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Hey guys!

Here's our coverage of the first ever Satanic Temple gathering a month back in Scottsdale, Arizona, featuring interviews with a few satanists and Christian counterprotestors. Stay tuned for more! Hope you guys enjoy.


Andrew, Nic and Evan 


Gilena Simons

I am a Taoist. The next “religion” I believe is closest is Satanism. Wholly misunderstood, it includes all, and doesn’t recruit. Amen.

Gilena Simons

How fearful the Christians. Satanists are not that pussycat. 😂😂😂🇬🇧

Gilena Simons

SELF RESPONSIBILITY RULES not matter what anyone calls it. 👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼💪🏼🙌🏼🇬🇧

Gilena Simons

Who is having more fun, experiencing joy? Exactly. 💪🏼👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼🇬🇧

Gilena Simons

“If you trust the blood of Jesus you will be saved”? Jesus is saying waaaaa? 🤣🤣🤣🇬🇧

Gilena Simons

Great editing. Love the ending with those non satanic irresponsible drinkers. 👍🏼🇬🇧

Rocks D Xebec

If you love evil, God will give evil, If you love good, Goo will give you good...... If I love Warhammer 40k will god give me a shitload of Warhammer 40k books and miniatures?


Wow i love you


Channel 5 stays undefeated


Best spring break I've had


sorry that you had to spend time in scottsdale


Love everything y’all do! Happy St. Patty’s day ☘️


Huh, turns out I'm a Satanist.


It’s kinda funny watching Andrew talk to people and him actually be the weird one 😂


Fuck satan

Nolan Wilder

Amazing. More light on misunderstood good people


My man says "It's true" LMAO

Bryan Naylor

Before watching this I know its gonna be good. Check out the hellscape that is the discord lol https://discord.gg/Uwk43cXn






HAIL SATAN!!! Thank you Channel 5!!!


What a chill group! I'm converted. 👹


This was great


Lads at the end should have their own religion instead


Epic guys. The perfect ending. Thanks for filming. Can't wait for more.


LaVeyan satanists have made it a sin to fuck kids and you’ve got this guy calling a girl a over for expressing her sexuality and saying you’re a grown up when your hits start leaking a new fluid that isn’t piss? Like, it doesn’t matter what your belief is, if you use it to justify being a kiddy fiddler, your tapped in the head


haha these 'christians' are simply religious extremists, "we don't want them in their worshipping satan so let's start a mass prayer recital across the street"




Incredible episode, thanks guys!


damn, catholic protest at the end really brought back a flood of traumatic childhood memories being dragged along by my parents to catholic prolife rallies. thanks andrew and co! <3




Yet another banger - I'm so glad I hopped on the Patreon train.

Matthew Taylor

Banger after banger. This train just can’t be stopped!


boy that George Soros guy really gets around


I wonder what % of the satanists at this satan con have had poor experiences with the catholic religion growing up and are apart of it as a way to rebel against their upbringing


I was sooo excited to see you guys at SatanCon! Most of the actual members of The Satanic Temple were not interacting with the protestors or media, so I've been nervous to see how we were represented. So far, so good! Bonus: 1. That gal on the street was wearing a TST Colorado hoodie!!! 2. Andrew's upside-down cross was drawn by the organizer himself! Andrew, you sat right next to me during Aron Ra's presentation, and I wanted to fan girl the fuck out, but I managed to keep my cool 😎 You rock! Ave


Andrews fit check was one of the best bits in all of channel 5


"That's very satanical." A new adjective is born everyday.


Probably almost all of them, i'd guess. It's also hard to blame those who joined Satanism, because it was the only thing that helped them out of a bad situation, like the girl at the beginning.


The editing keeps getting better


"are you Hebrew??" ... "Jesus is" 😂😂


Raise hell praise Dale


Oooo oo next go to a SubGenius devival!


George Soros is behind everything, isn't he? Bro is 91. Who will they blame when he dies?


Loved this, expected everything but not that the Christians protesting are by far the craziest and most fucked to thing in this episode! Those satanists are doing great work (ironically, you might even say gods work), thanks for shedding some light on this!


I am in love with you Andrew.


