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Hey guys,

We've filmed a 4-part series called San Francisco Streets, that explores drugs, crime, and ultimately Harm Reduction services in the Tenderloin area. It's going to be a serious uphill battle getting any of this on YouTube, so it'll likely live as a Patreon-exclusive for quite some time. 

This is Part 1! This episode features interviews with controversial 'video vigilante,' Richie Wynn, SFPOA President Tracey McCray and director of The Gubbio Project, Lydia Bransten, as well as several unhoused people living on the streets of SF. 

In the next installment, which should release in a couple days, we'll shadow a retail theft group called 'Finesse' Em All,' responsible for much of the boosting at Union Square, sit down with a fentanyl dealer, a pimp, and beyond. 

Hope you find this interesting.

- Andrew. 



Thanks Andrew and C5! SF needs the real story told.

Mark Charlet

You do great work. Keep it up.


Aww, shucks! This is gonna make me homesick. Can't wait to watch


I left this patreon whenever you hadn’t posted for months. However, I had to subscribe again because it is raw content like this that is so intriguing to me.

Sid Mullendore

Damn I can't wait to watch this. The CIA really fucked that place up with the LSD in the 50s/60s. Frank Zappa was right.


I lived at 8th/Mission right there for a few years. This isn't news, the heroin wrappers are basically pavement behind that PG&E substation :D

Jori Vajretti

I lived in San Francisco from 2014 to 2021, and spent much of my childhood vacations there in my uncle’s apartment in the Castro on 19th & Sanchez. What I saw during my time living in SF I can only describe as rapid expansion of homelessness and unabashed drug abuse. The city “tried” and is “trying” to solve it, but nothing they did was ever enough. Used to live on the corner of Post & Larkin. I remember walking by people slouched over on the sidewalk with needles sticking out of their arms, clearly suffering in open daylight as we were all supposed to walk by and pretend it was normal. Pretend and chill out, that homelessness has always been a problem in SF. No. Not to the degree I saw in the 2010s. Something changed, and things got horrible.


You cliff hanging mfer. Seriously tho, this is top notch. Hardly covered accurately on any news media. Keep it up brother.

Nick Weykamp

So what’s the video schedule for the Patreon going to be looking like now that we need another video as soon as possible?

Silas Macon

I was just there in may and had to ride a scooter to the weed shop. 5 miles round trip from the W we’re we stayed for a week. Not a single issue we sat outside every night to smoke. There’s no shortage of available retail space though! I drove through a few spots that I didn’t want to stop in for sure but all n all uneventful! My family lives in the mission and it was quiet for the most part. It’s sad tho just like Seattle and Portland


From dot com bust to smartphone boom back to bust in ~20 years. Only the corrupt govt of SF could squander the biggest accumulation of wealth of any US city and wind up like this.


u are so good at getting people who seem very adversarial & having them express that they have the same goals

David Brown

This was insane. So glad you guys are back, keep up the amazing work!


This is why I am a loyal supporter. These are the stories that need to be told, and the view that more need to see. I've loved this city since I was a kid, it's heartbreaking to watch but so important to not look away. Thank you 🖤

Seth Pearson

This is well done, unique, relevant with beautiful bits of humor. Thank you Channel 5, looking forward to the rest of this series.


Amazing and unique documentary. Thank you. What a point of view.

Drake Fierge

Your balance in journalism is everything. This is going to be a phenomenal series.

Vann Vixious

Thanks for reporting this - u gotta get this up on YT. I have some old friends from SF and fam who have been believing that fear mongering, homeless hating bullshit; as if its the end all be all. Hell i feel like ive been thinking it too since moving from SF last year and seeing all those sensationalist headlines. This video, like all your excellent reporting, is another perfect reminder that shit isnt so black and white and that we are all searching for the same truth. It must be sent far and wide ✊


this was great

Ryan Ellis

THREE BUCKS for the Ben N Jerry's!?!?! What a saint🙏


Ugh, I can’t wait for the next episode 😩 your content is always so special, but this series is already top tier.

Josh Greer

Miss Jay Williams is such a sweetheart. Ricci can suck a billion dicks though

Mac Newman

Would love a series of Portland

Lifon Henderson

Amazing work as always. Thank you.

dude of fuck

GAWD DAMMM fire epp fam!!

Kahvi Patel

Amazing work, thank you!

Jesus Sanchez

I grew up in the area. It really has been a sad thing to see SF and honestly the whole Bay Area going through so many issues. Thank for you this and giving people an idea that it isn’t just homelessness and drugs but a result of corporations, passiveness, and a disregard for the people. If you do another series revolving this, I’d love for you to check other places and get their feelings as well like Oakland, Berkeley , and nearby places that Tech has sunk their teeth into

Gary Eddy

Wow amazing work

Paul Frank

Wow, this video fucks. Really interesting. Excellently shot and edited. Is excellently a word? It is now.

