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Hello everyone!  I hope you all are doing well.  We are now a little over three months into the development of En-Fem-E No. 9 - The Factory.  The second installment of the En-Fem-E No. 9 series.  As always, thank you very much for your continued support of the project.  Without your generosity the En-Fem-E No. 9 universe would not exist.  Development this month has progressed at or above expectations.  

* Two story branches added and one of the alternate endings expanded on.

* Two side characters added.  Artwork and animations complete for all main character.

* Artwork and animations complete for roughly 60% of En-Fem-E No. 9 - The Factory.

* The main body of each chapter has been coded.  I have about 10 current bugs I need to fix before adding what i am calling "side missions" that will appear in some if not all of the game chapters.

* Inventory and "wardrobe" items about 45% complete.  There will be items that alter your characters stats that can be found or earned throughout the game.

* Main navigation maps complete along with vehicles that will be used to traverse these maps.  You will be able to use different vehicle types that will transport you to key points in game in a top down RPG style.

*About 50% of the key story 3D sequences at or near complete. 

*Many other small development objectives met.  (Too numerous to list. 😉)

After a lot of consideration a couple of weeks ago I decided to shift a LOT of the 3D artwork from Blender over to Unreal Engine 5.  The artwork and animations I am able to achieve with UE5 are far superior.  This does not mean that I am dumping all Blender art already complete.  I am currently going back over all the assets and deciding what would benefit most form a transition to UE5. 

So WOW!  I am very excited and optimistic about the second installment of the En-Fem-E No. 9 series.  While the addition of UE5 as the main tool for 3D rendering will be somewhat time consuming, it shouldn't impact the overall development timeline that much.  But it will be hugely impactful as far as the quality of 3D art and animation is involved.   As soon as I am comfortable with the state of the artwork to the point I am confident it is in a near finalized state, I will compile some preliminary promo material.  Videos, GIFs, images etc.   

Thanks again everyone for your continued support!   I know the development process can be a slow burn and the anticipation can build up.  I am very grateful that you all appreciate my work enough to yearn for the next installment.  I know you will be very happy with part two of the series and I can't wait to get it into your hands.  Please let me know if you have any questions, comments, suggestions, or concerns.  





Krueger (Ollie)

Oooh using UE5 sounds super interesting. Can't wait to see some of the results :)


Wonderful and exciting news!! Is there any more pink drink left??? lol