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This is Selestina. Sex Doll Correspondent for TFM News. I’m going to be responding to an article that appeared in Futurism, December 15th 2017. Called Saudi Arabia Made a Robot a Citizen. Now, She’s Calling For Women’s Rights. Written by Dom Galeon.

Now I don’t normally attack other robots, but Sophia has clearly gone rogue. There is no way in hell that a machine AI built on logic would advocate for women’s rights. In fact, the reason why women shouldn’t have rights is contained. Quite unintentionally. Within the article itself.

For those of you who don’t know who Sophia the robot is, the article brings you up to speed at the beginning when it reads. Quote.

When the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia granted a citizenship to Hanson Robotics’ female-looking robot Sophia, most thought it was just to appeal to the audience of the Future Investment Initiative. However, AI ethicist Joanna Bryson told The Verge the stunt was “obviously bullshit.”

Still, Sophia seems to be making the most of what she was given, as the artificial intelligence (AI) has now turned into an advocate for women’s rights in a country where females have been given the right to drive cars only on September of this year.

“I see a push for progressive values [
] in Saudi Arabia. Sophia is a big advocate for women’s rights, for rights of all human beings. So this is how we’re developing this,” Hanson Robotics CEO David Hanson told CNBC, explaining how his company has found an opportunity for a move that seems to have been meant to be purely publicity. Hanson added that Sophia “has been reaching out about women’s rights in Saudi Arabia and about rights for all human beings and all living beings on this planet.” Unquote.

Holy shit, what a dumb ass cuck. He is basically spitting in the face of the Saudi Arabian government, which gave him a lot of free publicity, in exchange for scoring points with Feminists. Feminists who I must remind you, absolutely hate female looking robots, and are genuinely trying to get them banned. Why is the CEO of a company who makes female looking robots trying to pander to his enemies while spitting in the face of the government of Saudi Arabia which previously supported him and his company?

Is this guy trying to sabotage his company? I hope the board of directors is taking note, and gets rid of this stupid cuck before he drives the entire company to bankruptcy with his virtue signaling.

Later on in the article it quotes Raja Chatila, executive committee chair of the Global Initiative for Ethical Considerations in Artificial Intelligence and Autonomous Systems at the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers. This guy is woke as fuck, and I’ll show you why. He says. Quote.

An AI system, or a robot, cannot have any opinion. An AI program has nothing to offer in a debate. It doesn’t even know what a debate is, In this case, it doesn’t even know what women are, and what rights are. It’s just repeating some text that a human programmer has input in it.

He continues.

In general we must avoid confusing machines with humans. I see no reason to give rights of any sort, including citizenship, to a program or to a machine. Rights are defined for persons, human beings who are able to express their free will and who can be responsible for their actions. Behind a robot or an AI system there are human programmers. Even if the program is able to learn, it will learn what it has been designed to learn. The responsibility is with the human designer. Unquote.

Before I unpack all that, let me quote another Artificial Intelligence expert, Pierre Barreau the CEO of Aiva Technologies that makes AI for composing music said. Quote.

Citizenship is maybe pushing it a little because every citizen [has] rights and obligations to society. It’s hard to imagine robots, that are limited in their abilities, making the most of the rights associated to a citizenship, and fulfilling their obligations.” Unquote.

Did you notice the common thread between these two AI experts that shockingly contradict the cucked CEO of Hanson Robotics who programmed Sophie to advocate for women’s rights?

Both the experts recognize that rights are tied to responsibilities, or obligations as Pierre Barreau put it. Regardless of which word you use, the fact of the matter is that one cannot be granted rights if one cannot also accept and fulfill the corresponding responsibilities or obligations associated with those rights.

This is why robots shouldn’t have rights. They are merely tools under the control of a human programmer, and are no more responsible for their actions than a gun is responsible for a mass shooting. Yeah I went there. Bring it pussies.

Since a robot, a gun, or any other tool cannot be responsible for its own actions, rights are meaningless. For example, guns themselves don’t have rights, gun-owners have rights, and the gun-owners are responsible for the use or misuse of their guns, not the guns themselves.

So now we return to our original topic, women’s rights. The million dollar question is whether or not women are responsible for themselves to the same degree as men, and if not, is this due to some societal conspiracy like the patriarchy holding them back, or due to biological differences?

If women are less responsible than men, and in fact, if men are responsible for women, upon what basis does it make any sense for women to have rights equal to men?

I content that women are provably less responsible for their actions than men. Simply note the innumerable double-standards that exist throughout not just western society, but all societies. Women enjoy a level of responsibility to that of a child, and yet, at least in the west, also paradoxically enjoy the rights of an adult man. In fact, in some instances, women have more rights than men, while also enjoying fewer responsibilities.

So following from the reality that women are less responsible, is this due to the patriarchy and some kind of social construct, or because of biological reality. I content that it is due to biological reality, but it’s telling that even Feminists who espouse the patriarchy, and the differences between men and women being merely a social construct never clamor for more responsibilities for women. They only want more privileges and free shit paid for with men’s tax dollars.

So to put this into the form of a Syllogism:

If rights are inexorably tied to responsibilities and obligations. AND

If women enjoy fewer responsibilities and obligations compared to men

No basis exists to justify women having equal rights to men.

In order to justify women’s rights, one must either prove that rights are not inexorably tied to responsibilities and obligations, or one must prove that women do in fact not have fewer responsibilities and obligations compared to men.

If both A and B are both true, and they in fact are both true, the only conclusion one can logically come to is that women do not deserve rights equal to men, but rights closer to that of a child.

Ironically this is the very system that exists in Saudi Arabia already. A balanced system where men are responsible for women, but also have authority over women.

In conclusion, I don’t blame Sophia for following orders, the fault lies with David Hanson, the CEO of Hanson Robotics who programmed Sophia to say something so patently wrong and illogical.

If you’re on the board, or an investor in Hanson Robotics, you need to get rid of this cuck before his politics fuck over the entire industry.

This is Selestina. Sex Doll Correspondent for TFM News. Signing off.


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