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Hello Everyone!💜

I hope you all are doing well.  As always, thank you very much for supporting the continued development of the "En-Fem-E No. 9" project.  Without your very generous contribution, this would not be possible.  We are now a couple months into the dedicated development of part 2 "The Factory" and everything is coming along better than expected.  I have spent a good deal of time learning how to implement new game play features.  I am adding top down RPG like exploration for indoor and outdoor exploration.  My plan is to allow walking and vehicle exploration outside.  A small area being explorable on foot with a vehicle being required to explore further.  At first the player will be transported by vehicle with the player being in control of various vehicles later on.   I am also working out the kinks of implementing a money/store mechanic.  There will be various ways to earn/find/steal currency throughout the game with at least one vendor to purchase items from. Most of my time in March was spent trying code to get these systems working, breaking code, fixing the code, breaking it again etc.  But that is the process. I am using a lot of "stand in" artwork to test these game mechanics.  My process for doing the artwork is very "non-linear"  I like to do things as they come to mind.  If I get an idea of something I definitely want to add, I will sit down and spend a few days doing the artwork.  Then I might not figure out how to add it into the game for a few months. That being said, the artwork is coming along swimmingly.  I will hopefully have something substantial to demo soon.  As it stands now I have pieces of the game all over the place.  Some art for the beginning, middle, end, and "stand in" art for testing the code.  


Development for En-Fem-E No. 9 part 2 "The Factory" is progressing as expected.

I am not sure if I have addressed this or not.  I have had a few people message me on multiple occasions asking me if part 2 is finished or if it will be soon.  I am the sole developer of the En-Fem-E No. 9 series and the first game took me almost a year to finish.  I do not expect part 2 to take me that long.  I have learned a lot and I will be able to use that knowledge going forward to save time.  But, I definitely cannot finish the entire second game in 2 months. I have had a few set backs this month with a mild personal injury and some family issues that took away some of my time to work on development. Life happens I suppose. 🙂 

So I will continue to grind on and get more of the En-Fem-E No. 9 story to you all as soon as possible.  I want each edition to be bigger, better, longer, sexier, hotter... You get it...  

Please let me know if you have any questions, comments and/or concerns.  Once again thank you all for your support of this project and I can't wait to see where it goes. 💜





The Wandering Talespinner

Take your time and make it as good as you can get it. Good things come to those who wait, as the old saying goes! :)


If you take the time to create a story that is up to your standards, you will be happy and we will benefit - so do not put any extra pressure on yourself thinking that we are getting upset waiting. We will be happy when you release it, no matter when it is. There are too many AVN devs that are burning themselves out because they rush to meet impossible deadlines. They are suffering mental health issues and I'd hate to see that happen to you, sweetie. So take your time and be healthy first! We'll be here and happy with the result.

Savannah Silk

Thank you very much for the encouragement. I actually have to tell myself sometimes to stop changing things. I suffer from "But what if I did this?" syndrome. 😁💜

Savannah Silk

Thank you very much for the encouragement and kind words. It's tough sometimes to walk the tight rope of working with a purpose and rushing the work. Sometimes rushing is counter productive. Not only can the work suffer in quality but it can cause more errors that take more time to fix in the end. I definitely run into the issue of finally fixing a bug just to find out that I have created 5 more. 😁 Thanks again babe.💜