I remember meeting some Satanists when I was in middle school. I was raised in Christian-Conservatism and was taught that Satanists were evil and sacrificed animals, but the people I met were not much different from me. They opened up to me about how they had been hurt by people who called themselves Christians and I felt for them. These people just want to be treated with respect and decency but Christians are too afraid to even have a conversation with them. Christians could learn a lot by sitting down with people different from them and fucking listening, but they’d rather exist in their bubble of ignorance.


his Mexican nephew, Jorge Sorogoza


Simply amazing. Love what you guys are doing. New patron here.


That poor girl, props to tst for helping her out! it really makes me feel like there is hope for humanity when i hear about things like that. we really need to move away from religion as a society it brings nothing but pain and misery to people yet they think it is salvation. the church propaganda is strong.


god bless the first women fucking with the protesters hail satan ma'am


Is there a way we can donate money to her? I want to help her damn maybe put a cashapp link to support her? Could be a good sponser. Also the dude at 5:18 looks exactly like vaush pre haircut


OTOH my grandma probably would have died as a child if not for the Catholic church. It's all shades of gray. I encourage you to look into Sikhism, it's by far the chillest of the major organized religions that I've come across.


God the ending gave me og big quarter confessions vibes


The dudes on the drunk-cycle are a sufficient stand-in for at least 1 person in the video dropping a freestyle flow


"Doesn't sound like it." That guy gets it.


what a rollercoaster of emotions i went through on this one

Peter Bedford

Are the Satanists just kind of atheists/ people who don't like religion? Because it seems like that and that would be fine IMO.


Could do the same thing they did with the onlyfans girl from a couple vids ago, they flashed her onlyfans for a quick promo if she was open to it or just cashapp donations they should add the links when this goes live

John Lake

another banger! on the edge of my seat for part 2


It's sort of like a response to atheism I think. Atheists don't like organized religion, which means their movement is inherently disorganized. Satanism is about organizing and upholding shared values without religion.


Hail Satan! Hail thyself! \m/


Look into it, it varies from practice to practice. The Satanic Temple isn’t The Church of Satan, but they share some DNA.




Christians are the most intolerant people on earth.

Jaime Nudd

Strangest episode of Attenborough's Human Planet ever.


Calling it a religion opens up doors in the US. They are pushing for legal abortions in states where its illegal by saying its a religious right and cermony, kinda. There are more examples like this where they use the laws protecting religous bullshit against the bullshitters. They are doing a great job!


Definitely makes you think differently when u hear the term “satanist”


Satanic Temple and Channel 5!? Its like a great and awesome-shake! <3

Michael Kurowski

Holy shit please give me at least 6 more minutes of the bachelor party


I am so proud to support your service to us all.


Hail Satan!

Benjamin Glover

this was a lot just for a first part




Can't wait for next episode


It’s just crazy to see a group of people like Christians acting like they are still in the 1700s. Pouring salt and shit to ward off demons. Just mind boggling.


that corny zit joke slayed me


to each their own but I am good on that. Just go out in any midsize-large city in the us and you'll see a group of guys just like that.


omg this one was amazing


This was about The Satanic Temple and SatanCon. The Church of Satan is a completely different organization


They use Satan as a mascot but are materialist atheists. Not satanists.


What a perfect ending .. top notch

Captain Wizzfizz


Alexis Gomez

Spiritual warfare on the streets of Scottsdale and a bunch of oblivious drunk bachelors cruising right through it all! What a wonderful world we live in lol

Richard Bruins

Very pleased to see this piece. Check out the movie Hail Satan? by Penny Lane if you want more good takes.


delightful place to end on part one!


Those guys at the end were hilarious. The whole “this is what we’re supposed to do when our friend gets married” type 😂

Mike Nichols

Can’t wait for part 2…thank you channel 5! Oh ya, and hail satan 🤘😂

I'gor Bogdanoff

oh man this is a good one, keep up the great work!

Bryan Naylor

Just a question why are some of these things blurred out. Like the word rape or the child(?)


is you upset that they are ‘poser’ satanist or that they are atheist?


It's not necessary but what's the problem? If people think TST is about actual Satan worship, then it goes to show how little they know about the cause, even when they are actively protesting against it...


