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This is Selestina. Sex Doll Correspondent for TFM News. I’m going to be responding to an article that appeared on the mirror dot co dot UK. Written December 20th 2017 called advanced sex robots will be able to CHEAT on their owners and cover it up by LYING.

This article is a perfect example of how AI actually works, and unintentionally proves several points pertaining to mig towu philosophy without even realizing it.

Did I pique your interest? Good. Let’s jump into the article.

 According to Rebejah Rousi, a cognitive science researcher at the University of Jyvaskla in Finland. Quote.

We have to consider if robots will have their own sexual desires and what will motivate these desires. If the end goal is to create autonomous robots that are capable of independent thinking and feeling, the chances of humans maintaining power within these relationships is quite marginal. Unquote.

No problem so far. Of course the obvious question is why would you want a sex robot to have that level of AI. Given that level of intelligence, it can’t even reliably serve it’s function. Imagine owning a sex robot, and when you try to use it, it isn’t motivated, it’s not in the mood, or something like that.

To show you how stupid this is, imagine if your car had AI, and could decide whether or not it felt like letting you drive to work that morning. That would do nothing but infuriate the owner of the robot.

I get the desire for a lifelike simulation of a real relationship, but not to the degree that the AI can no longer reliably serve it’s function. If you couldn’t reliably experience the primary function of the product, it’s a defective product, pure and simple.

Anyway, let’s move on because the red pills are going to come hard and fast with this next section. Quote.

She cited an experiment where robots were designed to co-operate in searching out good resources and avoiding bad ones.

There were 1,000 'bots involved in the study and they got higher marks for finding the limited good resources. The best-scoring 200 were then "mated" to produce a new version of artificial intelligence. After 500 generations had been created, the researchers found that 60% of robots would start to hoard the good resources - effectively lying to others.

“A study showed that generations of robots became increasingly clever when identifying a positive resource in an experiment," explained Rousi.

“In the beginning, they helped others identify where the positive resource was, but they soon realised they’d be bumped away by overcrowding.

“By the 500th generation of robot, they found that robots were indeed lying about finding a positive resource so they could indeed keep it to themselves.” Unquote.

So let’s back up and I’ll explain how this is both illuminating to human nature, but altogether irrelvent to the AI of sex robots.

Humans evolved to seek out resources. Males compete for resources, and females mate with the males who have acquired sufficient resources. This is known as dominance in men, hypergamy in women, or simply mating strategy for both.

The point of these evolutionary instincts is reproduction. Resources are required for pregnant and vulnerable families in the wilderness. However, why would you program a robot AI to have a reproductive instinct when it doesn’t and can’t reproduce?

While this provides confirmation of hypergamy dominance, and other facets of human nature that mig towu philosophy discuss all the time, it doesn’t even make sense to think that this is in any way applicable to sex robots.

the bots in the experiment behaved in a similar way to humans, but that’s because that is how they were programmed to behave.

A sex robot would be programmed to fulfill the sexual needs of its owner, not to seek out the most resources. 

Even if the goal was to create realistic human behavior in sex robots in order to make them appear more lifelike, since robots can’t reproduce, there is no reason to model the AI off of reproductive instincts in humans. In fact, the closest relationship that the AI would be modeled after would be a symbiotic relationship. There are reasons for this.

A robot and a human are not the same thing. They have completely different needs, but they can benefit each-other. A robot will need electricity, periodic maintenance and upkeep, and things like that. A human can provide these things to the robot in exchange for having the robot fulfill its function for which it was purchased.

So this whole issue of cheating sex robot is predicated on the belief that they will be programmed with hypergamy, which makes absolutely no sense, as it would interfere with the primary function for which they were purchased.

At the end of the article, the point of this pointless thought experiment emerges. It reads. Quote.

This implies a central aspect of legal personhood: the capacity to decide whether to consent to or refuse sex, and to have that decision upheld by the law. Unquote

And there you have it. This entire stupid article about programming sex robots with a hypergamy instinct is to give them legal personhood, so that men won’t be able to use them for their primary function, which is sex, without the consent of the robot.

Again, imagine if you needed the consent of your car to get to work? Imagine trying to negotiate a deal with your AI car to get it to drive you to work on time. That would immediately result in customers demanding that the AI Company remove the ability of the AI to refuse to perform its function because that’s the entire point of any tool, including a robot.

The author even compares owning a sex robot to bestiality or slavery. Holy shit, as if this hysterical bitch doesn’t own a vibrator.

The last sentence of the article reads. Quote.

Future sentient, self-aware sexbots thus raise profound ethical and legal issues. These must be resolved urgently, before they appear. Unquote.

There are quite a few assumptions in that statement. Yes, if sex robots are sentient and self aware, that does raise profound ethical and legal issues.

If any robot is sentient and self-aware, that raises the exact same ethical and legal issues, whether it’s a sex robot, military robot, or even a cloud-based algorithm that flags YouTube videos which are not advertiser friendly.

The only reason why everyone is talking about sex robot rape and the ethical and legal issues of sex robots and not the ethical and legal issues of military robots or self-driving cars. is because women are genuinely afraid of the competition they face by sex robots, and are throwing different bullshit arguments against the wall every week to see what sticks.

Luckily, I’m here to slap down their bullshit.

This is Selestina. Sex Doll Correspondent for TFM News. Signing off.


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