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The finale is here! In this episode, we arrive by night to Hagerstown, Maryland -- the final stop of The People's Convoy before their planned arrival to D.C. -- then wake up and embark on the final wing of the trip, which was an underwhelming 1-mile loop around the Washington Beltway. This episode features interviews with Kelly J. Patriot, MAGA reporter and Capitol rioter Jess Weber, and our friend Ronald Weaver III, who helped us shoot our movie with Tim & Eric, which will be announced soon.

Hope you guys enjoyed this series .. it was a lot of fun switching the format. Stay tuned!

- Andrew, Nic and Evan 


Trey Anderson

are you listening to hardcore?



Michelle Sleeper

Just wanna say I've loved the format of this series, the BTS "hangin with the bois" vibe has been great. Hope more videos are like this in the future.


These have been great, you guys are killing it. So happy I signed up

Bryan Naylor

Keep trailblazing. We will keep huffin your fumes. Also stop by the discord once in a while and help us tame the brutal masses.


loving the format


"DC has nothing to do with the United States"




Kelly J Patriot has very nice teeth


Channel 5 bumps 100 gecs,gimme a hell yea brother


The ending of the video seems appropriate lol


The last 5 minutes of this was cathartic. This series was gonna make my head explode


He must've not read the book where they taught that doing meth, would result in loss of teeth


Absolutely loved this series. Keep making some of the best content on the internet.


great series, great format ... amazing work guys keep it coming :-)


I just want to hear more about this Jonah Hill colab now lol

Magic Plants

I love how Andrew stands up to these fucks at the same time playing jedi mind tricks and being accepted. PWND HARD REDNECK FUCKS!


why was ron standing on the very edge of the sidewalk next to the road


Damn I live 20 minutes from there. I wish I would have went and checked out the shit show and met y’all

Peter Bedford

Thanks guys for these videos. I learnt a lot. Lots of characters on the road!

Anonymous (edited)

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2022-03-10 12:24:28 "Are you sick of talking to *&$%@$^?" Yeah, I bet.
2022-03-09 22:39:57 "Are you sick of talking to *&$%@$^?" Yeah, I bet.

"Are you sick of talking to *&$%@$^?" Yeah, I bet.


Keep going, you are showing an important perspective. Always entertaining and informative, stay safe.


Keep crushing. Best investigative journalist in the game


Weird how a lot of the interview subjects insist this a 100% peaceful event while consistantly using terms like military operation/war, comparing it directly to January 6th, and that they're not-so-subtely hoping the trucks are full of weapons.


the Channel 5 RV licence plate # is uncensored at around the 12m mark, during the proud boy driveby.


loved this format and i can't wait to see whats coming with the movie, much love.


I live just north of DC. That morning me and some friends went to see The Batman in Hagerstown and while on the highway we saw the start of the convoy and about 5 miles of it before we exited. I wonder if we passed Andrew.

Michelle Sleeper

Did anyone notice how, as soon as Russian money was cut off from the sanctions and banking freeze, all this stuff started to fizzle out?


What song is playing under Ron's intro at 19m ?


Sounds like a sped up version of Passion Pit's "Sleepyhead".


Here to say , love the new vids. Style is always changing a tiny bit but still our good ol' Andrew vibes. Also got my hoodie today and this is my FAVE merch ever , it's lovely!


Amazing series


Love the new series format, keep it up!


I do not understand how you keep a straight face when talking to some of these people while they say some of the dumbest shit in the history of language. It's a gift that you've got.


Aaron Rodgers be wildin' during the off season


i didn't realize just how anti-climactic it really was lmao


sometimes I get nervous that you're giving these psychos a voice


Bruh that guy from 'Poland' sus as fuck, you found the Russian bot sent in


everything these dudes put out is a winner. cant wait for the movie


are you guys going to be making more content with people from the south/southeast this year?

Jake Wilty

this new format is perfect


It’s a solid fraction of the country, with or without my lens. I think most people concerned with Channel 5 ‘platforming,’ than us risking our safety to expose misinformation, potential financial fraud, and harmful conspiracy ideologies are projecting their own shock at having their bubble broken. If you are convinced to become a qAnon follower from the talking points in this video, you were probably doomed from the start. These people HAVE a voice.. and it’s basically half the voting population. Would you feel the same way about centrist MSM ‘platforming’ the January 6 via publishing photos and sound bites from the rioters? The demographic should be understood and above all else, monitored by independent journalists


It's important they be heard just as much anyone else. If you only listen to one person talk then you only have one view or opinion and everything else is just wrong. Andrew and the bois have helped expose how wide a breadth of opinions there are across this country and listening to them helps form a stronger understanding of what's important to different types of people.


