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Hey All,

As always, I hope this week’s update post finds you all very well! If you’re curious about that awesome art above, well… we’ll get there shortly.

For starters, let’s point towards this week’s new content, in case you missed any of it.

                         Here are this week’s new shows!

Side Quest, Episode 17: Ni No Kuni II Review (Audio)

Fireside Chats, Episode 30: Money, Managing Your Finances, and Building Wealth 

KnockBack, Episode 7: The Most Underrated NES Games

Patreon-exclusive KnockBack (March, 2018): The Mighty Ducks Trilogy 

March, 2018’s Q&A Video

              In case you missed ‘em, here are last week’s new shows!

Side Quest, Episode 16: Final Fantasy VII Remake (Audio)

Fireside Chats, Episode 29: One-on-One With Dave Rubin 

KnockBack, Episode 6: When Anime Was Underground 

                        Other things you may care about…

Have you voted in the Side Quest Topic Election for March yet?

Have you voted in the KnockBack Topic Election for March yet?

Now, about that gorgeous painting above. As you may recall, the $50+/month level here on CLS’ Patreon is now largely dedicated to Dagan’s art. People will get signed prints of new art each month, but a randomly-selected Patron at that level (or higher) will also get a one-of-a-kind painting, straight from Dagan’s brush, sent to your home. The painting above is this month’s grand prize. Who will win it? Only time will tell!

What can be said is that you only have a little more time to go to that level if you want the signed bounty hunter print, and a chance to win the painting.

And let’s just say that next month’s art is a little… well… turtley?

Before I go, I want to touch on something I talked a bit about in last week’s post: Scheduling for Side Quest over the next two weeks. To catch you up, I’m headed out of LA on a redeye to Philadelphia the night of April 2nd, and I won’t be back to California until April 9th. I’m going to Philly to meet up with Dagan to record the next 10 episodes of KnockBack, as well as Let’s Plays that will live on Side Quest’s YouTube channel, but tie into episodes of KnockBack. We’re so stoked to reconvene and get-to creating!

The problem is, it’s going to cause me to miss an episode of Side Quest. It simply cannot be avoided. I won’t have time to do the work necessary to manufacture an episode for the week of April 9th, so to make the wait between episodes not-as-bad, Side Quest this coming week will go live on Wednesday, April 4th instead of Monday, April 2nd. The next episode after that will post as usual on Monday, April 16th. And we’ll be back to our normal schedule thereafter.

It’s worth noting that KnockBack and Fireside Chats will proceed as usual, uninterrupted.

As always, I appreciate your understanding, support, kindness, and attention.

I hope you all have a fantastic weekend! Take care, -Colin



John Nelson

I don't know what the demographic of your audience is, but it seems like Knockback alienates an entire portion of your audience, young people. I can only speak for myself, but I listen to a lot less of Knockback than Fireside Chats simply because it's content having to do with someone I can't relate to, about something I can't relate to. Knockback is mystifying to me in general. I just don't listen it. I also don't know why you have to interview and record shows with people face to face. Wouldn't it be better to not require guests to take time out of their day or make frequent trips across the country just to be in person during the show? You must be spending hundreds of dollars to take these trips to Philadelphia. I don't mind if you spend money, but how long are you going to keep this up? Is it really worth it to sacrifice one episode of Sidequest to make these trips happen? (Let me be clear: I don't actually KNOW what's going on. There could be some behind the scenes stuff.) Thanks, and keep up the good work!

Joe Rowland

I've fallen way behind on your content lately but just wanted to say that you're absolutely killing it right now (in a great way). When I get the time (and I'll make that time soon) I probably have a few days worth of good content to catch up on from you. These week-in-review bits are super useful, too. Keep being awesome, dude.


Thank you, my friend! I hope that when you have a chance to catch up, you enjoy what's there waiting for you!


I think the simplest answer to everything you said is: Because I want to do it. Thank you for your support!

Christian Doolan

Hi Colin. Thanks for the hard work you’re putting in here. I hope you feel like you’re getting mostly positive feedback. It can’t be easy to attempt to please all of us. You’ve already displayed a great awareness of what the majority of your audience likes and the way you keep us informed is much appreciated. Keep on creating. Knockback is awesome!

John Nelson

I thought I had reasonably explicit questions. Why is it that you demand to podcast in person? You might as well record it on camera so we have that visual element. Why do you spend money to travel when you can do it all from home? I don't care that you do any of this, but I cannot be the first person to he thinking about this. I know this is what you want to do, but why?


I totally feel like I can't win sometimes, but I'm doing my best to focus on the positive, which is overwhelming. And the fact with KnockBack is that it's not only the top-downloaded retro podcast on iTunes in the Gaming & Hobbies charts -- and has been since it launched -- but that it's growing. It also receives by far the most active, positive feedback week in and week out, even as Fireside Chats does two times more traffic, if not more. Plus, I get to work with Dagan, and that's awesome. If I'm being honest, KnockBack is my favorite CLS show. I'm glad you're enjoying it!


