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This month's exclusive podcast for all CLS Patrons is the first of a three-part series I'm going to lovingly refer to as Dagan's Diary. As you may recall, I asked all $2+/month supporters to submit questions, comments, concerns, thoughts, and ideas for Dagan to answer, and around 130 of you heeded the call, which is amazing. I sent all of your inquiries -- 18 pages worth -- to Dagan, told him to pick whatever questions he wanted to answer, and to go maybe 60 minutes, 90 tops. A few days later, Dagan sent me around six hours of audio. Turns out he answered every question. Parts II and III will go out later this year (both before the summer), but in the meantime, enjoy Part I, and thank you so much for your support. Without your kindness and generosity here on Patreon, none of this would be possible, KnockBack wouldn't exist, and I would've never had the distinct honor of introducing you to my brother, who you will hear from starting now...



Ian (616Entertainment)

Looks like it’s time to play Subnautica and hang out with Dagan for 2 hours. Here we go!


6 hours?? My god.

Edwin Garcia

Downloaded , I can’t wait to listen while I workout tomorrow

Andrew Christensen

Dude.... Dagan is THE man!!!! Can't believe how much effort he puts into this. Best co-host you've ever had Colin.

Michael Candelaria

Downloading right now, excited to listen while I grind away on Paladins

Josh in Tampa

Dagan took to podcasting so quick. Really amazing. Knockback quickly became a highlight of my week. Love the trips down memory lane and the fun between brothers.


That's so exciting he actually answered EVERY question!

Lucas Gremista

Dagan is simply a fucking awesome dude.

Tony Rivera

I second that Sir Lucas! Dagan, thank you for “knockback’ing” your brother (see what I did there?) in royal Big Brother fashion! 60-90 minutes.. *sniff* DENIED!! Lol - Kudos to the Moriarty brothers for being the best there are at what they do! Cheers!!

Travis Johnson

Maybe its a not a big surprise you brought him up in this context, but I was so happy to hear you mention John Canemaker! He was my storyboard professor when I was an animation student at NYU, and indeed an incredible resource for history.

David Graham

Dagan doesn't do "good enough," does he?

Michael Choueiri

This a perfect way to start my day. I love this :)


The absolute mad lad, Dagan Moriarty.

Lou & Rei Loper

This just broke my brain to realize....I'VE NEVER SEEEEEN DAGAN UNTIL NOW!?!??!?! In my mind since the first time I heard your voice I already had an image of what you looked like (which you've now partially erased because I can't remember it). It's THE weirdest feeling because I could see what you looked like as clear as day...but until I got my email this morning about today's post, I really hadn't. Amazing what we can subconsciously fool ourselves into believing. I would have put money on it, and I would've lost that money. Btw, you are amazing sir, amazing. (Colin already knows he's my mans 'n nem haha)

Kenneth Oms

Dagan gave me one the best answers ever to balancing your life, and it really means a lot. Like someone said above, Dagan is just an awesome dude, 'nuff said haha! Also, damn how cool is it to have people calling you Dragon as a nick name haha

Caleb Greer

Colin, I >can’t believe< you hid Dagan from us all these years

Joey Rawlings

I'm really enjoying the episode and only a few minutes in, and something struck me as interesting. I'm listening to the cadence and slower speed of speech that Dagan has and it's a stark contrast (to me anyway) with Colin. I'm going to only assume that this is due to Dagan's more laid back style, but in comparison with Colin, it's like a 'tortoise and the hare'. Colin: Have you ever noticed how quickly you speak when compared to other guests, such as Dagan? I can only guess that your time at IGN, KF, and now CLS has conditioned your speech to be much faster in order to get more content into a set amount of time for a show. As always, I wish you both continued success. Now back to the episode...

Jordan Gagliano

Couple minutes in.. Dagan's dad joke cringes.. Haha, I really enjoyed the episode hearing him talk about his passions. Perfect combination of nostalgia and animation history (which I didn't know I was so interested in).


I like Dagan, I love how informative and knowledgeable he is, love this!!!


“OK Genie. I wish for Colin and Dagan to get the extra time necessary to develop a show for YouTube so Dagan can nerd out, even more, about animation. And I wanna be a guest...preferably in animation form.”


My wife is from Philly and we recently visited last April (my first time there). I can confirm that WaWa changed my life. Shorties, pretzel bites, and the coffee are so amazing. I can't wait to visit again just for WaWa. Great place to go after drinking too lol.

James O'Donnell

Colin and Dagan. Thank you both for your time and passion on Knockback. I'm a proud follower of everything CLS and Knockback is my absolute favourite thing you do. 2019 CLS is off to a flying start

Tanner Brant

Damn 6 hours? Dagan a G

Marc Elfering

Dagan is the fucking man

Daniel Schiffer

Holy shit. 6 hours... What a fucking machine. You two truly are cut from the same cloth.

Lou & Rei Loper

Soul Eater and Gurren Lagann were fantastic!!! (especially Gurren) great callouts, Lodos War, Macros, Powerpuff Girls, etc...Dagan you really are a great man sir. :)

Jason Bolla



Colin, you’re the man!

Brandon Soto

“Diaries are for girls. Journals are for men.” - Doug Funny

Brandon Soto

Such a good episode, Dagan. Can’t wait for Dagan’s Last Stand to take off.


I can't help but laugh as you talked about Connecticut. He starts naming all the towns around where I live in the northwest corner..... And missed my town. I actually laughed out loud... Winsted that small town next to my city named and no Torrington.... It's ok tho, us living here want to forget Torrington as well

Phillip Guglielmo

Dagan, all I have to say is this: you are the fucking man.

Lucas Gremista

You're crazy Dagan, there's no such thing as "too much mayo". It should be sold by the gallon

Jeremy Menear

Dagan content!!! ♥️

Matthew Clarkson

Did I miss something it cut off at 2 hours and something mins for me

John Lynch

There’s going to be another podcast or two that continues it. Colin said Rather than do the 1.5 hours he requested Dagan answered literally every question

Mason Bechard

Dagan, thank you for answering everyone’s questions. It is truly appreciated, and I am grateful for Colin introducing all of us to you.


Great Job!