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The 21st century has brought with it the slow-but-steady demise of malls across the United States (and elsewhere, of course). But in the post-World War II era, when families started sprouting up in the suburbs in huge numbers, malls weren't only centers of commerce, but centers of pre-Internet socializing, too. So today, let's chat about the mall during the latter end of its triumphant era, in the '80s and '90s. The stores we loved and hated. The people we met. The food courts. And, of course, the toy stores, game shops, and all of the other nerdy things we relied upon a great deal before the advent of Always Online.



Michael Candelaria

Awesome, I'm so excited for this one. I spent a lot of time in Malls here in Southern California as a kid in the 90's, I'm behind an episode but I'll get to it soon.

Peter Mark

How significant was the change between the 80s and 90s mall culture

Lou & Rei Loper

Knockback topics have been on FIRE lately!!! This one will bring back some great memories for me. :)

Jeshua Anderson

HERE IT IS!!! My original campaign failed, but like any good initiative it didn't die, just needed to wait till the next election😁!! So hype!!

Andrew Mendoza

I do the nacho thing also with Lucerne cheese or sargento if its been a good month. I will actually add more cheese, mid meal to keep the cheese:chip ratio as even as possible. I'm also lactose intolerant so there you go!

Alex Gates

"No one's a bigger 70 year-old woman than Colin Moriarty." Quote of the episode. Haha. Also after hearing you describe your nacho habits, Colin, I can't help but come to the conclusion that you are indeed a fucking psychopath...

Fred Bence

Never do it Dagan! Stay away from King of Prussia mall. It's everything that you fear it is...

Erik Peterson

When I first heard of that place I always wanted to go in their dressed as a 19th century Prussian soldier and yell at the people in German. What is the etymology of it being named that?

Will Hahn

I remember when I was in high school and I had Water Polo tournaments away in Roseville, we always made it a tradition to go to the giant mall that was there and my mom and I would go get Mongolian BBQ at the food court. I also remember going to a GameStop there and saw a game that was literally called “Black College Football” for the Xbox 360. Lol. Good times.

Chris B

Great episode guys. I was definitely a mall rat of the late 90s with such greats as: Sam goody, suncoast, kB (which I even worked at), and of course the arcade. Instead of malls being built every year, it feels like we have a new amazon distribution center. I don’t know which is a worse symbol for American consumerism.

Anthony Longo

Loving this episode more than I thought I would. Wasn’t a big mall person but definitely had some good memories there. And can relate to Dagan with the different phases of my life being in the mall. For sure the girls part. Now late in my life (I’m not as old as Dagan but ....jk lol) I go with my fiancé. We have fun shopping and I don’t see it dying just yet. Here in Jersey at least. Keep up the good work guys !


So Owens never been much of a common name, and when I was a freshmen there was this cool kid that was a junior, really popular guy and he thought my name was Nolan. Always talked to me and everything “hey Nolan!” So I just never corrected him. - one day someone’s like “why are you calling him Nolan” - “Nolan cmon... your name is Nolan right?” — so Dagan I understand just not bothering.


I like how many times Colin was done talking about Malls and Dagans like nope!

Matthew Perry

In the spirit of admitting to stuff that I'm embarrassed about ..... I also have watched all of the Gilmore girls !!! :-)

Matthew Perry

P.s just watched all of dawton abbey as well in the last couple of months and it was awesome :-)

BettyAnn Moriarty

You had ‘business cards’!? Ingenious. Sorry it didn’t work out too well... 😞

BettyAnn Moriarty

‘Tommy’, you and ‘Danny’ did a great job! Fun memories. ❤️❤️


Marsha Mellow, amazing name! She must have really loved that guy to take that name on!


Really enjoyed this ep, as someone who grew up in the countryside in England (literally in Edgar Wright's Hot Fuzz (he went to same school as me and so filmed it there)...Therefore as a kid I dreamed of a place like the mall as depicted in all those US tv and films. It all seemed so exotic and exciting... Now a days I live in Birmingham (UK) and can't stand shopping usually leaving wife to shop as I chill in a little pinball place that serves hot tea and specialist beers. For me shops hold no interest for we with nothing outside of retro gaming I ever fancy buying.. most of the time is spent at charity shops and finding good vinyl albums... hmm as I dissect myself.. i clearly never left the 80s or 90s 😂😂

Marcus Brown

The gymnastics was Jurassic Park 2 The Lost World and that's the best one! 3 was the plane crash one. Great episode, this was fun.

Nick DeBoer

Since the nearest real mall was 50+ miles away from where I grew up I wasn’t sure what to expect from this one. Ended up being a lot of fun! When food came up I thought of trips to Sbarro and then Dagan mentions it! Also thought the discussion on spending time with kids in other districts was cool. Made me a bit jealous as where I grew there weren’t any other bigger districts near by. Great stuff as always!

Josh in Tampa

Lmao at Dagan’s story about being “Danny” at one point meeting a girl at the mall. If that relationship had worked he’d be Danny to this day


Up until the twist in the chips and cheese story, I do the same thing, but splash hot sauce on top of it all. 5+ times a week. Cheese is the best food.

John Lynch

I thought the chip thing was normal as shit until Colin told the terrifying story of what he does with the cheese after he makes the nachos

Jason Stafford

Funny mall memory: A buddy of mine had a plush rooster that he shoved down his pants and had the head sticking out of his fly. He walked around the mall all day asking girls if they wanted to pet his cock. Horrible, but still funny.


I remember that game coming out when I was at IGN. I don't think it ever even came to PS3.


I just remember spending every cent I had at the mall, all the time, without any thought for my finances.


I hate shopping, too. Thank god for the Sacred Symbols sponsorships I've recently gotten for StitchFix and Mack Weldon and the like, 'cause I get to try things out for free and it's the only new clothes I get. LOL.

Dan Kolber

In some ways the internet usurped the mall. Not just in the Amazon way but in the way young teens and adults experienced novelty. The mall opened my eyes to ideas, quirks and perversions that exists past (but within) the suburban bible


I could not stand Bickford's. My dad always wanted to go there because they put coupons in the Sunday Hartford Courant...but hell no... Bickford's was always just shitty Denny's to me.


Surprised Colin didn't mention the brilliant Romero zombie movie 'Dawn of the Dead'. An ode to malls and consumerism.


Romero's OG from 1978 is great. Zombies with a social commentary message. Zack Snyder did a remake in 2004, which is pretty good too. Not too Zack Snyderish at all. The first Dead Rising game is hugely inspired by this movie.