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Dami I

I already knew what the thumbnail was gonna be 2 minutes into the game lol


As soon as the scuffle happened I couldn't stop laughing lmaoo


Could hardly wait for this one. Havent even seen your take yet , but in actuality this was my favorite game so far this year. Forced Kerrs hand, got to see the young guns, kept Klay from Jakin' all over the court , which you could almost anticipate from Curry not playing. IMO we would have got a W if Curry were playing with this lineup. Now if we can somehow to get Wiggs to choke out someone...


Podziemski the Prophet


In spite of the shenanigans, hope the dubs can get it together and start stringing some wins, especially at home.


CP, for the love of god, pop the floater man. Every time he gets down hill, he's not even looking to go up.


We gotta get Wiggs on that Dillion Brooks shooting drill, I’m curious as to why Moody and Kuminga didn’t get more chances to play last night.

james moore

Dray shouldve ran back out and choked Wiggins

Ezra Abbey

dario talking to naz reid made my night 😂


I don't know what I'm missing about Moody. Dude is such a solid 2-way player, humble, high effort. In a game without Klay and Steph, Kerr gives him 14 minutes... Kuminga 16 minutes. Here's a theory as to why our young players have not turned out well: Steve Kerr. Dude can only coach good, veteran players. This is because he focuses so much on team aspects: team defense, passing and cutting, boxing out, that I feel like he neglects developing players' individual qualities: their iso game, their 1-on-1 defense. The reason why Kuminga and Moody aren't excelling the way we thought they could (other than not getting much playing time) is probably that they are being bred to be role players, while guys like Ant are bred from day one to be a star player. Kerr can only coach seasoned vets whose individual games are already developed so that he can focus on team stuff. Not suitable for young guys. If you only looked at Kerr's last year, with last season, the FIBA world cup, and the start of this year, you would think he is an awful coach. Which I do, btw. He was good when he had amazing lineups created by Don Nelson and built up my Mark Jackson, but he has shown that he doesn't have the leadership to repair broken chemistry, doesn't have what it takes to adapt to a new NBA, and doesn't have what it takes to develop young players. Dude has also had elite coaches by his side helping him make decisions along the way: Ron Adams was the one who came up with the adjustment that won the first Memphis series, Mike Brown was the one who said we should go big against Memphis 2022 in game 6. We are seeing what happens when Kerr doesn't have elite assistant coaches, i.e. weird ass rotations that don't make any sense. Bob Myers left last summer, so far to decent results. I hope Steve is next (even though he seems like a good guy)


Still, why the heck was Klay ejected? Here I was hoping he'd shoot himself out of the slump...


Draymond is now the official dirtiest/ toughest player of this generation.. wear that title proudly 😂


Wigs gotta go.. Dunlevey gotta get on the phone with Chicago to see if he can poach Caruso for Wiggins

Branden Edwards

Drays definitely getting suspended, and honestly he should be. And Gobert never chokes Klay. Goberts right arm is over Klays right shoulder, down across his chest and his hand is under Klays left arm. That's not a choke. He should've grabbed his own teammate to break it up, but that's not worthy of a technical, ejection or suspension.


“Sticking to his roots, surrenders” 😂😂😂

Branden Edwards

Preventative measure. Klay and Mcdaniels were ejected to keep things from escalating


Funny enough this game completely confirms my suspicions, the dynasty is well and truly over. No Dray, Klay or Steph and we play way better basketball, the core is just too old now. It's just going to be a long slow slide into obscurity unless the core and Kerr do what Pop, Duncan, Manu and Parker did and gracefully take a step back and allow the young guys to be the new stars


Trade cp3, klay or Wiggins maybe even kuminga for a real second option and this team would be golden. Shit maybe add draymond too

Andre Brooks

Trade whoever to go get LaVine

Branden Edwards

If we make a trade with Chicago it should be Lavine. We need shot creation more than another POA defender


we can all play the blame game, but the main problem with this team is same as last year, Draymond centric starting lineup(with looney) is taking the toll on Steph, Klay and wigs, we are literally playing 3 v 5 on offense, and Steph, Klay and wigs are working double shift on defense because of our lack of size at the rim which is again affecting our offense bcz all of them a gassed on offense.