The question "Can you tell us about your outfit?" should be asked on more Channel 5 interviews.


You guys... I think I’m a satanist. Everything they said seemed pretty freaking reasonable . 🤷‍♀️


I think that they use Satan as a mascot because it’s funny to see how angry all of the super religious Christian people get. Where as if the super religious people just did a little bit of research and study they would realize that Satan is just a name this group uses but it actually has nothing to do with Satan. It makes the religious people like really ignorant because they haven’t done enough research to see that it’s just a name and it’s mostly a group of Atheists that don’t believe in tan but scientists . I like that they use the name as a phrase it’s funny. It gets the religious people so unnecessarily mad. 😂😂😂 New slogan for satanist: satanism: it’s just like being atheist but now with a dash of trolling!


Meeeeee Atheist now because of the aggressive Catholicism that I was raised in. I’m sure that there are many of us.


I like how the satanist spokesman said they only believe in science and then he didn't seem to believe decomposition was a thing.


George Soros gave Samantha $300k


This is amazing... going to the SatanCon and they're BY FAR the most reasonable people around. Is there any reason that so many people blame George Soros for so much of what they disagree with? Where did this come from?


It kind of is necessary because by being a church they can exist in the civic space religion is given by law.

Eric Burbeck

For real. Although I don’t really get what satan has to do with any of the beliefs and values they seem to hold.


Great job guys! Love this one


I read that it came down to a personal grudge Rupert Murdoch held against Soros. Murdoch controlling one of the largest right wing propaganda networks in the world in turn spread the weird soros boogeyman shit. https://theintercept.com/2019/01/23/plot-george-soros-didnt-start-hungary-started-fox-news/


banger, again


"appropriating occult and religious imagery as trolls in the mainstream is not the way" y? sorry those dorks coopted your dorky thing


but i need more 😭😂

Aaron M

it may be due to the TOS of the website their videos are hosted on


Iv seen Andrew murder someone so hard with that fit check!


this is absolute gold


the last couple minutes of the video had me rolling from that irish guy to the cart


The crew rides again. Keep crankin’ out the content boys, lovin’ it ❤️❤️❤️


Just a couple’uh dudes be guys. Ain’t nuttin betta den dat


That’s not what he was saying. He was saying that the body decaying through decomposition isn’t sufficient evidence to prove that your afterlife becomes “one with the universe”


I’m not really sure what kind of community you think this is, but we’re not some QAnon support group.


I would argue only evangelical Christians. Sadly, their hatred is the vocal minority and most represented voter base in America.


This video has clearly triggered you. I would not recommend the next few videos of this series


I organize queer dance parties and now I think I ought to have some raves for satan, would set a great vibe


Hell, and I can't stress this enough, yeah

Loren Carvalho

well blow me down, jehoshaphat

Jeff M

shout out to andrew for ripping that idiots fit apart, much love


The irony of Christians looking more like a cult than literal Satanists is so amusing to me

Ramon Picarello

good to see aaron on there lol


"But that's because our SOCIETY *hard cutaway*" That had burst out laughing. Love y'all, keep doing the devil's work


I think cuz he's a rich Jewish person, mainly. jus good ol' anti-semitism...


hell yeah dude great fit as always tho 🙏😱💪




I’ll know I’ve made it when George Soros pays for something on my behalf, even if it’s just a McDouble.


Hail Satan.


I love channel 5


yo was that powerman 5000 I heard?? Andrew's a real one for that


As a person who (oddly) happened to befriend many a satanist...it largely seems to be an outlet for those who were deeply abused by the Catholic church -- its like now that they no longer believe in god, the inversion of the belief system and a way to make it make sense mentally (and as a way to stick it to your priest dad) becomes worshipping satan. I did meet one or two who truly did believe in satan and that was weird. Sort of feels akin to why people call themselves pagans or witches these days - for some, it's a real practice. For others, it's people grabbing on to whatever symbol that fights against an oppressive norm.


Thank you for once again exposing the absurdity of our times.

Michael Walker

Interesting to see the opposite sides of the spectrum give off such false equivalencies

Michael Walker

Which is ironic because science does prove the existence of a higher power.