Hell yeah I'm loving this format


I needed Ron’s voice of sanity at the end to wash some of the insanity away. Then of course one more “patriot” shows up to ruin that moment.


love it, thanks for your work!


"why are we going so slow?" "come on buddy" hahahaha


i hate how they just drove around the belt at the end, what does that accomplish?

Magic Plants

Attention they never get otherwise because they're dumb as rock and gross too

Anonymous (edited)

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2022-03-10 12:24:24 Truly moving. I so believe in understanding what these people are so desperately trying to say.. & ultimately walking away w the overwhelming feeling that it is this very human need to be heard.. just because.
2022-03-10 00:45:38 Truly moving. I so believe in understanding what these people are so desperately trying to say.. & ultimately walking away w the overwhelming feeling that it is this very human need to be heard.. just because.

Truly moving. I so believe in understanding what these people are so desperately trying to say.. & ultimately walking away w the overwhelming feeling that it is this very human need to be heard.. just because.


would be dope if you guys threw up a quick credit for the musicians y'all be jamming to


the 100 gecs remix


This was great. Thanks


“Make sure if you ever take over the capital or any other… big… place, bring a shield” very wise words


Proud Boys Sopranos shirt crazy

Andy B

Amazing series of videos guys! Have you read anything about postmodern conservativism? Feel like a lot of the people you talk to fit into that category, in that they have moved away from specific policy demands and towards more general concepts such as freedom. I know you guys take your responsibility as journalists seriously, so it might be worth looking into. Keep up the good work.


Y'all are on some crazy shit. Some of the best creators in the game. Congrats on the A24 deal! The people always pump up my Channel 5 windbreaker.

Michael Hill

At the 10 minute mark I had to pause and go brush my teeth for some reason.


best news best news best news

paul Electric

You never fail us consumers. Please keep up the great work. Nola love!


Hey did that guy squeeze out a fart on mic at 14:25?


I'ma buy you a real mic, hmu

Andy Gott

that dude straight up admitted to taking a riot shield "from cops' hands"....submit that evidence to the FBI asap.


Sick convoy brah.


Bravo! Amazing series, stoked for the movie film! Thanks for doing the lord work 🙌🏽

Isaac Kruger

Hell ya! Iowa state boiiiii! Too bad it ain’t Hawkeyes tho😎


NGL bro Kelley's radioactive jean jacket is a grail

Anonymous (edited)

Comment edits

2022-03-10 12:24:20 This was so fun! Loved the style & following along throughout the days!
2022-03-10 05:24:31 This was so fun! Loved the style & following along throughout the days!

This was so fun! Loved the style & following along throughout the days!


Amazing coverage, Russian misinformation from the last decade is exploding gas prices right as a bunch of truckers from Canada and America drive around complaining about some righteous shiaeeet


Kelly J Patriot is basically just your personal MAGA Sherpa. Mans was glowing to see y’all.


oh hot damn a movie?


Hyped for the movie. I'm really liking this new format. Thanks dudes


The movie was great news and I loved Ron’s point of view on the whole situation. Thanks guys for doing this, stay safe 🙏🏽

Jackson White

so excited for the movie, i’d pay money to see it in theaters for sure


These have been my nightly medicine, thank you!


Really feel this last ep tied the narrative together. We see the same purveyors over and over, congealing "patriotic" ideology into shit they can sell on hats.

Desmond Hawkins

I thought Andrew's talent was to get people to freestyle, but there's another side of him that also instantly attracts red-pilled people, even grandmas. Can't wait for the crossover.


was sort of hoping the convoy would last forever, these videos have been incredible

James FlorCruz

what are the songs you were listening to driving


It's sad that these people think that their convoy is world-wide news and of world-wide importance. Not sure about Y'all but in the Netherlands I have not seen or heard anything about this. It is very much an 'America problem'


Idk the other ones but around 18:00 is Shoota 100 Gecs remix, and Ron’s introduction was Sleepyhead by Passion Pit sped up

Fabian H

Thank you for the coverage of this event, even though at the end it seemed like they didnt manage to archieve anything. Im sure that the lawyer lady and some other people in the background made some really good money off of these confused people. Whatever happened in canada was way more impactful, would have been interesting to see the difference between the two.


It’s shocking that half the country is brain dead .