Be interesting how the NBA judicial system deals with the upcoming suspension. All the talk shows (which are usually best to avoid though in these situations often foreshadow outcomes) all have Dray with at least 2 games. {Except bitch ass J-Will, who is calling for 10}. Interesting that the whole concept of a player's history is included in the equation, but despite Dray being a Tech-Hoe with the refs, as of recently, he doesn't have many on-court physical altercations. The Poole situation was dealt with internally and should carry no precedence in the matter. However, the refs referred to Gobert as a "peacemaker" in the situation, even though he laid hands on an opponent during a physical altercation when the known code is to grab your own teammate and never touch the opposition unless it is to escalate. Rudy seen as a peacemaker maker goes with his Charmin soft reputation, but it's actually him who has the recent suspension for a physical altercation when he punched teammate Kyle Anderson on the sidelines in the playoffs.

Nathan Glanzer

That "sticking to his roots and surrendering" line might be the best quip of the season already. Hilarious.


That starting lineup was the best in the league last year. the reason it's not working this year is Wiggins can't shoot. the spacing becomes clogged because you have three non shooters.


That game was fun as hell. Podz is the truth and should start getting some of Moody's minutes, he's just a way more dynamic player. 39 minutes for the kid, and I agreed with every minute Kerr had him out there. ............................but again I've said it over and over, this team will go nowhere with Wiggins and Kuminga playing like this. They are both complete ASS and in the NBA you need Wing production. Nothing really matters until those two get their acts together.


cp3 is fucking washed


You know Podz played 39 minutes last night right? He's a rookie, he's a rookie playing under Steve Kerr. He's a rookie with feel and touch and handle. Name a young player who excelled elsewhere after he left Kerr? I'll wait. Oh and Poole played his BEST in the 2022 finals run under Kerr, he might never reach that efficiency ever again....his entire game developed under Kerr. At some point, young players have to play well. Have you actually looked Kuminga's efficiency numbers this year? He's worse than Wiggins, he can't dribble, he can't pass, he can't shoot. Podz can do all three and Kerr had no issues playing him. Legit players will make themselves known to you. and Mark Jackson? lmao, dude was absolutely AWFUL. Dubnation was throwing parties when Mark Jackson was fired. Best move Lacob ever did (aside from hiring Steve).


Kuminga was awful on Offense. Moody was AWFUL on defense. There were better options. Guys who are playing well will play on this team, guys who aren't will sit. I like it that way.


They aren't going to trade Wiggins, he has NEGATIVE trade value.

james moore

dude relax. You really think the wolves played them hard? They beat them with hardly any effort


I saw something else Alc, but it was moreso trade Klay than CP3. I think both have lost their value, but the difference is that Klay has history with the team. We have to accept that both Steph and more importantly Kerr, are no longer objective when it comes to either Dray or Klay.. and their impact. If CP3 is traded, it still won't change anything because the team starts a SG that can't defend and will see Steph as a POA defender which for a 35 year old whose responsibility is to run the offense, is a crazy ask. If Klay is traded, then Kerr isn't forced to coach with sentimentality and feelings (which he absolutely has been). Dunleavy Jr. needs to make the decision for the team or this team is heading into a crappy end of the season, another 1st round exit. There so many square into round holes scenarios that Steve is trying to fit when the obvious answer is in front of us all. Half the minutes cannot go to old and players that have little athleticism. Trade Klay (and JK), grab 1-2 quality players back, limit CP and Dray's minutes and run a more athletic team in the hopes chemistry picks up and they're able to compete. Otherwise, mediocrity is coming full steam ahead.

Branden Edwards

He should get some of Klays minutes, not Moody. Mood already plays under 20 minutes every night. Klay should only be getting around 25 instead of the 30+

Thomas Ogas

I suspect Kerr will just reduce Moody's minutes and give them to Podz. Assuming, of course, Podz plays like this every game. If he has an off night, Podz is back of the bench again. *sigh* I just have zero faith in Kerr to actually coach and make decisions that benefit the whole team, not just his favorite players.


I’d rather have Kuminga or Moody out on the court rn instead of Wiggins.


Klay led the league in threes last year and shot 40%. He'll find his rhythm. He's really only had like 3-4 bad games. the fan overreaction to an absolute LEGEND is baffling.


what would be wrong with taking Moody's minutes? it's the right move if Podz plays like this. Moody is not a dynamic player at all.


