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okay.. wow.. WOW. I did NOT know what Kerri was getting me into when we started this story.. and it's coming from our own subreddit too. The full bonus episode with Kerri contains more doozies like this and the remaining bonus stories this month with Lauren are also a don't miss. Free members come join us, even if it's just for a month/based on what you can handle!

Thank you all for being here and hanging on patiently while I closed out this tour and get my life back together slightly <3<3<3<3

TW: it contains talks about attraction to a minor.. unclear if grooming but if you can't handle conversations along those lines please skip this one.

Story Link: https://www.reddit.com/r/TwoHotTakes/comments/1cjt9hq/my_fiance_just_confessed_to_being_in_love_with_my/



In response to the ‘A wee bit rude’ episode…it sounds like Dunkies give you the dumpies💩😆

Aspen Nova

I just wanted to say in regards to the "buy a month then cancel" thing, I have been on the free tier for ages, but because my birthday is in a couple of days, I thought I'd splurge for a month because of how much joy this podcast brings me. Even though I was feeling bad for wanting to cancel it after one month. But then hearing you say that just made me really happy. Which really just highlights the reasons why you (Morgan) and this podcast is one of my favourite parts of the week ❤️