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Yo Fr, you think Wiggins needs contacts?


HOT take. I think Kuminga and Moody need to be playing more than Wiggins and Klay right now


It's like I said earlier in the season. We played well against like-sized teams last season and struggled against more athletic larger teams - and the trend is continuing. The coaching staff and presumably the front office are content with the current front-court rotation. The front office would argue, we sold PBJ to get you a ready now big off the bench you don't use. I'm as high as any on the Šarić signing and like his fit so far. However, I assumed he would be used more as a 4 and share the role of 4/5 while exploiting certain matchups with him as the sole big. Instead, he's just the backup big off the bench and TJ-D is a break in case of emergency afterthought. If a trade is made, it would be ideal that it includes a 4 or 5 that allows Looney to come off the bench to have a real solid backup big, while saving more of Kevon's minutes for the 4th. The answer now is to just start TJ-D until roster changes are made. We start nearly every game poorly anyway, might as well do it with energy.


I mean, Klay could be playing better, but at least he's trying, putting up shots he thinks he can make (which is any shot), passing, being patient - Wiggs here with single digit shot attempts is the much bigger problem


I'm probably a bit too late to the conversation, but here are my thoughts... if the decline is inevitable, id rather they fail with these young guys and giving them a chance, rather than fail with the old guys. Alc said it himself - these young teams start so motivated. We're wasting that energy and motivation away by not playing these guys. I just think that there's a better chance that the rookies and JK/Mood are more likely to contribute competitiveness rather than klay/wiggs all of a sudden waking up and filling that 2nd option that they desperately need. And setting that aside, the refereeing needs to be addressed. Take the fines and call that shit out. There absolutely no way that foul on gobert should've held up to a challenge, and i honestly believe that because it was on Dray, they kept it. That is pure corruption.


For TJD, the question is witg a front court of Dray, Looney, Saric and Kuminga, who's minutes is he going to take? Looney already only plays 23 mpg.


he would take a wing or guard's minutes cause we need more two big lineups

Neba Jorgacevic

How come Steph still doesn't know or isn't quite sure what's a faul and how to draw a faul?! He should know that by know he is a veteran in this league with a superstar status. but he doesn't really talk with the referees much, never has that's not his style I guess.


What is the purpose of the NBPA? Obviously they're aware of the unacceptable standard of officiating. I was waiting for them to take tangible actions and systematically correct this last season. They didn't do shit.

Jansen E

Kontract Klay and AWOL Wiggins will be the death of this team and this season. And Kerr will still refuse to let Moody/Kuminga/TJD/Podz get meaningful minutes.


I totally agree with you Alc. We have the options but is Kerr willing to make the necessary changes - we will see

Andreas Wiedemann

In the long run, we will only be contenders if Klay and Wiggins perform. We can switch it up a little, but there is no way (exept a blockbuster trade) we win without them contributing, i guess this is why they get the long leash..


yup exactly. Playing the young guys might boost morale a bit and might even get them a win (or two) but long term they need those guys to perform (and JK as well).


Kerr has never really done Moody any favors. He's finally starting to do Kuminga favors, with mixed results, but I don't think it's enough. Moody said recently how important rhythm is and attributed his improvements in the early season to that. Rhythm is another way of saying: consistent playing time. It's a lot harder, especially for a young player, to make an impact when they are the last off the bench, and sit 20 minutes of game time in between stints. It's even harder when veteran players are reluctant to give you the ball and let you make a play/mistakes. I see a lot of talk about giving TJD and podz more minutes, and for good reason. But- with a 10 man rotation, I would rather just see more minutes going to Kuminga and Moody and fewer to the vets. Let them get into a rhythm, let them make plays and mistakes. Kuminga/Moody bring energy because they are hungry to prove themselves, also they have length and Kuminga's athleticism. Playing 12 deep will make it even harder for others to get in a rhythm.


All the youngins need more minutes. Kerr needs to make it happen. Father time (injury) eventually is going to take minutes away the old men this season anyway. Might as well give JK, Moody, TJD and Podz more runway now, while Klay and Wiggs are struggling.

Neal X

I am rubbing my hands in anticipation of the next vid.


You were on fire with this one and I totally agree all the way!!