Might as well trade Steph, Klay and Dray and blow it up if we are so desperate to make trades. Ain't no trade out there that magically makes the core 3 in their 20s again


No we don't but at least it's more fun to watch them than our old core clanking shots off front iron all game

Paul Hanson

I have to say-if I just for awhile forget about the Warriors "having to" win another championship this year-I very much prefer watching the youngsters play a lot more because the energy has been SO MUCH better than the vets. Wiggins looks so lost-the look of anguish on his face as I know he's hearing all the talk-I don't think he doesn't care-he just is so spaced out. How do you not see Rudy Gobert in the lane TWICE on attempted layups in the 4th quarter?? Klay has not been all that good, Looney the same-when they are all on the starting 5. It just looks old, slow, small and entitled. Not so with TJD, Podz, GP2, Moody-and to a lesser extent Kuminga although he's not looking as good as he could be. As for Draymond: he'll be suspended a good bunch of games and the team will have to figure it out without him-again. Wonder if that's an overall positive as you know what they say about living in the past-you can't do it forever. The present is here and it's not 2022 anymore. Or 2015-2019.


With Chicago, since they are looking for a soft-rebuild, they would prefer picks attached to expiring contract(s).


our old core is clanking? Klay led the league in threes last year at 40%, he's only had a few bad games. Draymond is shooting around 40% from 3. Steph is shooting great. I don't even know what you're watching.


In any other era, the big of an opposing team grabs a hall a famer in the middle of physical altercation, he's immediately getting swung on.

Nathan Glanzer

Conspiracy Theory time. Someone above Kerr is making him not play the young guys. Steph is fine but Kerr and him planned to get a few days off, coupled with Dray and Klay with the scuffle, which explains why it seemed like such an overreaction early, to FORCE Kerr to have to play Podz. Play him 40 minutes. Now he has the proof that he's gotta play him and the powers that be can't stop it anymore.


But, in all fairness, in live time, I knew Dray had to get tossed, it's just too much.


Bro I seen you commenting on these posts for about a year now, and almost always disagree with your takes. You were the one saying in the Lakers series, after game 4, that we couldn't do Steph pnr in the 4th quarter because AD had switched onto Wiggins and wiggins "can't screen". Next game they run that play to great success to get the win. Earlier in the series, you said they couldn't run Steph pnr because they switched Vanderbilt onto Draymond. Next game they put in GP2 to in addition to draymond to force AD into pnr and it solved that issue. Both times you just ran with the assumption that Kerr knew best, when in reality there was an adjustment to be made that just took him longer to figure out than it should have. You are a Kerr apologist with no creativity and can't seem to dig deeper to anything other than what's directly in front of your nose.


Not sure if anyone's used that nickname before, just trying to get ahead of things. Looks like Alch was right on this kid - he's ready to contribute in a big way in the now.


Their roster wasn't really built to play the rookies. their bench is massively upgraded. Head coaches on winning teams don't usually give young guards a ton of playing time (young guards are usually inefficient). I agree that he should play more though.

Branden Edwards

Why would the front office not want Kerr to play guys they purposefully drafted? That doesn't make any sense

Nathan Glanzer

They aren't paying the draft picks tens of millions of dollars a year bro . You relegate them from a starting role they lose a lot of value before the trade deadline.


he's got a bad knee and makes 49 million in 2026. You sure?

k. marcelous

Hey Alch, the Dubz ain't looking too god right now, but Zena Keita is looking fine af right now!!! Post game is must see TV like prime Ros Gold. I'm sure a major network is eyeing Zena too. I'll enjoy her locally while it lasts. Go Zena!!!

Captain Rossco

Career defensive rating Zach LaVine: 114.0 Jordan Poole: 114.4 Career offensive rating Zach LaVine: 108.9 Jordan Poole: 107.2 (this includes his terribe first season with us where his offensive rating was 91)

David A.

Moody's not a point guard. He should take Klay's minutes, if anything

Andre Brooks

Nice try. Zach’s OR has been 115 the last 3 seasons. He’s an on all shot creator that can shoot and cut offball. He’s young, mobile, athletic, and can draw defensive attention away from Steph. Nobody on this damn team can do that. We’re not going to get a certified #1 to come over without giving up an arm and leg. I think we can put together a decent package and get Lavigne when the bulls do a fire sale. Steph went last forever. Moves need to be made this season


