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Here we are with May's full bonus episode. It was a bit all over the place but a RIDE nonetheless. All of these were blind reactions just picking based on whats "hot" and had a interesting title. I can't wait to hear your thoughts. Be sure to listen carefully for the TW on story 2!!

Story Links:


TW!!!! https://www.reddit.com/r/TrueOffMyChest/comments/1ckt20g/im_not_having_kids_and_my_mom_has_been_actively/?force_seo=1




Kit Oberg

I am someone who has made the decision to not have kids. I’ve been pregnant twice, the first one ended with me literally dying for a minute (developed eclampsia and had multiple seizures and then stopped breathing) second pregnancy was ectopic, and I ended up needing to have emergency surgery on Father’s Day where I lost a fallopian tube. My mom every chance she gets brings up how I shouldn’t give up, I also live in a very red state where they are arguing how close to death a woman needs to be in order to be granted a medically necessary abortion. Idk how to explain it to her that with my history and the way our country is, it’s literally not safe for me to have a kid. Still she tells me I’ll regret it when I’m old not having kids. Like I wants kids but I don’t want to die while trying to have them.

Haley Decker

Food lions are pretty crazy

Kelly McKinley

Dude… during my period, I am SUPER careful about expressing my irritation. When I was first starting my periods (I was maybe 10 or 11), I snapped at my mom and got a verbal wallop like this dude just dealt. It made me very self-aware. Now I keep a tight leash on my temper, and I make sure to apologize to my husband for my edginess. Most of the time he says he didn’t even notice me being snappy. This lady has no excuse to be rude/mean to her husband. Him snapping at her could just be the wake up call she needs