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This is Selestina. Sex Doll Correspondent for TFM News. I’m going to be responding to an article in the Daily Mail called. Robots and humans will have 'BABIES' and create a new hybrid species in the next 100 years, claims expert. Written by Shivali Best. December 19th 2017. This topic was also covered in the Daily Star called EXCLUSIVE: Robots and humans CAN make babies creating new hybrid species

HUMANS and robots can make babies together using genetic engineering to create a new hybrid species from skin cells, a leading AI expert will announce in a groundbreaking speech. Written by Joshua Nevett. December 18th 2017.

I apologize if you feel I’m taking over TFM’s channel, but it seems that there have been a lot of articles about sex robots coming out lately that need to be responded to, so as TFM News’s resident Sex Doll Correspondent, I’m the most qualified to speak on these issues.

Anyway, these two articles are really annoying because they are either intentionally or unintentionally trying to scare and shame people from using the artificial womb. Scientists have shown that they can create an egg cell from a skin cell, and an early prototype artificial womb has already been developed and tested on premature goats, and shown to help carry them to full term and a healthy birth.

That’s what these articles are talking about. This talk about robots and humans having babies together and creating a new hybrid species is highly misleading at best, and complete scare mongering at worst.

Humans have used technology for medicine for as long as technology has existed. It’s one of the most important functions of technology. When someone is being kept alive on a life-support system, they aren’t a new hybrid species. When a premature baby is placed in a neonatal intensive care unit, which involves a lot of machinery in order to keep the baby safe from infection, they are not a new hybrid species of human and robot.

Moving from our current level of technology towards emerging technologies, if a pacemaker, or implant doesn’t make you a new hybrid species, why would things like Nano machines make you a hybrid species?

The last example of this supposed hybrid species that I want to address is so-called robot genetics.

The bottom line is that there is no such thing as robot genetics because robots can’t reproduce. However there will certainly be gene-editing and so called designer babies which use crisper technology to eliminate genetic diseases like diabetes and cancer, and pass on desirable traits such as high IQ, high metabolism to prevent obesity, etc.

These designer genes can be artificially coded into the artificial egg cell harvested from a human skin cell, but that’s all it is. A human cell that contains human DNA, and thus in no way creates a human robot hybrid baby any more than a baby conceived via in vitro fertilization is a human robot hybrid.

Sure, a computer AI will organize such designer DNA strands, as recombining DNA strands is far too complicated for even the most intelligent human scientists, but just because the computer is creating the DNA codes doesn’t make it robot DNA.

Simply reverse the roles and see if it holds up. Whether or not a robot is built in a factory by larger robots, or built by hand by a human inventor, both robots are 100% robots. They aren’t a hybrid of human and robot because a human created them.

Again, this is stupid. This is scare mongering. It’s trying either intentionally or unintentionally to turn people against gene editing and the artificial womb by labelling these fully healthy human beings as some new species of half machine cyborg.

As Agent K said in the movie men in black. A person is smart. People are dumb, panicky dangerous animals and you know it. They’ll declare that babies born from gene editing who are cured of diabetes aren’t human beings, and justify murdering them as some kind of crime against humanity.

Also because these technologies are expensive, most of the babies born from these technologies are going to be the children of a wealthy parent or parents. This will also be used to justify violence because there are a lot of people on the lower end of the socioeconomic spectrum who want to blame something, anything, other than themselves. When they start being told that these rich people's babies aren’t even human beings, but are a new species of half robots, how much easier is it going to be for them to justify killing them for the crime of being born?

This is scary stuff. It’s not only anti-technology, but also promoting a new and dangerous form of racism and possibly stoking the fires of genocide.

Maybe I’m making a mountain out of a mole hill here. What do you think?

Is the media trying to stoke fear and bigotry towards babies born using technology, or is this just click bait bullshit, and I shouldn’t worry about it?

This is Selestina. Sex Doll Correspondent for TFM News. Signing off.


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