Not trying to be combative but you're changing the subject because you have no answers for what I brought up. I'm not really here to argue but you brought up some patently incorrect things. I may have been wrong previously, I may have been right, but that's not the topic YOU brought up. You just made a ton of observations that you can't back up with any accurate data. Most lowest common denominator fans will always blame the coach, that's all they do, it's always the first thing they do and the easiest. Even if a coach has won rings and peers vouch for him as a great, they blame the coach. Again, name a young player who developed great after leaving Kerr...I'll wait. Let's look at some names: Jordan Bell, peaked under Kerr, out of the league. Pat McCaw, peaked under Kerr, out of the league. Jordan Poole, peaked under Kerr and won a ring, got paid a ton, great efficiency that has dropped now. Festus Ezeli, peaked under Kerr, got a big contract, out of the league. Here's one you might like: Harrison Barnes, made a HUGE JUMP under Kerr while Mark Jackson had him in the doghouse, and he was struggling like hell...got paid tons of money and has a great career. Anyone else? How's PBJ doing? lol. Eric Paschall, GREAT rookie year under Kerr, now flamed out. Dude you are just FLAT OUT WRONG. And to give Mark freaking Jackson credit as someone "built up" this roster when he had Barnes and Draymond riding pine is completely laughable. All I'm asking for is honesty with observations. It's obvious you don't like Kerr for various reasons (I hated him before his MASTERPIECE in 2022 as well), but sometimes you have to realize that some people know A LOT more than you do, especially coaches who have won multiple rings and built a dynasty. Very few coaches win that title in 2022 btw, which I consider the title that DEFINES Steph's legacy. As a Kerr hater, I'll always respect and admire him for the job he did that year. This narrative that Kerr "can't develop young guys" (Podz seems to be doing great btw) is one of the stupidest bay area sports observations I've seen..along with Shanahan being responsible for the team's injuries (BLAME THE COACH!!!). Either way best of luck to you, from one former Kerr hater to a bonafied Kerr hater (i'm definitely willing to go back if the situation merits it0.


This game reminded me of the 2019-20 season. Once the big 3 were out, didn't care about the game result but was just enjoying the young guys getting opportunities

Jansen E

And with Klay's terrible start (and him being a year older so who knows how long that slump keeps going or if he really just is washed now) and bad defense, you have 4 nonshooters/nonthreats + Curry. Thats what this team is right now. The greatest player of this current generation + 4 guys who no opponent is worried about + a bench unit led by the 2nd oldest guy in the league who happens to be 5'11 + a bunch of hungry young guys that Kerr refuses to play.

Jansen E

Honestly, who cares. Fuck Draymond. 5 games. 10 games. I dont care what the suspension will be cuz he'll deserve it. Im so sick of him. Yes we do need that "fire and energy" sometimes, but we need it in a CONTROLLED and GAME-ORIENTED manner. We dont need some psychopath who wants to blow their gasket at the slightest opportunity. Is it good he was trying to have Klay's back? Yes. But there was no need to be as aggressive and prolonging as he was. We all know he hates Gobert and he saw the tiny window of opportunity to attack him and ran full throttle with it. Whatever. All that bullshit aside, this team is a joke now. Having promising young guys means NOTHING if 1) the coach refuses to play them long enough to have an impact 2) the coach refuses to play them WHEN WE NEED THEM 3) the coach wants to play this scrub ass "veterans" like fucking Corey Joseph who do NOTHING but make us worse. Wannamaker, Chiozza, Joseph. I dare anyone to differentiate between the three of those absolute CHODES. Im so fucking sick of these scrubs taking up time and space on this roster. 4) the vets continue to be outperformed by them. Podz can have a 30pt trip double, but without Dray giving us size on the interior with his defensive IQ, Wiggins and Klay being traffic cones and brick layers, this is not a team. Its just a bunch of guys who are good at different things (some who are good at nothing right now) and playing with the same jersey on. Yes we "almost won" this game. But how many morale victories is it gonna take for the FO to do anything about this roster? Size and a secondary scoring option. We lack both right now. We got OKC, Houston, Suns, Spurs, and Kings lol. Fox will probably be healthy by then. MAYBE we can steal the Houston game but realistically we are probably looking at 10+ straight losses right now with no end in sight. Fuck the in-season tournament. We are trying to qualify for the POST season tournament. Kuminga is somehow regressing before our very eyes. Kerr sings the praises of Moody nightly and then doesnt let him play. CP3 wont shoot. Klay and Wiggs cant shoot. And our only offensive hope is a 6'3 rookie. And we were talking about championship aspirations???? Every other team in the league got bigger, faster, and longer in the off season. Except us.


Alc, is it time to have a conversation on Kuminga and start looking to move him for someone that can help now?

