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It's taken me a lot this year to figure out just how to push past this burnout. And it was a lot more about how to get through the burnout I had, and back into a good place to create. 

With the kid going back to school this coming week, there's like a calm for me and what I'll be able to do. There will be time for me to work again, without feeling like I'm neglecting the little one. Time to explore all of my stories with a little time for myself. 

I'm so flipping excited, I can't even begin to tell you how happy I am for everything to click again. The bad thing however, is still Covid. I have my shots, and my kid is too young, but her school is saying masks are voluntary. Not exactly confidence inducing. 

Kiddo however, has expressed firm desire to wear her mask (except for when eating, or presenting in front of the class). Happy that she knows to take these precautions and that she understands that it helps more than just herself.

So, hopefully, our schools will be as good as they were last year and take the precautions we need so I can maintain some sanity and keep my creative drive.

Cross your fingers for me lol. 

Anyway - long story short. 

I'll continue posting Fodder chapters, which for now is solely being put out to you guys here on Patreon! And I'll begin posting up the last 70k of SA AU#1 too!

I'm so glad to still have you all here with me. Thank you for persevering with me.

Here's to weathering COVID and creating worlds.



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