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The System Apocalypse: Australia - Town under launched on Monday. 

It's been a bit hectic, you know? Comments to answer, websites to rebuild...

Wait - what was that you say?

Yep - my website (and the one I run for my editors) got hacked. So I spend the majority of Wednesday completely redoing all of my site (and that of my friends). Not really the way I'd planned to spend Wednesday, but there we go. 

Anyway - back to release. 

It was phenomenal. I feel so very lucky to have been able to write Town Under.

We hit #281 in the Amazon store - I've never had a book go that high before and it felt really good.

Thank you all so much for all of the support. 

I have a conference from 7th-13th of November, so I'm not thinking I'll get many words in during that. But I'm really hoping to start at least posting chapter 1 of SA AU book 2 (rough draft only) in the week of the 15th!

I hope you're all having a wonderful month so far, I know I am.

Much love


and this one... THIS ONE?!?! What company haha! So fun!


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