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This big, slow roll trucker protest is unstoppable!

In this episode, we wake up with the convoy in Monrovia, Indiana, where we find 300 trucks, 1000 patriots, several of whom share some concerning interpretations of the war in Ukraine. After running into a familiar Patriot, Andrew interviewed the main organizer of The People's Convoy, Leigh Dundis (former All Gas No Brakes interviewee/attorney for the Church of Scientology). It quickly became clear that the majority of the convoy is rooting for Russia.

Afterwards, we drive to Indianapolis, where we find some different perspectives at a local dive bar.

As always we hope you enjoy! And be on the lookout for the finale (Day 5) which drops tomorrow. 

-Andrew, Evan, and Nic



You guys are the best!!!


Just as i was about to finish episode 3 hahaha fuck yeah


What the track that played in the beginning?

Peter Bedford

Man it's been christmas lately with these new videos. Convoy christmas. Good work guys.


It's Low - Words, but I think it's a cover, or a live version, cause it's tastefully distorted. Anyone know the specific version?


The camera readjustment for dudes eyes was incredible 🙌

Peter Bedford

That Trump Kennedy guy is really on some stuff.

Jake Wilty

how tf did putin become a hog hero


Wish I hit up Sam’s while you boys were there


thas sum g shit rite ther


Incredible work yet again

Michelle Sleeper

If Andrew goes to Ukraine and gets an interview with Zelenskyy, what's the over/under on getting him to spit bars?


I'm gonna be so sad if there's no Uranus fudge factory in this. They really wring it out for every joke they can. Fudge is solid af too. Find some characters around that area

Josh Williams

Jesus Christ this shit is so good. You guys are doing it. Thanks


Я припускаю, що він плює по-справжньому підлі фрази про людей, які вмирають


The Leigh Dungus peach fuzz zoom sent me.


Will this be published on YouTube eventually? I want to share it! Too good.


I just went through a ton of live recordings and covers on YT but didn't find it :( Andrew, Evan, Nic, help us out!!




Soccer ball, classic kgb move


Whoever the cameraman is, you are a genius.

Simeon Ayton

You guys are really spoiling us with all this A+ content


Oh shit that Daily Blast host is my friend Tory!


These people are all gold medalists in mental gymnastics.


This series is so good!


Man I had an avengers assemble moment when I realized that was Kelly


Really good stuff y'all are doing


What a treat to be spoiled with all this great content.

Josh Weyland

fuckin G shit right there


dont forgoddamnget it


Is that Kelly documentary still in the works?


the spike form was impeccable


Quality. thanks for brightening my week ♥


I'm super stoked for when you get your passport. I'm really curious to see independent journalism wrt how much white supremacy is actually a thing in Ukraine.


I liked the fact checks on Leigh. I haven't really seen y'all do that before but it was definitely helpful for me as I had no idea what the correct answers actually were.


equally scary and interesting to hear what people think. thank you again so much for sharing this portrait of our nation wit us


Be safe in Ukraine if you are still going!


It's a thing in a lot of places dude. The Russian propaganda has talked all about nazis in Ukraine. Truth is its a tiny militia subset of a couple thousand that accounts for less than a percent of armed groups in Ukraine. We have just as many if not more here in the US.

Magic Plants

Fuck these dumb redneck pieces of shit, imagine being so dumb that you're scared of MRNA.

Benjamin Glover

dynamite blue don't give an eff

Alex Daugherty

So does every soccer ball have data inside it? Wtf man

Gabe Martinico

Lol always wish these were an hour 😆 also drunk girl at the end was weird af hahaha I feel like she was lyin' bout the "distant" family hahaha


i love channel 5


It's crazy how many people buy into that Q shit


How are these people on putins side?! He is basically the opposite of what they claim they stand for.


great stuff!


Towards the end of the video you toss up some text and misspell Indianapolis. Might want to fix that before it makes it to YouTube.

Benjamin Glover

it's been two years and i still don't know what a "Type A" lawyer is


Ok giggles 😅


Holy brainwash


also 'Pewtin'


Coming at us live from the intersection of art, information and the confusing present day!! Love it greaat work

Nathan Parks

I continue to be fascinated by Channel 5 videos. Andrew an the team are able to just roll into any situation and start asking folks to summarize their thoughts, and soon you start to see all the common threads of thought, but also the vastly different ideas these people have simultaneously. No matter how delusional or rational some of these people are you almost immediately understand why the believe what they do. Hats off to this team for this content!