Paul Frank

🚨 bad bitch alert 🚨


fascinating and so potent. well done on the video

Sam Daou

Good shit Andrew and team. 💪

Larry Burns

Seems to always be the super rich fucks ruining everything and then the poor people get the blame and end up suffering. Same story. 2008 millions lose houses and the people responsible get bailed out and walk away with tax funded bonuses in one way or another. Andrew out here doing the real work and telling the stories that people need to hear. Thank you channel 5!


My husband is celebrating 7 years clean tomorrow, we talk about how he would be dead all the time if he was still using when fentanyl hit the streets. We had a friend die last week. It’s crazy out there. Hope you get to talk to Carl Hart!!!

Karen Vano

honey i really feel nervous about your safety doing these. But also Ricci Wynne forgot leg day it appears

J. Smyk

I’d take new tits over grad school tho

Mike O'Beirne

Incredible video. Keep it up, guys

Liam Kelly

channel 5 is so back

Matt Alten

Amazing and eye opening


Super interesting, as always, keep it up Andrew.

Urdnot Wrex

great video, and also i have seen Ricci around in the bay a few times, it is crazy

jacob turnblom

Great coverage! So interesting to see and hear whats going on from genuine interaction Iinstead of a suit and tie guy reading a teleprompter behind a desk.

Quint from Jaws

Was NOT ready for how good this was


doing the lords work. thanks andrew

Eric Saavedra

Great work as always Andrew, love how much of an effort you make to tell the complete story and how you juxtapose viewpoints

Davin Maiden

Somehow I highly doubt the rates of robberies increased by only 12-14%. Im no mathematician but that has to be blatantly false

Davin Maiden

Hey Andrew, since your hiatus I’ve picked up watching Tyler Oliveria to get my C5N fix. What do you think about that guy/ what he’s doing? Ever consider a collab P.s I would like to point out you’re a much more fearless street interviewer than he is! 😂

Gabriel Lopez

Born and raised in SF , still here. It’s always the people that couldn’t come close to living a comfortable life in San Fransisco that got the most to say. Their standard reply is “I would never want to live in San Fransisco” which is fair enough , but let’s be honest if the only thing you wanted out of life was to live in SF, you still couldn’t afford it … you couldn’t do it…. So why are we talking … so you can say you would never want to do something you couldn’t do anyways ? Yes the city has issues which big city doesn’t. But 90% of the city has zero homeless or duggies. It’s a world class city of extreme beauty …. But let’s focus on the 10% (2 neighborhoods) the tenderloin and civic center ….

Nathaniel Skinner

This is insanely good reporting. Edited for maximum effective communication while preserving primary source content. Incredible.


Let's goooo Andrew! This is why I'm here


Shoutout Patreon Shoutout Andrew

Anthony C

This a Banger!

Laiqa Mohid

Soo good!! excited for the rest


My brother is an addict - graduated from heroin to meth to fentanyl. This was so hard to watch….


Sending you hugs. My mom lost her battle to opioids several years ago… loving an addict is tragedy on a daily level. Stay strong. Be kind to yourself. ❤️

Seamus Love

LUV UR SHIZZNIZZLE ANDREW...DONT STOP THE FUNK >>WORD HARD LIKE TUPAC MAKE 3 videos a day THANKS FOR THE BEST CONTENT NEWS IN AMERICA! u r better than the wack ass police we need a revolution thanks for getting in the weeds




I’m so sorry about your loss. Thank you for the kind words and support. You got it right , it’s a daily dose of tragedy for sure. ❤️

Bo Latham

So grateful to be able to subscribe to this Patreon. Finally. KIP. Keep It Pushing.

Yotam Shabtay

You really are defining journalism in this fucked up time, when most of media is utter bullshit

Joby Treegoob

Omg I am so happy Jerry Garcia finally made it into a Andrew Callaghan doc! So sad it is because San Francisco has become a microcosm of the nightmare that our cities have become though. Love you Andrew keep it up bro. GO EAGLES

Jorge Maya

Joined the Patreon to watch this


I paid $5 to see (BLURRED) open wounds being picked at? boo!!!!




"Within 15 minutes I identified the culprits" lmao. The cops in SF must have an interesting job my god.


Great approach and scope to this story. Looking forward to the next parts.

Michael Garrison

Very happy to hear Andre Nickatina in this

Stefan Andersson

wouldn't hitting gucci and so on fast come to over 949,99 ?


They steal small ticket stuff because anything over $1k is arrestable


I value the balance of this humanizing people going through it in the bay with substance use, disabilities, poverty etc. as well as showing where those who take a more moralistic view like Richie are coming from- doesn't feel one sided


another great episode , once again showing the other sides of things , i love rogan but he’s always talking about “cleaning up the homeless” in SF and not once have they ever talked about gentrification and the impact it has had on the local communities.. rich people wanna get rid of the poor because it’s hard to justify their actions when they have to see it face to face .


honestly its hard to know where helping people and leaving them to their own devices cross over. trans person obviously needs mental help. its a health disorder. same as all the others out there. this is a problem liberals have made ten times worse than it should be.


dude no one is forcing anyone to go do hard drugs, steal, lie, live like trash....there is help available most anywhere. I work for a food bank and most of the people dont "need" anything...they just do drugs and find the free food and clothing handouts and never change. BUT people can change if they want to. Dont blame people for having money. Nothing is perfect, but they cant say shit until they at least stop killing themselves and stealing. You have no right to have input at that stage.


its all the places that have been run by democrats pretty much. always blaming businesses and working people for the trash on the street. nah thats not how it works.

