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Welcome back to Constellation, Last Stand Media's conversational podcast. Colin returns to the lineup this week to talk about the current kerfuffle across the pond. What is going on with Catherine, Princess of Wales and is this whole royal fiasco a total scandal or a complete nontroversy? Micah Moriarty explores Craigslist 'Missed Connections' and puts a question to this panel of smooth-talking casanovas; Have we ever locked eyes with a stranger across a crowded subway car or supermarket aisle but lacked the courage to pursue romance? David Jaffe would like us to revel in Life's Little Pleasures. What are the rituals and routines in our lives that we look forward to and delight in the most? Finally, Dagan would like us to sing the praises of our favorite living visual artists. See, we can express admiration for people without ending it in RIP. Who knows, maybe they'll even hear us!



Nikitas Gagas

Jaffe’s opinions are becoming increasingly grating. And this is coming from someone who used to like the guy.

Daddy T

Usually understand what Jaffe is trying to get across but I audibly exclaimed shut the fuck up when he was started going on about Taylor Swift

Kevin Cooper

The smoothest interaction that I ever had on a bus commute was when a woman asked me to borrow a pen, and then when she got off at her stop she handed me the pen back with a small note and her number. Pro move. I thought it was very clever because it completely avoids being trapped on the bus together if things don't go well. I was in a relationship at the time, but I did call to tell her that I appreciated the gesture.