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Today's guest is Stephanie Lee. You may know her from her years at IGN, but I've known Stephanie since we were high school kids writing on GameFAQs. We haven't seen each other in a few years, and we have many topics to discuss, like how we came up in the gaming industry, why she abandoned her path as a nutritionist, how she found herself working in Idaho for a well-respected fitness outlet, and why she shifted gears a couple of years ago, decided to live a completely nomadic lifestyle, and found her way to entrepreneurship.

You can find Stephanie's newest work at https://thefyslife.com/




I know what I’m listening to on my lunch break. I’ll let you know what I think afterwards (spoiler: I’ll probably enjoy it).


Sweet! Need some fitness motivation after having my first workout in 2 months last night. Definitely feeling sore. Getting back into working out, plus starting piano a month or so ago, I'll definitely appreciate some inspiration lol

BettyAnn Moriarty

Interesting episode. I enjoyed hearing all 'the stories' but I particularly liked the fact that your both feel that a hard core work ethic can have such a positive impact and influence on life's successes. And personally I think that this also helps in being able to take that next step, whatever it is. What is it my parents always said?: your reputation precedes you. 😉❤️😘

Aaron Myers

Great listen as always.


Finished it up on my commute to work this morning, this was great! What an interesting lifestyle to live. I’m not sure I ever could do it but that doesn’t make it any less inspiring.

Jonathan Broussard

Great episode! Stephanie must come back for another Fireside Chat. The nomadic lifestyle is so interesting.