I get attacked for not spending enough money on production, so I buy my brother an entire set of recording equipment for his house, and fly out to record with him in person (and so we can do LPs together, too), and I get attacked for that. That's a no-win situation for me, so I don't know what to tell you there. I think it's ridiculously obvious to almost anyone who listens to podcasts recorded remotely, but I record in person so I can control the audio quality, which is fucking horrendous on half of the podcasts that record remotely, and so that I can have a face-to-face talk with someone, which nets higher quality discourse. While I appreciate you apparently want me to keep even more of the money I make instead of sinking into CLS -- which is a new one on me -- I'm happy with the direction I'm taking things, and that's the direction I'm gonna keep moving in. Thanks for your feedback.

John Nelson

I am almost sure that I'm not making it unduly difficult to have this discourse, so don't label me with "attacker." You're swimming in money. This isn't lost on anyone. Your patronizing of Patrons is a little maniacal.


There isn't much more discourse to be had on the subject. This isn't a debate. I'm telling you why things are the way they are, and that I'm doing my best. I don't know what else you want me to say, but I do suggest you reread what you initially wrote if you want to get to the bottom of where the tenor of our back and forth originated. Like I said, I appreciate your support and I appreciate your feedback, but this is CLS. If I had to twist myself into a pretzel to make sure thousands of people were happy with every iota of what I'd do, I'd sleep even less than the four hours a night, max, that I get right now. I am one person doing three shows, all by myself. It is the hardest job I've ever had, by a mile, and I'm trying to make it the best that it can be. If that's not good enough for some people, I cannot control that. Sounds like KnockBack isn't for you. Fireside Chats is. Awesome. I hope you continue to enjoy Fireside Chats. Be well.

John Nelson

You are making this into a debate. Perhaps you should address some of those problems you're having. I can't do anything about it. I like all of your shows.

Ryan Hurley

Turtley? Like of the teenage mutant variety?

BettyAnn Moriarty

Hm. I’m wondering the same thing, Ryan. We shall see... 🤔

BettyAnn Moriarty

Bud, I have always loved your content- from way back when - but I LOVE your current content so much that I can’t even put it into words. . And I admire and respect how many hours you put in to give us what we want and ask for. And - you’re collaboration with Dagan is nothing short of stellar. I’m proud of you and your brother - AND the painting... it’s awesome. Just makes me smile. Especially Boba. 😉❤️😘


Super cool news about the possibility of you playing some old games you love for us. Absolutely love knockback, even if its a property im not familiar with like twilight zone, and gi joe, hearing you and dagan talk about things you love from your childhood makes me happy. Thanks for doing what you do.

Anton Kaye

I have no idea what the complaint is above, but I think you’re killing it. I appreciate you doing your interviews face to face due to the chemistry with your guests. I find Skyped interviews sound worse, sometimes have strange delays and the conversation doesn’t flow quite like an in person one. I’m 38, so knockback is right up my alley, but I’d hope if I was in my teens/20s and was a fan of your work, I’d use knockback to get into fandoms/shows/video games I may have missed or wasn’t alive for. I know I missed, Journey to Silius, loved what I heard and started playing it and it’s great!!! That music is awesome!! Long of the short, you’re doing great man, keep it going.

Robert Graham

Dude Colin no need to apologize, the increase in amount and quality of content over the past few months has been fantastic. Knock back remains my favorite series of yours. Keep it up. Have a good time in “real America”! 🙃

Jason Gonzales

The fact that someone occasionally makes content that you don't find interesting should not be "mystifying." Your line of questioning makes no fucking sense.

John Nelson

That's not the reason I find it mystifying. It's because I can't relate to it, and I'm guessing most people my age can't, either. Also, I think Knockback comes out multiple times a week, not, "occasionally."


Knockback is the only show I listen to at this point. I might catch eps of Side Quest from time to time, but I really love Knockback.

Ian (616Entertainment)

People your age? How old are you? You don't know what NES games are? Or GI Joe? Or The Twilight Zone? If you're young, those things are all available to you now, you can learn about them. If you're older... How could you possibly be too old to remember anything that came out after your birth? As I type this I regret even getting involved, as you sound like you just don't want anything to do with the show. And if that's the case, cool, don't listen to it. The rest of us will love it.

John Nelson

Those are all things most millennials can't relate to. Also, these are two 30+ year-old men that I'm sure anyone born after 1995 would be grudgingly willing to relate to. I don't think Knockback does a good job of keeping a younger generation's interest, or telling them how they should care. It's about old people talking about old things, through a lens that's incredibly nostalgic and indulgent and not very relatable. I've listened to most of the episodes. They don't teach you about anything. I don't think it's fair to require me to "learn" about NES games just to enjoy an episode of Knockback. That applies to anim, GI Joe, etc.

Theis Jensen

For me the best thing about Knockback is that Colin gets to work with his brother. This is a great way for them to spend time together, and their chemisty is awesome, and thats make the podcast better. They get to talk about things they love, and that translate very well to the listener, even though the topics might not resonate deeply sometimes. As an example I am currently listening to the topic about underated NES games, and I like it even through I never had a NES (I wish I did), and some of the games I dont even know about, and probladly will never play. Knockback is great because of Colin and Dagan.


I'm so pleased you're enjoying the show. I must (perhaps a bit selfishly) admit that the great thing about KnockBack is that it allows Dagan and I to see each other and talk a lot, which is awesome. So glad it's all shining through.