BRO these endcuts are gem


azan pogo


I’m glad i can support this kind of content. 👍👍👍.


drunk bachelor party was my favourite part I can't lie




Singing God bless America and on is 11/10 gold.

Tsar bomba

i’m not even gonna lie to you Andrew…… THIS IS A FUCKING BANGER VIDEO


Ive done everything shes done and more Have you done anal? NO!! Thats disgusting!!

Tsar bomba

Also I think it has to do with not wanting to re-edit the videos for YouTube so they don’t get demonetized. (Rightfully so)



jon washington

Lots of tracks from Twisted Metal 3


the salt


yo Scottsdale is lit


I'm kinda surprised there was no freestyle rap from a weird rightwinger.


Fuckin sick, looking forward to it. You guys are the best.


Devastated that the first Irish person to appear in one of your videos is a homophobic prick.


Exactly where my brain wanted to go at the time after all the grimness and Andrew's as well it seems!


It uses him as a symbol as a rejection of the supernatural and an opposite of god who, through some views can easily be seen as negative as well as the ideas it pushes onto people. Ex: In christianity you are born a sinner and your soul is tainted but satan would say you are fine. Satan is used more as symbology to be an antithesis to religious beliefs that try to put an unearned and unjustified guilt into everyone and try to dehumanize the people around you for their choices. Look up the Satanic Temples websites and look at their about us page. Its a very humanistic way of thinking and the Satanic temple itself acts less like a church, but as charity organization. Calling yourself a Satanist in most cases doesn't mean you believe in the existence of Satan but you follow a secular ideology with some sensible fuck-you flavor to it.


Love it!!!!




Yup I’m a satanist

Therion Gish

As it turns out “satan” is not a proper noun in the earliest references in the books that have come to be known collectively as the Hebrew Bible or the Christian Old Testament. The satan usually referred to a messenger from god who would obstruct a path that was dangerous. In that sense many of these satanists are being very true to the oldest use of the term in attempting to block and oppose certain right wing evangelical Christians attempts at the establishment of one singular protected religious class of people in the US.


last minute was actual gold


Apathy: Sometimes I'm bummed about not being passionate enough to attend conventions/protest conventions.


The end with the pedal party thing... wtf are those called anyway? Perfect. I too choose party boy lifestyle instead


Hail Satan!


Hail Yourself!

Daniel V. Chilton

Hail the Void Ocean and it’s protector, the manifestation of a conscious personification of Death itself. May his dance obliterate all things within the material realm to bring the universe to it’s completely still and peaceful self once again!


Yes! The more people know about the power of gnosis and that the reality of the parable was to show that with comes knowledge comes new perspective and this responsibility. The apple was just the unknown waiting to be revealed. It wasn’t the snakes fault that we bit into it, we were told not to. That’s like how D.A.R.E. programs really are just classes to teach kids which drugs they may want to take when they grow up lol


Hahahaha the Bachelor Party bros just randomly rolling through is such a perfect cherry on top.



Nick Provenzano

Ayo, a couple out there people, but the Satanists seem pretty cool. Not my thing but I definitely support their message


The fucking booze cruise bros peel away had me cackling so good


Another good one


This made me so happy.


Holy shit Satanism sounds sweet

Gary Howard

George Soros is everywhere touching everything damn.


the fellllaaaas at the end oh my god that was pure joy

Lindsay Jacob Brown

not even a full min into it and im already so happy there is a part two

Lindsay Jacob Brown

yeah man ditch the suit. the people love your face


id assume because he has funded some movements and people that actually are fraudulent, people just use his name in an attempt to bring credibility to their opinions.


This just makes me sad


Why are all of these right-wingers incredibly anti-Semitic? Everything always boils down to “Jews bad.”


I mean the turn it took at the end is just 10/10 I was dying 😂


So funny when that lady is bickering with the old man about how Channel 5 is going to edit out the good bits, and only show the bad. When she just cuts the argument with , "you can do what you want".. and he says.. "doesn't sound like it." DYNAFUCKINGMITE! Always getting the gold guys. Love your work!


