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Introducing Colin's Last Stand: Side Quest

CLS: Side Quest is the spiritual successor to Colin Was Right, and marks Colin's return to video game coverage. New episodes post Mondays (beginning November 20, 2017). Colin's Last Stand is free of baked-in ads, product placement, and other obnoxious forms of advertising because of your support. Please consider subscribing to CLS' Patreon to show your support for independent online content: http://www.patreon.com/colinslaststand Buy Colin's Last Stand merch, all made in the USA! http://www.declarationclothing.com The Original CLS Channel! http://www.youtube.com/colinslaststand The CLS Podcast, Fireside Chats: http://www.soundcloud.com/colinslaststand Twitter: @notaxation Instagram: @clsmoriarty Facebook: /colinslaststand Reddit: /r/ColinsLastStand Colin's Last Stand is a product of Colin's Last Stand, LLC PO Box 1233 | Santa Monica, CA 90406



Yasss!!! I can’t wait!!! My boi Colin M. Is back in the Gaming Industry and I know have someone to listen to!!! Yes!!!! I love you @notaxation and I love what you’re doing with CLS! Keep it up my man!!!!!!

Jason Pettet

Omg I’m so excited for this!!!


Glad to have you back!


It's like a dream come true!!


As long as you don't feel forced doing it, then I am happy! :)


Awesome, looking forward to that Colin was Right style again. Keep it up!

Derek Kelsheimer

Love it! Looking forward to watching each week. Can we get a "Dilly, Dilly" to the hardest working man in the biz?


Yes, I agree- great name!


W00T W00T!!! Getting excited for this!

Khalil Sadi

Love the logo!


Nice! I️ love the name and logo👍🏼

Cameron Paterson

Awesome dude. Love the name and fucking love the logo 👌👌.

Leonard Jacobson

Such a good name! Looking forward to the new content man! ☺️

Josh Squires

So glad to hear you're keeping that structure! Colin Was Right (especially the Conversation with series) was some of my favorite KF content.

Brett Geiser

Happy to be back in the fold - thanks so much for listening to your fans!


For one of your episodes, I'd love to hear your thoughts on this microtransaction, Battlefront 2 nonsense that's going on. It sounds like it would be a perfect "Colin Was Right" type topic. Glad you're back!

Fred Bence

So excited to have you back Colin! You're the reason I started fallow in games media and it hasn't been the same without you and your differing opinions from the norm.


Awesome. Colin was right was a fantastic series while it lasted, glad it is continuing in some way.

Matthew Clem

Love the idea, Colin! Great name, and great idea to branch out CLS even more. I always say, I find your voice and intellect in gaming coverage unrivaled to anyone else. Colin was Right was one of the best (and short-lived) shows when you were back at KF, so I'm glad to see this as a spiritual successor. Good luck on the new show, I'll be eagerly awaiting for next Monday.

John Quinn

Awesome man! Great name and logo!

Brett Geiser

Also would be interested in a mea culpa ‘Colin Was Wrong’ type episode on Switch! It would make for good content to look back at your original take and what made things turn out differently than your prediction. Also will shut down the haters who will inevitably bring this up ;)


Can't wait!

Drew Packard

Side Quest is such a great name for this show


I am so very happy to hear the news! It came so much faster than I thought it would! I like the idea of a Colin War Right type of show, I can't wait for the first episode!

Ethan Voce

Great! So excited for this.


Great news! Keep up the great content Colin!

Eric Gee

This makes me so happy. Side note, I love the graphic design of your various offerings, simple and tasteful.


Congrats. Look forward to the content. Thanks again

Steven Camilo

Love the new idea. Excited for the content

Joey Rawlings

10K views for Colin’s commentary on gaming? I’m 99.9% sure that’ll happen in 24 hours.

Bryan Finck

Name and logo are awesome, can't wait to see the first video!


Can’t wait!

Scott Rabideau

Colin Was Right was a perfect format so I'm really happy to see it resurrected. Brilliant work, Colin! Looking forward to it!


Fantastic news Colin. Loved the Colin was right format and really look forward to seeing what you do this time around. Keep on gaming!

Brock Thomas Walsh

Very excited about this. You just got yourself a new patreon sub


Yes! I can’t wait to hear you talk about games and the industry! I thought those days were over but I’m so glad they aren’t. Nov. 20 can’t come soon enough!


Looks like you’re well on your way to accomplishing your 3 step plan. Enjoy those cheeseburgers. You definitely deserve them.


You were imo hands down the #1 source for honest video game journalism, and now we get that again. I can only hope this expands even further in the future


Best news I've heard in a while! Glad to have you back!


Excellent news. Welcome back Colin.

Jeff Palmer

The name is perfect! So excited for this.

Bart Labeda

Hey. You do you man. Happy to have you doing what makes/bring you joy. History. Conversations. Games. Whatever this show brings us, hope it brings you joy.

Jimmy Valentine

I'm really excited for this! Thanks Colin.

David Mejia

Colin, I remember one time asking you on Colin and Greg Live that if you thought there was a place for in depth discussion about gaming on the internet; that treat it with the care you would treat any other art form. You said absolutely you thought there was. I'm so incredibly excited that you're going to be bringing us that discussion that I don't think enough outlets are having. You're taking gaming at it's root passion and putting that first. I hadn't become a Patron until today, and I couldn't be more excited to have those conversations with you.