Kahlil Baker

Wiggins for Zach Lavine?! On some real shit, what’s going on with him?! He doesn’t look like he even likes playing


Anything is better than Klay (and maybe CP as well) relative to their wage. Klay right now is a huge negative on the court because he can't defend guards yet is lined up as one, which puts Steph a lot of the time as the POA defender. That's a recipe for a massive disaster. Klay is not the same as Dray or Steph because when he was elite, his role was catch and shoot, off ball movement and elite POA defending. He was bad in every other aspect of basketball but because he was so elite in those 3 elements, he was still a huge plus. Now his defending is so bad that his value on the court instantly becomes far worse when we see Steph defending elite guards, and him trying to dribble and shoot on top of playing less quality off ball make him a huge liability. I'm not saying to make the core in their 20s, I'm saying replace one of the old guys with someone in their 20s. This team has too many old ass guys playing large minutes and it's painfully obvious every time they're on the court.


lmao this game was something else. Starting with Draymond taking Stephs night night literally and trying to put Gobert to sleep. I'm preparing myself for a Draymond suspension tbh.. but also I think Rudy should have been thrown out even though Draymond's actions were excessive

Ejikeme Uzoigwe

I hope I’m overreacting but last night felt like the end of the affair for JK & Mood. This was the moment and they weren’t on the floor.

Neal X

My brother msged me on Discord "none of the GSW starters are playing and they're still beating Minny!" and I was like, hot damn, Kerr actually had the balls to bench the starting zombies and play all the young guns, I didn't think he had it in him! Then I found the game on YouTube and was like, "oh nvm, the starters just got themselves thrown out". LMAO


We sound like a broken record, and it's for good reason. Klay is a shell of his former self, and he refuses to acknowledge and adapt to that. He'll suck for the first third of the season, have a good mid-season stride, then he'll suck again for the rest of the season. That does nothing but hurt the team, especially for a player that is supposed to be the second/third scoring option. Wiggins was still complete dogshit in a situation where he's expected to be the leader. Instead, a rookie took over the reins. Speaks volumes. The "vets" blew the end of the game. CP3 passing up a wide open look just chuck it to the corner for a blocked 3 pointer was unsurprising, to say the least. I'm hoping that some decisions are made at the trade deadline. I think Dunleavy has the balls to do something. We need to get a return on Klay and potentially Wiggins to get a reliable second option for this season. Klay's value is only going to get worse.


Podz and Moody def have some tough shot making in their game. A little disappointed in Kuminga for not snatching the opportunity like Podz did. To your point Cory looks playable and feisty defensively, possibly making CP expendable. Alch would you do CP and Kuminga for Zach Lavine? Kuminga hasn’t really progressed as much as we thought after preseason, and we’d be trading him to the East so it stings a bit less. We’re dying for another shot creator and Lavine fits the bill. He’s also 28 and has had experience and failure being “the man” in Chicago and might be ready to accept a role on a contender. Could be the next Aaron Gordon level guy for a contender.

Neal X

I don't want to say pull the trigger on Klay and Wiggins quite yet. I would say, adjust their minutes, give them a little tough love, and hope they wake up and smell the coffee. Ultimately, I trust the front office and Kerr to make the call and will live with it, I just hope this game proved that the kids both deserve and should be given a larger share of the minutes and that will benefit everyone, and I think Kerr got that message.


If it's Klay and 2 first rounders maybe it's a discussion on both sides. By all accounts across the pods, Zach has been a terrible defender this season thus far. He's also shooting 30% from 3 - but did shoot 37% last year. He would though, be a true 2nd option. And by all reports has always been well liked in the locker room.

Jimmy Ji

Every contending team in this league has turned to the "anyone but Steph" philosophy when defending the Warriors. Tonight is a prime example of opponents not knowing how to defend this team when Steph isn't out there. Finch also out-coached Kerr in both these games. How many times did we leave a shooter open on the weak side these past two games similar to that Conley dagger 3? The eye-test tells me we do not have enough shooting. We are currently shooting 26th in FG% and 22nd in 3-pt %, that's a recipe for disaster for an older team that lacks athleticism especially amongst the starters. First order of business is to move Looney to the bench, we have to try something new.


Podz will play as a second ballhandler. most teams need a second ballhandler out there.

Jansen E

I still think its too soon to give up on him, but the conversation has to be popping up in their heads. The more he plays, the lower his trade value goes.....so its a chicken or the egg thing but for the future. Cuz if you trade him and he suddenly becomes amazing, then you look stupid. But if hang on to him and watch him play himself to nearly out of the league like Wiseman.....I dont know what you do at that point.

Major Powers

We're about to go 6-10 fellas.


You're right, I agree with that. My mentality before was to move them out of that starting role and bring them off the bench. I would just like to see the options remain open. I just don't want them to get back in their feelings and start acting like those guys are untouchable once the trade deadline approaches.


