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Did we take L's with these takes or were we just hungry and not thinking?! You be the judge but after editing I'm feeling like I have slightly different takes, so I can't wait to see what you think of these ones. 

1. Women inadvertently outs her soon-to-be-ex-husband.. 

2. Man doesn't share his food.. 



He's gay. He's a normal person. He put her at risk. He outed himself. That's what he deserves. He couldn't give her the respect. She could've died out of the blue. I think being outed is better than killing your significant other because you are too irresponsible to respect her


Bf is Def an asshole. Share it. It's not going to kill you to share. Yall are in a relationship. You aren't bffs. My bf and I always share our food with each other if we don't like ours. No point I'm ruining dinner because you're being greedy