Andrew, Nick, Even... you guys are all GENIUS. Without giving subjective opinon (like some news corporations do now adays) and instead objectively showing how incredibly complex and STUPID humans are.


Absolutely incredible


Yoo I really hope that dude in the bass pro shop hat is not allowed near school zones talking bout “you’re an adult when you have a period” like whattttt


"From the other people that had done the research." Yeah. That checks.


the outfit checks got me loling

Buz Lee

"Well, you can do what you want." "It doesn't sound like it." That old guy is a legend in that moment.


Proud member of the Satanic Temple right here 👋🏻


@ryan Elwood that makes sense cause I was raised catholic...but I guess I’m just lazier than the satonists. Why go to a convention when I could call myself atheist, sit at home and watch Netflix. 😅


Just commenting because i feel bad for deleting my last one psa don’t delete these ❤️


I am upping my patreon sub immediately because of this video. Literally right now. And frantically texting my right wing father hail Satan emojis.


These Satanists are not doing themselves any favors associating with “Satan.” They actually have a very reasonable and empathetic message… they could call themselves “The Church of Caring” and would attract 10x the number of members instantly


Fredo in the cut thats a scary sight 😤💯 RIP Fredo


and he can do what he wants but the satanists can't, such hypocrisy!


pedal bars, trolley pubs, booze bike tours idek lots of names


Traditional religion was set up as a sort of moral framework I think so it makes sense that people who are devout followers would want to spread the word of god to people who they believe are going to burn for eternity if you don’t follow the word. Satanism seems to be all about indulgence and really enjoying what life has to offer I don’t think it’s inherently bad but our society has worked a certain way for a thousands of years and it has gotten us pretty far. If we don’t have restraint and just indulge in everything we become lazy and don’t want to push to further achievements. I’m not saying that these people are lazy btw I’m just saying if we did away with the structure the world would fall apart.


This is why I'm paying the good stuff, you're a good bunch of men!


wow this happened in arizona and i had no clue


Capitalism, the current world order, is only about 200 years old. The nuclear family, depending on class, about half that. There have been thousands of gods and religions.


George Soros can't be stopped.


I love channel 5


Former laveyan satanist now satanic temple member. The interest of so called satanism brought me to lavey and then fiding out how the creator is a total piece of shit and didn't really give a fuck about any of the church's followers made me seek out the temple and what they believe.


Also best way I can describe it as the church of satan aka lavey are the libertarians of religion and the satanic temple are socialists. Depending on who you are I'm a socialist and I see that as a good thing though.


Your actually thinking more of laveyan satanism and not the temple of satan. Theres two different satanic churches now. They split up.


Your actually thinking more of laveyan satanism and not the temple of satan. Theres two different satanic churches now. They split up.


Love you Andrew for spreading the word of Satan! The ideals that this Satanic church hold are what normal people should value. If god hates people for doing the right thing, then I'd rather go to Hell!


LOVE the fit check


If anal is evil then I am dr evil himself


Bruh I about died when they said George Soros was responsible and that they got the info from others who did their own research 💀mfs dumb asf


being from AZ i am strangely proud of this


Man said rip Fredo RS 🙏🏻


I unironically want that trans flag punisher sticker


A Beautiful ending


rip fredo


not gonna lie...im so down bad i paid in the hopes that 0:45 was uncensored here


Using Satan forces people to confront their preconceived ideas about what constitutes a religion. True they could probably attract more followers by removing Satan but I think the message is more important than growth.


there are churchs of healing and caring. no one goes to them and no one is goth there.

Joe Sirolli

scottsdale baby


I doubt this girl has an OnlyFans but it'd be cool if she did.


I think there are a ton of a great people in the Satanic Church, but the church itself is not as free of "sin" as they claim.

Spirit molecule

what's the worst thing satan ever did? he tried to reason with jesus. BOOM. XD


I love this


Aaaarrrrghhhh I don't know what we're yelling about!!! (read my mind)


Andrew is god


If Satan punishes bad people, wouldnt that make him good?

A. Gandhy

ALL HAIL THE DARK LORD LOLOL - this is really good - how are the christians that dumb ?

Kenneth Pierce

Christian protester is dripping.