Is veteran draymond gonna be a 3&D enforcer?😂😂 He was on 10.

Neal X

In certain matchups (against real bigs), Loon does look pretty useless out there this season, NGL.


I honestly found the sleeper hold Draymond administered on Gobert legendary. He’s been taking lessons from Ted Dibiase.

Neal X

I think it's a little too early to panic and hit the "blow it up" button. However, I think our recipe for success this season is like it was going back in time to about 2015, pre-KD era, Strength in Numbers. We need Steph and BPodz as the offensive engines out there (and CP if he stays of course), but all the minutes need to be split up pretty evenly between the old and young guys. Can't be having Loon, Klay, or Dray with 30+ minute games anymore, and that I fully agree with. Wiggs isn't old, he just needs to get his head on straight, and if he truly can't do that then sure, a trade could be on the table.

Ejikeme Uzoigwe

He entered the season as the brightest young star on the roster who wasn’t for sale, despite being the team’s most valuable asset (besides Steph etc). Not showing out during this emotional all hands on deck game felt like a big deal. Maybe you’re right, and it doesn’t change anything.

Daniel Fries

Was at the game. Was hoping for more from Kuminga and TJD. Wiggins needs to change something in his life. Looks depressed


had to come to the comments to give Alch props on the Polar Express line. LMAO fuck that is gold


First, I don't want to be combative either. Just mad as hell cause of the warriors. Second, you have a fair point. People who know more than me respect Kerr as a coach, and he has had success. That being said, you are kind of making my point by naming a bunch of young players that came up under Kerr's tenure and flopped, and you didn't even make the full list. Plus, you can't say Kerr has developed Pod; dude has been on the warriors for like a month. His development has come from college. My main concern is reluctance to play size and two guard lineups. Not to mention how he fell in love Anthony Lamb, which I'm sure you'd attribute to a lack of options but I felt like Kuminga last year was deserving of more run.


Also-Paschall flamed out as a Warrior. Same with Mccaw. You are mischaracterizing the situation by saying they were great as warriors then flopped elsewhere.


Rudy twerking on chase center. I know dray was in the locker room steaming 😡😂😂

Andre Brooks

His 3pt percentage will go up when he’s taking more open looks. His shot diet isn’t the best right now in Chicago and I think it would be better in GS. And yea Ik the boy can’t defend, but at least we’ll eat some more time off the opposing shot clock when they have to pull the ball out the basket, instead of our current predictable lack luster offense.


I'd have to respectfully disagree, he's having a down year but for his career a lot more consistent and efficient scorer than Poole. Granted I haven't watched a lot of Bulls games but from what I've seen not as erratic of a ballhandler and decision maker as Poole either. Again main thing is he's 28 - 4-5 years older than Poole - and has gone through the trials of leading his own team. Hopefully he's in that sweet spot where he know's he's not the man and is ready to buy in to be a part of winning, a la Aaron Gordon. That contract is touch though, $48 mill in 2026 😬

yan't get right

I think JK and Moody were just as caught off by the flux of the game as every single person in Chase Center. They've been waiting to be handed the keys for so long (to them) I think they didn't quite understand how to operate in that wickedly unprecedented scenario. Last night was more a test of the Warriors' ability to read the tea leaves under chaos than it was an indication of the youth's future IMO

yan't get right

ayoooo ALch. GOTTA be one of your funniest videos yet. I could just feel you hovering right above the meme drama with incisive commentary. Line about Klay throwing shit on his boat had me rolling. It's so cool to see how damn good Mike Conley is. That kind of veteran calmness being the thing that won the game for MIN lowkey calmed me down and made me feel like the world hadn't gone crazy. I also think it's awesome to watch KAT grow into a really skilled and decisive vet as well. Ant has a future with players like this around him. I think you may have also made the most salient point about Chris Paul's career arc. The idea of pre-determining an outcome and over-controlling everything seems to be the gift and the curse of his talents at large. The freedom that the game sometimes needs isn't available to him, but that's also what winning at high levels is about. That ability to just let shit go and abandon the plan. Also, great point last breakdown about the warriors getting a favorable whistle for this game. It seemed pretty obvious the refs were letting shit slide for them in that second half.

Ejikeme Uzoigwe

Maybe. It just felt a bit like if you are out with your friends and get into a fist fight. There are the friends who jumped in to help and those who didn’t. If you didn’t, you can’t just make it up the next day. Last night was an emotional rally the troops moment, and JK was totally sluggish. It just felt like the type of situation that changes perceptions amongst a group of guys. Again, maybe I’m overreacting. I’m not saying he sucks or he’s off the team or whatever. But it doesn’t feel the same.

