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Hi everyone! I hope you are all doing well.  The month of June has been a very productive one as far as development of "En-Fem-E No. 9 - The Factory" is concerned.  I spent the first half of the month finishing off the 6th chapter out of a planned 10.  During the second half I went back to debug and optimize the more feature complete portion of the game.  This can be challenging as fixing one bug can often make many more pop up.  All of the "game breaking" bugs have been dealt with and I am in the process of trying to deal with a few annoying minor bugs.   

Artwork for the remaining four chapters is well underway.  I don't always produce the art in the order it will appear in the final project so some of the pieces were completed months ago.  Unfortunately that means that I sometimes have to make changes to art that no longer fits changes made to previous chapters.  

I am planning on releasing a demo of sorts of the first half of the game.  If this is feasible, I hope to have it out by next month sometime.  Everything's coming together for the second game in the series and I am very pleased with the gameplay so far.  Most of the gameplay elements remain as I outlined in previous posts.  I will have a more comprehensive list of what to expect gameplay wise coming soon.  As I learned with the first game, the closer we get to the finish line, the more unforeseen tasks pop up that demand to be dealt with.   

Thank you all very much for your continued support and patience as the development process unfolds. There will be more substantive posts coming in the near future, once I am fully comfortable with the quality of the work.  Talk to you all again soon. Be safe and have fun. 




The Wandering Talespinner

I’d actually like to see the completed installment rather than half of it, so I’ll wait for that. Looking forward to it! :)

Cynthia DeMarco

im patient the game is too good to be only going half...cant wait girl....domination by the mistress is fun

Savannah Silk

Hi Cynthia. Thank you very much for the compliment. 💜 I am taking the domination to the next level. 😉