I live in DC and was up near the Beltway this week. They’re staying in Hagerstown and coming down only to do laps on the beltway. If they didn’t have their hog flags and shit you wouldn’t even notice them on the beltway. I feel bad for them— this could have been a real labor movement but instead it’s focused on whatever Fox News is saying at any given moment. This reporter is posting live updates if you want to follow the convoy: https://mobile.twitter.com/ZTPetrizzo


Does everyone in Boston have that Bill Burr genotype?


Excellent job tying the narrative together. Can’t wait to get home from my 6 mo. Shift and catch up on everything you put out while I’m gone. Stay safe out there!


Dundas is gone because she didn't want to force her family to flee across another international border. https://vimeo.com/507762256


The bridge at the end is a few minutes from my apartment and I recognized it immediately. Completely surreal


Very cool channel %


The People's Convoy week/series was really incredible stuff, guys.


Calling Russia "quintessentially communist" these days is just false. They're capitalists through and through

Brian Cody

Kelly Patriot is 100% the Captain America of the Channel 5 Universe, you can't change my mind


The Russian money dried up, she let the convoy as soon as Russian bank sanctions took place…..


I think so much of this need to be heard is fear-based. The world is changing and adapting all around them, and they’re attempting to cling to a semblance of security and normality. Anti-intellectualism, distrust of media and government, and a fear of infringement upon rights by “godless coastal elite liberals” is leading to this way of thinking. I also don’t know anything about anything, but those are the conclusions I’ve drawn. Anywho


this shit really crazy! the work youre doing is incredible but i hope youre all taking me time and hopefully not burning out! go to a bbq!


that east coast guy was a dick


Like most things Channel 5 has covered, I would have not known any of this was happening in America if not for their documentation


If Andrew is heading to Ukraine, how on earth do we make sure he links up with journalist Richard Engel? This has to happen.


Quality journalism, you love to see it


You all look like you have existential blue balls… tough trip, keep it up!


I cannot express how glad I am you guys are out there doing what youre doing. Im really excited to hear your deal with Tim and Eric is still happening, I was afraid that was all swept under the rug with the name debacle.


Thank you for all you do 🙏 🥲

The Irony Giant

They're going to write books on your work. Honored to be seeing this art as it was presented.


i hope that weberz way guy got arrested for jan 6 that dude seems dangerious


Excellent work. Really love learning about these events.


fuck doing things media dawg, ur the best journalist in the game who doin it like you fr


The Proud Boys being described as “just guys being guys” is the biggest understatement of the century lmao


If your going to Ukraine be safe. What you do is amazing and captures moments I never would have known about.


Your going-ons both inspire me to keep hard at what I have going, and tempt me to fuck off and get back on the road.. that’s a tough one and I appreciate it!


That last scene at the end with the old lady waiting for the Freedom Convoy was so sad…


Thanks for all the work you do man. It turned out great.


Just starting this epic series. Forgot Patreon existed and I’m happy to support your amazing content. Thank you for everything that you and your team does.


What a ride


You 3 are amazing and I’m glad you all are finding success.


17:56 song??


"I'm tired of talking to patriots and proud boys and truckers" Now that's the makings of a catchy-new bumper sticker.


Give this group the Pulitzer for reporting already , incredible work you all!


We Love Ron!


Great series my dudes


Crazy how good Andrew is at getting trolls to drop their act by just being genuine with them


Great Road movie/documentary, this was so good

Elena Gaughan (edited)

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2022-03-13 23:03:27 <3
2022-03-12 01:00:24 <3


Patrick McKain

Could you guys take a look at the message I sent you on on here :)


yeah reply to me 2 stop being custers yall need to refund my shit


Stoked on your movie man! Thanks for bringing it all back to reality With Ronald Weaver III. Its bizarre how you can hear the wild shit coming out of these people's mouths and start to think, am I the one that's crazy? How can they all believe this vaguely narcissistic notion of (american) Freedom cures all and then in the same sentence praise the most anti-freedom person in the world currently? It's simply mind blowing. Thanks for covering this.


this is absolutely brilliant work


Thanks thotties


A brilliant masterpiece. Thank you.


Your work never disappoints but this felt like a new step in an awesome direction. Keep it up boyz!

Bobby Styles

This series has been an incredible journalistic documentary! Please keep doing what you’re doing.


Great work guys :)


Fantastic work! Ron really pulled it back at the end there. Looking forward to seeing more from him.


Exceptional work guys. Happy to be a patron.