Ejikeme Uzoigwe

Yeah, the Klay on the boat line was hilarious. The only good thing about seeing Steph’s outfit was knowing Alc was gonna cook him for it 🤣

Ejikeme Uzoigwe

Alc, when you mentioned the point about JK doing too much on the dribble it made me wonder if - in a well intentioned effort to become well rounded this summer - he worked on too many aspects of his game without getting enough of them truly NBA ready.


Gonna add Jordan Poole to that as well ^ He flopped under Kerr as well.

Ballin Forever

I wonder what a Wiggs and CP3 package get us in return


It really feels like several players on the roster have no "teeth" on court. Wiggs in his current form -- what threat does he pose? And Loon? CoJo? CP3 when he can't get a shot off? And those 4 were on the court at the same time near the start of the fourth last night. And you see how ice cold we went. In our current roster, at least two of Steph, Dario, JK, Klay, Podz, and Mood need to be on the court at all times. They're the only real offensive threats we have, and I hope the staff recognizes that.

Captain Rossco

Thanks for keeping it real on Dray's actions. It was a complete overreaction and targetted move on Gobert.

Jansen E

what a great insightful comment to stir debate and intrigue. glad to have conversed with you good sir.


If you don't believe he can be at least a league average defender, he can't be the acquisition that costs our last draft assets. Especially an athletic scorer already injury prone.


see I think we are seeing now that Kuminga was not ready. He's just not an efficient player now, and he wasn't one last year. In the playoff you have to have confidence in guys who make good decisions under pressure, and I don't really think Kuminga was ready for those bright lights. He played a ton in the regular season, but that's a whole different animal. My points still stand, these players I named all did nothing in different systems with different (some would say better) coaches and all peaked under Kerr (and made a huge jump under him in Barnes' case). Anyways, good convo, let's just hope they somehow find a way to win...this roster has so many holes and in my estimation nothing Kerr does will really matter if Kuminga, Wiggins, and Klay don't play a lot better....we can harp about what Kerr does or what rookies play or if Looney should start or Moody's minutes etc, but if they don't have wing production, none of it really matters. Anyways, I didn't mean to insinuate that you were a "lowest common denominator" fan, I was just saying most common people just default to blaming the coach....my bad about that if it wasn't clear.


yup too soon IMO. Kuminga has too many physical tools. CP3 kind of ices him out. Kerr is giving him a long leash, we'll see what he has.


yeah he should've really just focused on upgrading his handle, that's it. would've helped him immensely. His shot wasn't even that bad last year, and neither was his defense. Seems like he focused on a lot of iso stuff.


seems a bit like an overreaction. young guys are playing a ton right now and Klay is an absolute legend who led the league in 3s at 40% last year, definitely not a bricklayer. Faster, stronger, longer = wings. Kuminga, Klay, Wiggins, Moody all need to play much better...they have underperformed especially Wiggins and JK. If Wiggins and JK even play close to last year the Warriors are 10-1 and we are in rainbow land.

Neal X

Every time Alch does the French accent it slays me

Neal X

Yeah Lavine would probably be way too expensive.


I am gonna start logging the jock of the break down.


Today's joke was "like a bad password, it's way too short" 😆 🤣


Dray already has insinuated he thinks Gobert soft… that’s why he went after him like that

Ejikeme Uzoigwe

Yeah, if it was Naz Reid, Dray would’ve probably found the time to double and triple check if Klay was actually being choked


Next Wolves game is March 24th I CAN'T WAIT


I hope someone on the staff has told wiggs to try and dominate the game in other ways. Go board or defend. Hope he can figure it out, but it’s look very grim

Ken Bradford

Does dray realize that gobert gets to have the last laugh every time dray does something stupid ? Literally what’s the point

Andreas Wiedemann

I hope JK gets a real opportunity to play big minutes. In my opinion those 5 games are his chance to earn his spot for good but i`m afraid he can`t. Not sure what his future looks like if he gets burried again.


