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Hey All,

First off, Happy Belated Easter and Passover. I hope you are all doing fantastic, and that you had a great weekend.

Today, I'm excited to reveal the next round of topics for KnockBack, CLS' newest podcast dedicated to all things retro. The feedback we've been receiving on the show has been awesome, and your support has been much appreciated. Thank you so much for giving us a chance with this one. I'm pleased to hear that it's becoming many people's favorite CLS show!

Tomorrow night (Tuesday, April 3rd), I'll be flying to Philadelphia on a redeye to meet up with Dagan, and between then and April 9th, we'll be recording 10 episodes of KnockBack, episodes on the following topics:
  • Episode 9: Street Fighter II
  • Episode 10: '80s Nickelodeon
  • Episode 11: TMNT
  • Episode 12: Movies We Shouldn't Have Watched as Kids
  • Episode 13: PlayStation One
  • Episode 14: The Sopranos
  • Episode 15: Seinfeld*
  • Episode 16: Indiana Jones
  • Episode 17: The Star Wars Expanded Universe*
  • Episode 18: Final Fantasy IV

* - Fan-voted topics.

Episode 9 will roll out for $5+/month Patrons on Thursday, April 12th, and this season will run through June 14th, at which point we should have another season ready to go (as long as demand remains consistent).

I will make this announcement wider in the weekly wrap-up on Friday, but moving forward, both KnockBack and Fireside Chats will be live a full week early on Patreon before going public (right now, KnockBack goes live after six days, and Fireside Chats after three). This'll simply make it easier for me to manage everything on my end. Not a huge change, particularly for KnockBack, but a chance nonetheless, one that'll help me keep things better organized on my end.

Anyway, if you can see this post, you can ask questions, leave comments, memories, thoughts, concerns, etc. for any and all of the topics above, that will be used on the show. Just sound-off in the comments below, and I'll go through everything when we record to make sure your post is included.

Thanks again! Have a great week. -Colin

P.S. Dagan and I are also recording a series of retro Let's Plays based on episodes of KnockBack that will live on Side Quest's YouTube channel. Those will also go live a week early for $5+/month Patrons; more information on that coming soon!




Fantastic - can't wait my dude. Looking forward to it! Keep it up brother. <3

Jeremy Cochran

Sounds awesome...can't wait for all of those, great choices!


Easy question for the Seinfeld episode: What are your favorite episodes? Least favorite? Why Keep up the awesome work guys!

Will Hahn

These episodes are going to be fantastic! Question for the Seinfeld episode: Do you think we will ever have a legitimate Seinfeld reunion on NBC?


All seem like great topics, can’t wait


Which assuming you played the different versions of Street Fighter 2, which version was your favorite/most played? I played Turbo the most, but Super Street Fighter 2 was my favorite because I would play tournament mode with my family.

Mikey 12

Welcome to my home town Colin (South Philly born and raised). I would like to know if or how Playstation One changed you as a gamer. For me, growing up with NES made me a gamer, but PS1 made me the gamer I am today. I had no clue what a JRPG was before FFVII, that a game could create atmosphere/horror before Resident Evil, or that games could surpass movie narratives before Metal Gear Solid. I stopped looking at the graphics on the back of a box to prompt a rental or check out the latest game based on my favorite movie. It made me want more from games and at the same time let me know this was a hobby I would never give up for years to come.

Alex Castellanos

File this under PS1: The trio of Final Fantasy games that came out for the PlayStation are rather divisive. Either people love one and hate the others, or they think they're all good, but incomparable to the SNES offerings / PS2 games. My question is this, why is Final Fantasy VIII better than VII and IX, and why don't more people recognize it for the gem that it is?!


I'm a JRPG dork BECAUSE of Final Fantasy IV (II over here at the time). Dragon Warrior never clicked with me at the time and the same can be said for the first NES Final Fantasy. A few years later and then Final Fantasy II came into my life and it was a transformative experience. Oh man, if I could go back and live through THAT again.


Cannot wait for the Seinfeld and PS1 episodes! Love this podcast guys! Thanks for the great entertainment!


Colin- Seinfeld is my favorite show of all time! I bought a PS3 a month after it launched, and chose Kramerica423 (my birthday is April 23) as my PSN ID, which (of course) remains to this day. I think it's one of the BEST PSN names, don't you? ;)

Craig Carter

This is a very good round of topics, very much looking forward to it!

Kc Wright

Love FF6 but wheres the love for 4 the best ff imo


Woohoo! I recommended the 80s Nick. Happy happy, joy joy! (I know that's 90s Nick). I'm PUMPED! My question for you guys: You can't do that on Television...Fuck, Kill, Marry (Moose, Motormouth, Alanas?) Go!