Brett Moore

Kelly is a fun part of the channel 5 universe but he's still a fucking nutjob.

Nazar Soroka (edited)

Comment edits

2022-03-10 12:24:39 you know these people saying it’s none of our business & to stay out of ukraine are the same assholes who were gung ho about afghanistan & iraq.
2022-03-09 15:28:24 you know these people saying it’s none of our business & to stay out of ukraine are the same assholes who were gung ho about afghanistan & iraq.

you know these people saying it’s none of our business & to stay out of ukraine are the same assholes who were gung ho about afghanistan & iraq.


Communism is an economic model based on the equal sharing of wealth and the absence of personal property. I doubt that Putin, being a Russian oligarch, would ever equally share his wealth.


Russia isn’t actually communist, it’s authoritarian.


It's wild these people are praising and sympathizing with Putin, a Russian dictator who is becoming more totalitarian by the day. Then they turn around and say that mask mandates are going too far. It's illegal in Russia to say that the war in Ukraine is a war. You have to say "special military operation" or you risk prison for 15 years. The post-truth era is a wild time to be alive.


i really appreciate channel 5 for all that they do

Tendaji X

Ok, she clearly doesn't know how to use the word "Bussy." Some edgelord "communist" just throwing out terms she's heard in completely irrelevant context.


Kelly may be brainwashed to support Q but his true support is clearly for Channel 5. Can't help but think/hope he is in on the joke? He seems like a decent enough guy, if a little wacky. His opinions never seem to shift and he's at practically every protest in America, so I just find it odd that he hasn't questioned Channel 5's motives for always interviewing him.


damn the table massages at the Peoples Convoy are probably fire


I don't have family in Ukraine, but I do have friends with family in Ukraine who are absolutely terrified about what could happen to them. Hearing these people talk about how there is no war going on in Ukraine, that all the footage is fake, really re-affirms that their entire world view was formed in an echo chamber. They feel so far gone it's really disheartening.


Massive props to the team for reviewing the suggestions from the previous videos and taking them to heart. The occassionally fact checking is well done in that it isn't being used against the interviewee as an opportunity to dunk on them, but so that it keeps the C5 viewers informed of the actual, cited facts in the face of misinformation.


Kelly is a friend outside of politics and I think he understands that at this point our intention is not to cause division or instigate at Patriot events. Also, we don’t chop peoples words or hit crash zooms anymore like during the All Gas days so we’re moving out of Troll Territory.. also helps to have a friend at a truck stop in Elk City, Oklahoma - Andrew


Good to know. Yes, Channel 5 content is noticeably more focused guerilla-journalism than akin to "old youtube-meme Kassem G interviews". There is no such thing as too many truck stop friends. Ya'll stay safe out there, especially if you were serious about getting passports to go to Europe.


omg the moustache

Linda Hoang

Glad to hear the real truth about Putin's bussy.


anyone else confused with the mix of footage from day one?


Holy shit, this is gold.


++ for fact check blurbs. keep it up


Just adding a little extra context to the “lawyer” Andrew interviewed, Leigh. Her associate, Pamela Milacek, who is in charge of the donations platform Leigh mentioned is a sketch ball— seems slimy. Worth mentioning Leigh was also at Jan 6. This article explains what’s going on: https://www.washingtonpost.com/dc-md-va/2022/03/04/peoples-convoy-donations-fraud-afclf/


This video had it all!! Also really appreciated the fact check!


Hey! Get down Willie Brown! I never smiled like that for a trump supporter


I love the subtle close ups on the lips, really makes them look as ugly as the nonsense they are spewing.


I get happier seeing Kelly than I do seeing most of my relatives


What a great series. thanks


Yo that radioactive jacket is fiya i gotta get me one of those

Gabe Martinico

That girls definition was WAY off tho. Everybody knows a Bussy is a boy-pussy. I've never heard it used to describe a specifically loose booty hole lol


Where is the uncensored version of the Sherman interview??


putin's fat bussy


Serious question - what changed to make you guys want to do the fact check freeze frames in this one? One thing that's always struck me about AGNB/Channel 5 is your guys' tendencies to let people's words speak for themselves. Obviously you guys have injected a bit more about yourselves into this series. I think it's a good thing, but I'm curious to know what motivated the change.

