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Hi all,

I hope you all had a wonderful month of May and that you and yours are doing well.  Development news for this month is a bit mundane.  A lot of progress has been made as far as getting assets that were formerly developed in Blender moved over to UE5.  The first 3 chapters of En-Fem-E No. 9 "The Factory" have been almost completely moved over.  These 3 of a planned 5 chapters are in a testing phase and near complete.  Everything is looking much, much better and my work flow will be greatly improved once I have switched over to the new tool set completely.  I have considered trying to release a chapter or two independently as a preview.  I am afraid getting these to work independently would take a lot of time that could be better spent working on the project as a whole.  For right now I am continuing to grind on and get what will hopefully be a worthy successor and improvement on the first installment of En-Fem-E No. 9.  Your continued patience and support is so very much appreciated and making the world of En-Fem-E No. 9 possible.  Love you guys.  "The Factory" will be with you before you know it. Love you guys.




Thank you so much for the update, Savannah! The finished product sounds like it will be amazing!

Savannah Silk

Thanks love. It's coming along. I can't wait to tell the second part of the story!💜