McGuire Brown

bro literally got interviews with mfs doin fent for the camera what more could u want lmao

Andrew J

Fuuuuuck yeah

Weezy McElwee

Very hungry man ate a pangolin 😅😅😅 that was a great line


thanks for introducing me to the gubbio project. Just set up a reoccurring donation with company matching


can you post the full interview with Richie?

ryan mchale

Valuable documentary.

Trevor Koskela

SF used to be chill now its hood af

elvis j osland

Great work guys keep ‘‘em coming. Democracy counts on real shit like this.


welcome back!

Brendon Lemon

"A group doing interviews for a web show" come the fuck on local news 🙄

Jason Koss

jungle by nickatina was such a nice touch… happy you’re back doing your thing andrew ❤️

Richard Springfield

That Ricci douchebag is one of the biggest pieces of shit you've ever had the displeasure of interviewing. Right up there with the trustafarian from the gem jam video who told you to get the mic out of his face.

Joe Sak

You guys should collab with the “Invisible People” youtube

Liam Howlin

"engineered" so the people in these videos are paid actors? Love the video otherwise lol

Chris Pyle

Agreed, the Grateful Dead shout out made me happy and then immediately sad

Julie Tulley

I was born at the CAtholic Home for Unwed Mothers Downtown in 1967 ~~!! I was adopted and it stuns me to see a different kind of chaos , all these years later . Thank you Andrew for literally chasing it down. As a side note , both Steve Jobs and Tucker Carlson were bown there . It was a brutal place I understand . And women came form all over the country to have thei babies . What a strange place !!!


Damn coming at us with some great journalism!!


Ah-mazing coverage of what is happening in the Bay area right now. As a long time resident, thank you!

Vape God

Loved it guys! Been going to SF for years, and remember when the homeless had honor, there was this one guy on Clement who would panhandle for tips all day and they would let him into the bars because people would buy him drinks. Make SF Great Again.


This content is unbelievably good.


Thanks as always Andrew + 5. That Ricci dude shows how wanting to help doesn't mean you're helping.


Yo that Ricci dude sucks, doesn't seem like a sf native me.... shouts out to my San Francisco brothers and sisters I love you San Francisco with all my heart


Ricci got way too much air. SFian of 12 years here, guy’s an ambulance chaser and a propagandist. What he’s showing is real, and it’s a problem, but you can tell by how he talks to that woman that he doesn’t care about solutions, only to make money off spectacle.

Jared Fox

Amazing work brotha 🥂🖐🏼 keep doing your thug thizzle!

Adrian Fitzpatrick

Just joined patreon after seeing your abridged version on YouTube. Great channel, happy to support. 🤓

Jesse Lira

Wow, really amazing stuff!

Molly Rose

The man that lost his wife Vicky completely broke my heart.


"Did you want a room at the 4 seasons?" Right after sharing all her trauma.. Damn that dude is fucking savage.


The only journalism I trust

John Strawmyre

Crazy how the most impactful insights come from a poor man who broke his leg as a child


Genuinely just wanna hug him. I'm recently a year sober. I wish I could show him how much better things can get. We don't have to live that way :(

John Strawmyre

As long as you’re doing better, that’s one less person on the street that in itself is a step in the right direction for all of us

Jared Ables

A very hungry man ate a pangolin?? What kind of bullshit story is that. Hoping that was satire and it just flew over my head

Noah Collyer

yo this ricci guy fcking sucks as a human being


youre a degenerate criminal who falsely believes andrew condones the loser shit that you condone. your mom shoulda swallowed you.

Bin Ury

> While there is scientific consensus that bats are the ultimate source of coronaviruses, SARS-CoV-2 originated from a pangolin, jumped back to bats, and then jumped to humans, according to phylogenetic analysis. Therefore, a specific population of bats is more likely to be the intermediate host for SARS-CoV-2 than a pangolin, while an evolutionary ancestor to bats was the source for general coronaviruses

Collin Larsen

fr harassing people who are out of their mind like it’ll make actual change 💀

Noah Collyer

Also reflect on your parasocial relationship with Andrew bc he don't care about you

Collin Larsen

bros hgh body tells me what i need to know

Adam Cisneros

That Andre Nickatina 🔥

Simon Kruse

Is there a possiblilty to post your sources for all the facts? I am reseraching the topic on gentrification in Frisco for a paper for my univercity. I'd apprciate it a lot!