Chris Adcock

Seems sensible to show the actual facts of a situation, I dont think it is inherent bias but helps to not spread actual factual misinformation. They are still letting all of the people that they talk to speak their mind. They arent doing pop ups for random opinions that can't inherently be fully proven but when it comes to things like numbers that have proof I can see it as understandable info to share as to not spread misinformation.


I live less than a five minute walk from that bar. You were right in the middle of hipsterville.

Jeff M

based indiana


jaw DROPPED at the appearance of kelly j patriot


also that green denim lowkey fucks


yo, what was the song at the beginning of this video? Was it "Words" by Low?

Andy Gott

that chick is for sure a HasanAbiHead. Andrew, keep up the good work, mang!

Anonymous (edited)

Comment edits

2022-03-10 12:24:34 The mustache scene has me dead!! <3 channel FaaaaaaaaaaV
2022-03-10 03:03:28 The mustache scene has me dead!! <3 channel FaaaaaaaaaaV

The mustache scene has me dead!! <3 channel FaaaaaaaaaaV


Anyone know the song in the first 30 seconds?

Desmond Hawkins

10:03 – absolutely terrifying


god why'd you zoom on the mouth lmfao god why DID YOU ZOOM IN ON HER MOUTH


The reason why dumb bitch isn’t taking her convoy to DC is because they were smart and put boots on the ground. DC has NG to deter the convoy. They wouldn’t dare enter DC.


Dundas is insane lol we dont want her back in the OC


Hey I just wanted to say that you were the first media outlet that told me about the US run bio labs in Ukraine misinformation campaigns… days before I read anything about it in any of the number of other media outlets I read. This is true journalism, Andrew and Co. Thank you for your service!


You’re keeping your finger on the fringe pulse and I appreciate it


That organizer lady is just the most pretentious far right person I’ve ever seen, like she said “transnational international” just to have more big words in her sentence. If you don’t have anything of substance to say, speak slowly!! You only look smart to people that don’t care what you’re saying!!!!


Kelly is a plant!!!


It's interesting how convoluted the narrative these people have for reality has become. It seems like many of these people hold beliefs that are completely disparate, but have weaved them together with a combination of historical fiction, far right talking points, and Q Anon posts. I am not sure if it is because of where he is interviewing people or if it is a symptom of the time. By comparison, these stories make the plots that Trump and Q Anon created seem cohesive. Without those voices leading these people it seems many of them are even more confused than ever before. .


The current Q Anon narrative has more in common with creative fiction and alternate reality games than any historical or present fact. Its incredible that people have been driven to narratize in this way in order to cope with basic realities such as wars and diseases


"You dont sound super sure about that I'm not gonna lie."


look at you 2 having such a intelligent and respectful conversation. Noice


Totally, I wonder what would or could have prevented these people from doing this. Is it a trauma response?I was under the impression that Q had been silent for months at this point. Where then are these people getting these narratives?


It was wild when Kelly mouthed the word “want” exactly when that lady said it


That one dude with his kid by his side spouting antisemitic BS about Soros and the Rothschilds. Crazy how much of this Q-type Cabal Conspiracy folks are just parroting the same bllod-libel crap that's been out there for centuries. Have an original thought, sheeple!!


Based slowcore intro letsgooo


lol you find plenty of those loons in the comments sections of these vids, even


Oh god, thank you for actually adding the fact-checking, it really improves the quality of the in my eyes!! Keep up the work you guys rule


13:44 is a real mfer, dig them...but yo the DATA SOCCER BALL, i was in stitches


These comments on Putin. Fuck I don't know how we function as a society. Where are we in the arc of destruction of facts? If this is a long trend, we are in for one insane century


Really good to see you fact check during the interview. Especially because she sounds so goddamn sure of herself and has that lawyer veneer of respectability.


When so called patriots stand with another country instead of their own.. I love this timeline.


Where can I get a Trump Kennedy shirt?

Dingus Ex Machina

A 5-banger of various Channel 5 flags would be sick to have on the RV

Andrew Holmes (edited)

Comment edits

2023-06-26 07:11:19 &lt;_&gt; "Putin is doin the raght thang"
2022-12-06 21:17:12 <_> "Putin is doin the raght thang"

<_> "Putin is doin the raght thang"