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Now that SA AU is pretty much out in its entirety, I wanted to point out to everyone that we will have to remove most of it once the book launches on November 1. So I hope you've been reading as chapters have come out.

Also remember - the book that is being released is about 25% longer than the one I posted here... because that's how I edit. Lol.

I will be sending the ebook file out to everyone who is Bard and above this coming weekend as... well... it's one of your rewards. Please let me know what you think of this new book. Personally - I'm in love with Kira.

I am over 20k into the second book, and we will be posting chapters as soon as we can following the release of the first book.

We will be on chapter hiatus until November 8th where we will begin posting book 2.

Also - Fodder will resume posting shortly as well. 

What are other things you'd all like to see? Short stories from Somnia? Or even flash fiction - I love flash fiction.

Also - I have a new logo!


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