Brent Lindquist

Hey guys, thanks for the wonderful podcast! My question is related to the Star Wars Expanded Universe topic. If you could pick one story to re-canonize now that Lucasfilm has slapped the "Legends" label on all of the EU content we grew up enjoying, which story would it be? I personally love all the Shadows of the Empire stuff, and I'd love to see it re-released and put back into the canon. Also, sneaking in a follow-up here, does the "Legends" label affect your enjoyment of the EU? It doesn't bother me much, as I enjoy all of these stories just the same, but it does seem like an odd move to apply the label to everything. Thanks for recording these, the topics look great!


FFIV - I watched my brother played through the first half of this game as a kid before he got stuck and stopped (as what happens when you don't have a guide and there was no internet). What always stuck with me were the deaths of the young mage twins Palom and Porom. It was impactful to see playable characters like that die in such a surprising way. I recently played through FFIV last year. The end of the game had many characters who (seemingly) died come back to life. This ruined the impact those characters had on the story and thought it cheapened their scenes. Just wanted to share that :)


Indiana Jones question! I love the trilogy, and rank it right up there with Star Wars (in fact, Raiders ranks higher than Jedi for me). It's in an elite group of movies that, in my opinion, are always watchable (there's no bad time to watch Raiders). Which movies do you feel similarly about?

Alex Ball

Possible Question to be discussed on Indiana Jones Episode- Obviously Kingdom of the Crystal Skull was horrible. Now that Disney has it’s hooks in the franchise, do you think we will be getting A LOT more of it like Star Wars? I personally think Harrison will die again and they start making pre-quels.

Justin Matkowski

So many memories/thoughts associated with these topics, but two resonate with me in particular: 1) I went back a couple years ago and watched the original 1989 TMNT movie, and found that it held up surprisingly well. The 1980s cartoon was a kid-friendly merchandise powerhouse, which makes it even cooler that the 1989 flick felt gritty, grounded, and even had emotionally-resonating aspects like Raphael's tormented nature and the consequences of aimless youth/absentee parental figures. 2) On a more humorous note (movies we shouldn't have watched as kids) Terminator taught me about the consequences of rolling deep without a rubber. I sneek-watched it as a 4-5 year old when my parents were busy with house work and it was on TV, and I put two and two together that Sarah Connor was pregnant at the end of the movie shortly after her and Kyle "got down". After it was over, I calmly walked into the kitchen and asked "Mom, does sex make babies?" Her complexion, after being posed that question by her 5 year old son, made Casper look tan as fuck.


Pretty excellent selection of topics. Looking forward to movies we shouldn’t have watched as kids, Indiana Jones, and PlayStation one particularly.

Chris B

A couple of quick questions: Indiana Jones - Why doesn’t Temple of Doom get the recognition it deserves? PS1 - How many consoles did you burn through? I went through three myself. My launch console sat on its side for over a year before dying.

Hose A Contra Razz

Hope you guys talk about Star Wars Rebels on Disney, they just finished their series finale, they went out being on top because the wanted a ending to the series.

Michael Miller

Oh man...Episode 12 gon be good.


Indy: What direction do wish to see the new films go, prequels, old Indy, adventures of short round, a retcon of crystal skull?


A movie that I should not have watched when I was a kid is Candyman. I watched it when I was about 10 and it terrified me. Cannot wait for these upcoming KnockBack episodes. They are all really good topics.

Tony Palylyk

Ep. 9 - I remember scouring every video game store I knew of trying to buy Street Fighter II for SNES. I finally found it for $100 and got it. I was fairly young so I'm not sure if that was the going rate or if the store just ripped me off, but I didn't care. I'm pretty sure I beat M. Bison with every possible character and then I'd take a picture of the final screen with a FILM camera. Imagine that! I remember losing my mind on several occasions because it took me forever to beat Bison with Dhalsim. But I did it!

Marc Boggio

Finally, the second best Final Fantasy will get some love 👍 (For those who haven’t played it, the stellar PSP “Complete Collection” version is playable on Vita and it’s amazing)


Happy belated Easter!


I don't know if will experience joy in gaming like i did when I walked into an arcade and they had Street Fighter 2 AND TMNT. They had them everywhere. From Video rental stores to Donut shops.

Josh in Tampa

Topic selection looks great Colin. Hope you enjoy time visiting with Dagan and recording. CLS is killing it btw. You’re spoiling us with all the great content.

Andy Jenereaux

From the core characters of Seinfeld , who is you're favorite and why? Mine goes Kramer, George, Jerry, Elaine (best->least)


Hey Colin and Dagan, this is for the Playstation One topic. I often here Colin talk about the insane amount of great RPG's for the system Im a huge fan of RPG's from this generation but only know the basics everyone knows about, FF VII, FF IX, Chrono Cross, FF Tactics ect. I want to know what some deeper cuts that a fan of these games should play are. Also if you have the time or inclination, do a top 5 for the best RPG's on the system. Thanks guys, keep up the great work!