Hell yes.

Jeff Pollard

I believe in you Colin!! Keep on gaming, indeed!!

Prince Borutski

Huge fan of the logo for Side Quest. I'll be on the edge of my seat until the 20th. Best wishes 👌

Brandon Reed

I love this. I'm sure it'll do what we expect from Colin and what he always talked about with gaming and what he did with Colin Was Right, cut through the bullshit in gaming. Give the spotlight/attention/clicks/views to the developers and games that deserve it. I'm excited and overjoyed that you are heading back into this space, I have sorely missed you talking into a microphone about video games.

Anthony Wright

I’m so excited. Thank you. ✌🏻

Anthony Wright

I’m sure people noticed you didn’t mention your old crew in the last letter you wrote to us. I’m really sorry that wound was so deep. I hope it heals one day. That being said... So glad to have you back. Try to let the opinions of those who don’t like you roll off your back. Reclaim your format in games media. I told you in private that I had no idea how much KF was really you. It’s easy to think it’s Greg since he’s always out front, but the format you came up with is unique and is very obviously built for you. Can’t wait for the first episode. Keep taking my $10!! Lol

Karlos Rey

Absolutely fucking stoked.

Chad Lewis

That name tho!

Austin Tex Perez

This is fantastic news, thanks for doing this Colin! I can’t wait to see CLS: Side Quest on November 20th!

Nicole Webb

One word...Ecstatic!


I will be becoming a patron because of this!!

Jacek Debowski

Colin, since you left KF I’ve missed your gaming content, but never commented on it since it seemed like a painful subject. I very much enjoy your history/ politics content (I’ve been a supporter since the start), but MAN I’m so happy you’re back! I hope this is something you will enjoy (again) and I’m really looking forward to the first episode! Good luck!

Petre Cismigiu

This is amazing! So excited! <3


I’m really stoked for this! You’ve been doing amazing with CLS! This is only going to make it better! Thank you, sir!


Thanks for doing this man can’t wait


The Whiteboard List is the best.

Joey Mendoza

Looking good Colin! Can't wait. I've always loved your opinion on games.


This is very exciting and I'm really happy for the great news like everyone else. I'm really curious to know how difficult it was to not make a different joke when discussing the "tripod". 😄 Longtime fans will know what I'm talking about ...


Already commented once I think but man, Im excited.. Seems like a lot of people are as well as the amount of patrons increased quite a bit today... from low 4500 to almost 4600

That black guy

Let the side quest begin, and right before my b-day

Josh in Tampa

Wow. Made my Monday a lot brighter with the news and pretty quick rollout. Can’t wait until next Monday. Thanks again Colin


I came back as a patreon supporter for this. I like CLS (particularly the history-focused episodes) but am usually more in the mood for game coverage in my car. I'm thrilled that you're going to do this. Big request -- audio only CLS: Side Quests. I'll support for a while regardless, but if you make an RSS available for this (assuming it's not part of the rss stream already) or put it on iTunes, I'm back in for good.


Whoo, so stoked, Colin Was Right was my favorite video game coverage ever. This makes up for history taking a bit of a back seat lately, I'm hoping it bounces back too, but make sure you find the right balance for you, Colin.


Yeah Colin!! I’m sure this will be awesome, looking forward to it. I’ve missed your gaming knowledge, over the years your influence has helped me discover games I may never have, thank you. P.S. you’ve also educated me with a bit of history which I’ve also really enjoyed, especially American history which I don’t know too much about, being from UK. You deserve your success 👍


dude, have always loved your content, Im on board now financially supporting you. Cant wait for more of the good stuff.

Bryan Creagh

Great to see you branch back into games. Your opinions were always valued and you were never aftaid to call things like they are.

Joey Finelli

I would buy that logo on a shirt!


Subbed as a result of this news - sorely missed Colins views/analysis on gaming over the last year

Mike Menzel

Will the audio of Sidequests be on the same RSS?


Happy to have your voice back to games media. I became a Patreon supporter because of this.

Jonathan Broussard

Can't wait for this your gaming insight is second to none


I would love to see CLS Side Quest as a podcast as well if it’s only going to be a video if not then ignore me lol


It's wonderful that you decided to go back to creating content about gaming!!

Josiah Lambert

Glad to hear about this. We need more people creating cool shit in the gaming conversation. I’d love to see consumer advocacy as a common thread through the videos. Publishers are misunderstanding their market right now, and more consumer advocacy editorial can help.


I'll throw my hat into the ring among those that are glad to hear about your scheduled return to the world of video games. Like Greg Miller because of his passion for the industry or Adam Sessler because of his breadt of knowledge and his ability to convey nuanced ideas in a converse man (e, I look forward to hearing a voice in the industry will not only champion those taking risking but be able to speak fluently about the knit and gritty details of the industry. One of the things I loved about Beyond was that it wasn't just about Playstation games, it was about the stance of Playstation and Sonny's compaies within the video games. So while I'm certain you will strive to carve out your own niche online, I hope we see a return to form of the old Colin that was never afraid to speak truth to power when it came down to how you veiwed mistakes and successes being made. We want the old Collin that is swimming in details but can still see the forest for the trees, and perhaps now you might have the time and a place to turn that attention towards the forests of, Microsoft and Nintendo. Either way, I'll be tunningn in and can't wait to see what you choose tackle as we head into the much debated game of the year diacussions.