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Moriarty x Corden: The Shifting Paradigm | Sacred Symbols+, Episode 371

Please welcome Xbox-centric journalist, podcaster, and editor Jez Corden to Sacred Symbols+. For this episode, I (Colin) sat down with Jez for a two hour chat that touches on a number of relevant subjects: Game pricing, the evolution of industry PR, funding AAA (and AAAA?) titles, the PlayStation brand's Apple-like evolution, the future of GamePass and other subscriptions, which Xbox exclusives may come to PS5 next, the revitalization of handheld gaming, and so much more. This is a great, metered, fair, and insightful conversation that we suspect you're gonna love. Enjoy.


Guybrush Threepwood

"why does jez block people on twitter" - because they are stupid. "Jez thinks he is an xbox insider" - been following him for years now and no, he doesn't. he is the least likely to leak something for clout also. just addressing some common bad takes i see.

Jamie Anderson

He doesn't leak anymore because he was always wrong.. His famous "i have heard from people high up xbox won't be putting their games on pc" he's a shill and this talk proved it. Anything colin said that painted his xbox in a bad light he gave off a smug look the proceeded to defend them.

Brandon D'Alessandro

Thank you for a great episode! I really enjoyed Jez's insights and overall it was a great conversation. Cheers!