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I present to you the: System Apocalypse Australia

Book One: Town Under - Cover!

OMG. Do you love it? I do, like I TOTALLY love it. 

This is the cover for the first book in the series. 

Book Two: Flat Out & Book Three: Bloody Oaths are yet to come.

I'm not entirely sure about the release date for book one, but it looks like it'll be something around the month of October. 

In this coming week, I'll be reposting the first seven chapters of SA AU #1 for all preview tiers. The remaining chapters will begin posting this week too. Keep in mind that all of these chapters are still rough. They have yet to go through full developmental edits and copy edits. There will be typos, and rough sentence flow here and there, but this is all a sneak peek before the product is final.

Warning: I've also probably screwed up some of the stats... there's been a lot of adjusting things.

I'd love to hear what you think about the cover!

Cannot wait to share Kira with you all.

Much love




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