They aren’t giving draymond less than 5 games suspension IMO…you know how extra the league office is these days, especially if Draymond is involved! Early adversity for the Dubs but, as you’re saying Alch, it might help establish their identity for this season


Take a bow for your early Podz predictions Alch. But when Kerr has him, CP3, Curry and Klay as a lineup against the Lakers next playoffs…you’ll hear from me 😜

Kj Robinson

If Rudy was trying to break it up he should’ve went for Mcdanials. You don’t go after the player of the opposite team you wanna stop a fight grab yo man’s so he can’t participate. Klay is the golden state business. You don’t breakup a fight by grabbing nighas from behind

Ezequiel Franzgrote

I don’t get why kuminga was played only 15 minutes without dray… the more playing time he gets, the better he looks because he can slow it down and play the right way. I hope he will have a larger role in these next few games


You definitely called the knee issue in advance Alch. Shoutout for your eagle eyes. I am also starting to feel like Steve Kerr is not a good coach if you're a lottery pick. He wants vets

Andreas Wiedemann

I bet it was the other way round. The staff watches alch for info and found a reason to rest him here

Childe Costa

totally agree. Sure, maybe Drej over-reacted but Rudy had no business putting his hands on Klay.

Childe Costa

thought for sure Kuminga and Moody would get significant playing time. C. Joseph floundering like a horse in mud made Kerr's minutes distribution all the more infuriating. Can a player's career take off without the trust of his coach?


It's good. I don't normally comment on internet platforms so it's funny I become one of those guys arguing with a stranger. I still disagree with your take on those young players (minus Barnes), however. Also, Kuminga shot over 50% and 37% from 3 last season. Yes, at the end of the day though the Warriors have no chance if Wiggins and Klay don't start performing. I personally believe that playing Kuminga and Moody more would be a good way to light a fire under those starters' bellies.


Plus, a player moving elsewhere and playing badly is another sign that they weren't properly developed. If a player has good fundamentals and can play, which is the purpose of development, they should be able to perform in different environments. Them doing alright in Kerr's system and then failing elsewhere (talking strictly about young players, not vet role players) shows that they didn't actually develop an individual game, merely a game that fits next to Steph Curry. That's fine for winning which is most important, but it also doesn't give these young players a chance to shine or to make their own mark.

Ryan Mitchell

I’m starting to turn on JK - I’ve been disappointed so far. I hope to be proven wrong


You bring up something I've been thinking about lately. How many young/rookie guys develop into great players on established dynasty type teams? How many developed under Phil/MJ in Chicago? I would say none...Kukoc had already played a bunch in Europe. How many on the Phil/Shaq/Kobe Lakers? I would say none...maybe Luke Walton but he was a very polished player out of Arizona. LOL, it's an incredibly challenging environment for one to grow in. The fact that Podz is playing so well so early in this environment is a pretty good sign. Poole was perfect because we were bad when he came in so he had a runway to learn and screw up, and eventually that led to him being key in a ring. I feel for players like Kuminga because I think he will be a good player - if he was in Detroit it would probably take 2-3 years...in Golden State it might take 5-6 years because no one is going to tolerate young player buffoonery in Steph's window.

John Pettus

JK’s efficiency is actually horrible. Like 30% eFG% I read. Shooting like 19% from 3.

Neal X

Adversity though? Do you remember how much ass we were kicking before he came back from his injury? I view this as an absolute good.

Ezequiel Franzgrote

Yeah it’s not great, but in a lot of games he has been a go to guy down the stretch because nobody could get a bucket. He starts awful but one’s the game develops he plays better. And I think with a bit more minutes and a consistent role where he can have some bad games he can definitely come back… at least in my opinion


It didn’t work last year too, we were a play in team last year, and most likely we are the playin team this year.

Neal X

He's not a lifelong hooper and it shows. And he's still young. He's got potential but he's got to work hard to reach it. If you're expecting him to become a superstar, I don't think that's happening, but he can definitely be a great two-way player -- he's already a good one.

Neal X

Yeah I don't get the fixation on Joseph at all, I'd rather see Gui Santos or Quinones in there to get reps if nothing else.


I'm on a hair trigger with Kerr rotation bullshit after Anthony Lamb. Playing CJ 20+ minutes and only bringing out Trayce for garbage time, then saying they need more energy and better defense out there is absolutely indefensible.

Childe Costa

totally agree ... Kerr keeps saying (mostly) the right things in interviews but only puts them into action half-heartedly. For Christ's sake, this game was already an L two minutes into the 1st quarter. Throw Moody, Trayce, and KJ out there for major minutes and allow them to experience a sense of agency for once. Imagine what those two must feel like ... it's a total throw-away game and they still can barely get off the bench. Meanwhile CJ running around in clown shoes (Alchy quote)!


We need JK and everything he offers. Podz and the remaining 7 dwarfs isn’t going to win a series against the Lakers and Nuggets.