crowd surfed to the front and held in midair to shake hands with the singer. This is made even more impressive considering the band was Meshuggah, the heaviest band in the world, and that there was a brutal mosh pit in which I saw teenagers being lifted out like limp dead fish by security. It was awesome. The man in the chair got surfed a second time with much less success as he nearly fell out of his chair as the security guards brought him over the rail. #2 goes to getting the guitar pick of Mark Morton, my favorite guitar player, thrown to me. The band is Lamb of God (from Richmond motherfucking Virginia) and it was just after they performed my favorite song Now You’ve Got Something to Die For. The security guard also gave me the set list before Slayer took the stage. What a day.