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Hi everyone!  

I hope you all are having a wonderful fall/winter and are staying in good spirits surrounded by those you love. 🥰 I have been hard at work this month on adding to and massively improving all of the "hypno" sequences.  The first release of the game only had 1.5 sequences.  I am adding progressive and interactive sequences that you will access as you progress through the story of "Victoria's" house.  I am also working on tying the different sex/play sequences with the ability to submit or resist.  Certain choices you make will raise or lower your "Sissy Level" indicated by an on screen progress bar.  For example, the more hypnosis sessions you attend in game will raise your sissy level.  This level will be tied to a RNG and if you choose to resist a sexual advance or forced fem situation, the higher your sissy level, the lower your chance of being able to resist.   Your character's physical transformation will start to take place before going to the Okama HQ.  Most major transformation will take place there, which is known only as "The Factory" by previous inhabitants.

I am also considering writing some accompanying literature.  Some short stories that round out the En-Fem-E universe.  These would be made available to all backers. I would accompany these with 3D illustrations. Let me know if this is an idea that intrigues you.  If I do decide to move forward with this, it will of course have to wait until the 1.1 Update is complete.  My sole focus right now is to finish the update with a quality that will hopefully meet and exceed all of your expectations.

There is only a short teaser video this month because there isn't much I can share without completely spoiling the hypno portion of the game. What is pictured above is the option screen that will allow you to access three different sequences.  The idea is that first you train to transform your mind to think feminine.  The second part would be the worship portion.  I believe that is self explanatory.  And the last part would be completely submitting to your new "Sissy Existence",  At least that is what Okama has designed the program to do. 😉

As always I will have the update release as soon as humanly possible.  It has been quite a lot of work.  I am in love with this project and I think you will be really surprised by where the story goes. Please let me know if you have any questions, concerns, suggestions or any feedback at all. I wish you all well.  Until next time.




En·Fem·E No. 9 - Nov21

En·Fem·E No. 9 - Nov21 video



Hi Savannah! What a wonderful and awesome work you make. It awakened this hidden side of my personality that I want to explore again. Thank you, thank you very much. I can't wait to find out more. I wish you all the best.


Absolutely obsessed with this game and can't wait to see where you take it! Very exciting!

Savannah Silk

Thank you so much PetitLepin. 💜 I have a progress update with a video coming out later tonight or early tomorrow. We are very close to a big content update to the game.