Patrick A Crone

My dad allowed me to see so many movies I shouldn’t have. When we first got cable, he used to let me stay up with him and watch horror movies. Probably the most disturbing was The Shining. I saw it when I was seven. I didn’t sleep soundly for almost two weeks. It may have contributed to my parent’s divorce.

Cameron Paterson

Those are some awesome topics. Can't wait!.

Tony Colton

Hi Dagan & Colin this question is 2 fold for the PS1 topic. What do you think was the biggest factor behind the success of the original PlayStation? And what do you consider the hidden gems on this console that players may have missed? Thanks again for the great work and looking forward to all these topics

Matt Stinnett

Nice! Can’t wait for the Sopranos episode. My favorite tv show hands down so looking forward to hearing you guys discuss it. Keep up the great work.

Marc Boggio

Was Cecil cooler as a Dark Knight or as a Paladin?


Colin and Dagan - Did any game do more for Playstation's early legitimacy than FF VII? I remember several of my friends buying the PS One just to play the next Final Fantasy.


Looks like a great round of episodes! I'm especially excited for the Star Wars EU one. I've just recently jumped into it for the first time with the Thrawn Trilogy, and I dig it so far. I'm impressed at how well Zahn writes existing characters and makes them feel like themselves, if that makes sense. I think he understands the Star Wars ethos well enough to make the books feel like they belong. Any other EU stuff you guys would point me to after I finish these?

Jimmy Valentine

Where do you think Indiana Jones goes next? I think Ford wants to make one last great movie, with Indiana Jones being his swan song.


Hi Colin and Dagan, what are your memories and of the Resident Evil trilogy? Do you remember the first time you saw the screen stating, “This game contains scenes of explicit violence and gore”? What are your thoughts on the first Parasite Eve? How do you feel about Amy Hennig’s work on Legacy of Kain: Soul Reaver? I have so many fond memories of the PS1 and I’m super excited for this episode. Knockback rules! Thanks guys.

Megan Gierlach

80s Nickelodeon: could you ever talk about 90s Nickelodeon or Disney in the future, or was Dagan too old for those?


oh man, some great topics. I never got into Street Fighter as a kid or Nickelodeon but man, I was obsessed with TMNT... Movies you shouldn't have watched as a kid? I watched way too many horror movies LOL - like Scream when I was a kid. That movie scarred me. PSX or Playstation 1 changed the way I view video games. Saw MGS at a friends house and played through it in one day (my friend was the best and let me play it and just watched me) - after that I saved my money and bought a PS1 just for MGS. FF7 and FF8 were my next two games. The rest of the topics are f'in great too. I'm obsessed and reading all the new Star Wars EU novels right now in chronological order... There's a lot of crap in the new canon novels but some stuff is pretty good. I never read the old books that are now "Legends" and not canon.

Ian (616Entertainment)

I hope I'm not too late! Movies you shouldn't have watched as kids: Do you have any specific memories of your parents introducing you to something way beyond your age range? At my 9th birthday party, my dad showed my friends and I 'Blazing Saddles,' and he shouted over all of the n-bombs. Is that fucked up? PSOne: What were your most rented games on PS1? Looking back, were there any games that are garbage that you loved as a kid? Seinfeld: Would you ever want to see it return, or is it best left untouched? Roseanne recently displayed how to come back gracefully after 20+ years off the air. What Seinfeld references do you use in every day life? Indiana Jones: Did you avoid Crystal Skull the way I did (I still haven't seen it.) Also, why the fuck are they making a 5th movie?

Steven Oslund

Might be too late on this but here goes anyway...PlayStation 1 was my first console. I saved up my allowance for ages and mowed yards to buy it. I was originally gonna buy a GameBoy Color but my mom convinced me I should get something I could play on the TV. I've been a PlayStation guy ever since which led me to Podcast Beyond many years ago. Some of my strongest memories are playing the same demos over and over again from PlayStation Underground, doing literally everything with every character in THPS2, and winning the SuperBowl on a hail mary in Madden 2003.

Ben Rusch

When you say movies we were too young to watch do you mean when I watched baseketball as a kid? or are you talking about the time when I was 8 and I pressed play on my brothers VCR looking for Billy Madison but instead got porn with a girl getting pissed on? Either way... too young. And no I don't have a pee fetish as an adult

Josh Squires

I love the Clone Wars TV series, because of the way it examines and adds to the lore of the Force specifically. What EU story added something valuable to Star Wars lore for you, whether it's technically canon now or not.