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Here's some raw footage of an extended convo with the Mac.

- Andrew


Crip Mac Extended Interview



“Fucked cuh’s wife in her ass” - Crip Mac


Where’s my buddy the Christian anarchistic at, I want to hear what Sid thinks about crip Mac

George Greenwood

Motto for the day “it’s mickey and trickey everything gon C alright”

Wilbert Sanchez

dude the pip boy tattoo is so sick


It only seems right to create a Channel 55 exclusively for Crip Mac content.


Channel 5 is the best! Crip mac is a fricken legend!!


I’m not gonna front, I slept on crip mac for awhile. After watching this interview & the one w/ mama bear, I really appreciate how you managed to capture his soul, kinda pure at heart if you look at it for what it is. dude is just a result of his circumstances growing up.. aren’t we all tho? lol. I just love how you shine a light on people that most of your viewers might’ve not even known exist. Perspective is everything, man. Thank you for doing what you do!

Gabriel Lopez

This fool a straight crab


ayyye he fucks with steele reserve 211 just like me hahaha thats my kinda silver bullet lmfao


Love that you got a chance to get personal in here too. Great interviewer & great interviewee.


"I did curpies" LOL his ability to replace all b's with c's and any number with 5 is incredible. I was listening intently for any number besides 5 and he didn't slip up once


Andrew always looks like he just shit his pants after asking a question great stuff man keep it up


Dudes legit

Jim Dicksin

Free crip mac. Just remember guys never commit suicide everything going c alright. Keep it 55st.