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The episode of Colin's Last Stand slated to go live tomorrow (Thursday, November 16) will likely go live on Friday (November 17) instead. This is because it requires clearance from my lawyer, and that won't be possible in sync with the normal publishing schedule.

It's nothing bad, mind you. Quite the opposite. It's for a really great initiative that I hope people enjoy, and that I think gives back to the CLS audience (and others!) in a really fitting way.

Thank you for your patience! -Colin


Andy Reno

We good, bro

Drew Packard

Interesting. I wonder what it could be

Scott Rabideau

Some sort of financial ambiguity? Maybe a giveaway? Get hype.


Coolio looking forward to it :)


I will gladly accept your gift of free merchandise if that is in deed what you are offering.

Jeshua Anderson

A CLS episode the requires legal review and approval?? You have peaked my curiousity!

Joey Rawlings

I guess we might find out Friday based on the co text of the content, but would you be able to tell us what required the legal hiccup after the release?

Russell Garrett

Basically, you’ve turned into a massive socialist and decided to turn CLS into a worldwide initiative to redistribute Patreon earnings. Drop the bullshit mystique. Just kidding, comrade.

Cameron Paterson

No worries. I look forward to it🖒🖒.

John Schulz

Looking forward to it!

BettyAnn Moriarty

🤔 looking forward to hearing whatever it is you have to tell us. xo