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They need to move either kuminga or moody to starting line up for some offense and move klay to the bench. Just try something bc they play mid to good teams and just can't close the gap. Hopefully the younger guys can generate more movement to help spark the offense.

Kahlil Baker

Klay is starting to be an irritating player to watch. He’s shooting horribly, he’s having these 14-15 dribble isolation plays. His defense is horrible and he’s putting up way too many shots to not score more that 20 points. Steph needs help

Neal X

Yep. Coming here in frustration after the Minnesota game. The leopard can't change his spots. He's out to lunch at both ends, stubborn, and playing selfish. I never thought I'd actually get here, but I think my "trade Klay" needle just went from "never" to "probably". This is now on Kerr and the front office to fix, and they'd better figure it out.

David Liao

The rose jersey looks slightly better on court. These hills jerseys are tailor made for the techies and non bay natives to wear outside


I've been on the trade Klay while he still has value for a while now. He's just gone down that rabbit hole of thinking about himself too much, he will win many games for us until he's gone but he will lose many more, that's just the nature of a guy who shoots as much as he does. And he certainly isn't worth the North of 40 million a year that he's getting thats for damn sure. That's Superstar money, he's not that.

Ballin Forever

I love Loon.. but i cant help but think how much better our offense would be if Loon was at least a 34-35% shooter from 3. I think that Dray/Loon frontcourt starts us off too clunky against these bigger teams. For teams like the Cavs.. Timbs... Lakers.. We might need to start Saric and Dray just for the spacing. And then put in Loon after we get our feet wet.