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Hi there wonderful people!

So! Town Under is with our copy editor and I am losing myself in New World for a little bit before diving into drafting Flat Out (SA AU #2).

I'm really excited for you to see the final product.

If you've been reading it here please note that while the general story is still the same - there are 25k more words in the final product and I've probably rewritten about 40% of what was there. That's how my drafts work. So what you get to see here is the raw workings of my brain as I'm figuring out where the story goes.

I hope you enjoy the glimpse into my weird and wonderful process haha! I know it's taken Tao some getting used to. When I apply developmental edits I make sweeping changes and always try to take the book to a higher level.

I cannot wait to share the final product with you all. I am so. dang. excited.

Much love and many thanks for always being there to support me.



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