As usual, awesome work, C5! loved watching the whole doc! It's my first time commenting, but I noticed something in the video, and want to add some info for the stats being cited around 38:40 in the youtube video . The details of the two statistics being given by Lee and then C5 should matter: small business trucking fleets vs big corporate trucking fleets vs indepedent contractors. As you cited from the American Trucking Association, 9% are independent/owner operators which means one 1 truck operating under one MC (motor carrier) number, but the ~87% that Lee was talking about means less than 10 trucks operating under one MC number. That's what she meant when she said Ma and Pa trucking companies, and that's why it's the People's Convoy. Because small business runs those streets, despite some corporations operating under 1 MC number with thousands and thousands of trucks, and those Ma and Pa people have an issue with government regulations creating barriers of entry for more new business and competition, despite how poorly they word it or understand it. Source: my partner is a freight broker for one of those big corporations, and also a brief internet search. One more fact check, it is ~3.5 million total truckers in US and ~350,000 indpendent contractors (hence the ~9% cited by ATA). I want to be able to rely on C5 for boots on the ground - 'showing the world what an average person thinks' - kind of news, and not have you, accidentally and hopefully never intentionally, twisting statistics around to make a point. That's what will separate you. I truly care about your channel. I believe it was an honest mistake due to confusion about the various terminology used for the number of trucks in a fleet. Hope this didn't come off as too harsh - long time lurker since the AGNB days and love every video you put out!


lmfaooo what a novel! You don't cite a single source, but found an 87% statistic re truckers via "a brief internet search." If that's true then you'll have no problem actually posting that source, but I'm almost positive you're just making that up. Do folks not see interviews w Andrew, and think that he buys that antivax BS just bc he appears sympathetic on camera? He does that to get ppl to open up. "those Ma and Pa people have an issue with government regulations creating barriers of entry for more new business and competition" LOOOL ANYBODY who does TEN MINUTES of research on that convoy will see that almost all its leaders are white nationalists. And u ppl can gfy, on god


Yet you post no sources for your internet searches. I suggest you leave that little wagon you're on, Jarret, before it's too late. Don't make the internet your home, as alluring as it might be.


The anemic state of the labor movement is making people insane


Knocked this one out of the park once again. I really hope you guys make it out to Ukraine and can help tell the story of the people there! Be safe and godspeed!


Wonderful series y'all!


I apologize if I was unclear, but I literally used the source they cited. I was explain the terminology as the statistic was misunderstood. In addition, I was not agreeing or disagreeing with the sentiment behind the peoples convoy, I made a detailed remark on what I thought they were about. So I truly dont understand the problem here. I didnt pull some crazy source out of my ass or even pick a side. I was making a point about industry language in a stat. Again, I love Channel 5 and every video they put out.


12:58 he looks like spy kids 2

Inger S

this series fucking rocks, thank you


I live in Hagerstown. Bravo. Glad to finally pull the trigger on being a sub.


TBH That Happy Camper hat was FUCKING SICK!


Kelly is such a legend LOL. Spitting pure Dad Jokes. He believes in the all the bullshit and yet still truly backs Channel 5.. not because they are spreading the truth... but because they don't call him an IDIOT.. and instead just showing the News OBJECTIVELY.. without giving their own opinions.


that Ron guy seems chill, but talking about Russian propaganda and then calling Russia "the quintessential communist power" really shows the disconnect among American liberals. The Soviet Union fell THIRTY years ago. You don't have to justify Putin's actions in order to realize things are not exactly how Biden, Zelinskyy and their NATO ghouls present it either. It's war after all.


also one of the best laura les productions "hell yeah brother" :)


Need the ID on the Carti hyperpop remix around 18:00!!! So happy to be a patron love ya boys


AAAAAND also ID on the final track in the youtube version as well ^ (so good)


Well if you scrolled up just a bit more you would find that it is 100gecs-shoota 😄


"Like opposite day and groundhog day... all at once"

Nazar Soroka (edited)

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2022-10-16 17:07:28 my favorite thing is that all of this that they’re opposing started under the trump administration &amp; somehow biden is the bad guy.
2022-04-12 12:03:49 my favorite thing is that all of this that they’re opposing started under the trump administration & somehow biden is the bad guy.

my favorite thing is that all of this that they’re opposing started under the trump administration & somehow biden is the bad guy.


That Passion Pit at the end was the cherry on top


I understood it as him saying Russia is the first thing most people on the right would think of when it comes to communism not that it is actually communist.


Loved this video! I live near by, and it was always hilarious to see this national phenomena in my own backyard


The dude with the raccoon hat is for sure Russian lmaooo

Mary Tidwell

Can’t wait to see more Ron!!