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Happy Halloween all.  It's been a busy month for En-Fem-E No. 9.  Here is a brief video showcasing some of the content I was able to accomplish this month.  SPOILER ALERT!: I try to show you guys as much as possible without ruining your experience when the update comes out.  This video might reveal things you would rather see in game.  

I want to make most areas of the game explore-able with multi stage puzzles.  I was able to get the outside of Vic's house fleshed out with multiple points of interest that change as the game progresses. I also went and added points of interest throughout the game.  

It's coming along but some of the coding and artwork takes quite a while.  I will have the completed update out as soon as humanly possible.  Please let me know if you have any questions.  




En-Fem-E No. 9 - Video Oct21

En-Fem-E No. 9 - Video Oct21


stacy C

Looking better and better.......quality takes time and as they say patience is a virtue :-) x

Sub Kink

so what is code to book or where do I find it