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How’d lv treat u bruv


Dang, Santos looking real nice. I liked him last year in summer league but this year he looks more sure about his point of attacks and taking that 3. Kinda want him over Lester for the size lol


It was hell trying to get around! F1 had the main road down to 2 lanes instead of 4 then it was the busiest week of the year. It would take an 30min to hr to get a cab and then another 30 to hr to just get down the strip. But UFC 290 was 🔥


Santos said a couple times during the interviews that he was coached a lot over the last year to play "0.5 basketball" as in making those half second decisions as fast as humanly possible, and that's the biggest difference between SCW and his Brazilian league he was in before. Sounds like he's not all the way there yet on defense being late on rotations and stuff, but it's reassuring that he's aware of it and I thought he did it well on offense.


Gui santos is that dude in pickup who’s just a nightmare to defend. Looking like an NBA level talent Anthony Lamb 🤣


That makes sense you can see it.. also one of the more functional “15lbs of muscle” off seasons I’ve seen


He’s the dude who’s cooking you and all you can just is just say damn who is this dude lmao, btw Alch you catch any big Jim Wiseman games? 🤣 saw a clip of Jabari Smith talking crazy to him


I was at that one I got some footage of him warming up. On like 10 touches he passed the ball once and it was a designed side out 💀.. you can tell guys are reluctant to give him the ball unless it’s a dunk. I never seen a more thirsty scorer who is not actually a bucket.


He does get up and down the court super impressive at that size. If he just hustled and rebounded people would drop the bust label

Ejikeme Uzoigwe

Halliburton talking about how much Kerr loved his workout was just an extra nut kick to dub nation


Or encouraging on the Podz pick.Seems to me like his voice is now louder on roster moves with Bob gone

Ejikeme Uzoigwe

True. Judging by his choices and comments, MDJ also seems like a complete Kerr mind meld too.

Spencer Lemmon

I keep hearing everyone talking about all this great coaching CP3 is going to give to our young guys but if he thinks this is a one year type of situation do you think he is really going to spend the year teaching Steph's youth squad how to beat him? Admittedly I'm a CP3 hater but it just seems like everyone is assuming he's jazzed about coming in to our team to be a second unit player coach


I'm also a CP3 hater but dude is hella old and he's never got a chip. He's going to do everything in his power to win this year including elevating the young guys.

Captain Rossco

I really appreciate all the little nuances and detail that you pull out for your vids. I don't take note or don't see some of this stuff so it's really insightful. I trust your eye for the game!


Gui Santos moves like a more graceful euro version of DeMarcus Cousins to me


That’s right F1 is out there. Man international fight week + summer league too? Lit weekend bro


Why aren’t we drafting big guards so we can practice in house against the thing that counters us? Because if we can sign lacrosse and barber shop dudes why cant we browse what lakers been drafting and put up something similar. Podz gotta use that college mind to kyp and absorb everything u can from the 2 best pg of all time. If santos gets better at defense we will have the most elite 4.

Chip Tingle

I hear you, but Lester plays D. We need Gui’s size and silky quickness if he can get his D together, hit the boards harder.

Chip Tingle

Softer than…in a room full of hoes…you’re on to how ESPN could make a comeback! Keep groovin mightily, Alch!


Am I the only one who was sort of impressed by Mikael Jantunen? solid two way player. Or maybe he played decent it was just that jayce johnson was soo bad that jantunen couldn’t have been worse


Agree with Alch and others above, Santos, Lester head and shoulders above the rest. Both of them have really improved and like the strength on both, muscle Joran will likely never put on for D and rebounding because that's not him. These two and Pod seem more like team guys. I trust all 3 guys from the 3 pt line, and also on shot creation. Pod mostly creating for others.


I'd love to see a comparison of Dante at this stage of his career compared to Pod.


39 in vert on the moooon LOL


'All Laker Guards' Flopping rule gonna kill them.🤣


I wonder if Podz feels Lester is the superior shooter so he focused on playmaking and the midrange float game to separate himself. Seems like summer league is perfect for guys to overthink shit as opposed to just hooping. Training camp is probably a much better indicator. Lester looks pretty good, but Santos looks like he has the potential to be SPECIAL. Wonder if the Lester/Jordan Poole comparisons will consciously or subconsciously affect their roster decisions moving forward

Chip Tingle

Agreed, plus the staging vibe of the whole setup…first exposure for many/most. If Podz can compensate for his lack of quickness/athleticism, he could have a decent career w/ a ceiling of Steve Nash, but pretty long odds. I like his vibe and hustle a lot.

Chip Tingle

But…who knows if he’s dealing with any tweaks. Hilarious line from Alch, the Maestro!


After the Mavs game tn I really just can’t seem to mentally handle drafting Podz over Whitmore. Some of the key stuff he struggles with was so apparent in summer league, imagine how bad its gonna be in the actual league. Idc that Whitmore is young yada yada yada, picking Podz over him is gonna haunt GSW for a long time. Hell I’d rather have taken Leonard Miller, Khris Murray, or like Nick Smith jr over Podz. Ik it was a mid-late 1st, but there was so much better talent on the board. Not impressed with this FO’s drafting minus Kuminga/Gui for quite a few years now. Fingers crossed TJD is half decent bc Podz is gonna be in Shanghai with Wiseman within 1-2 years.


He’s struggling but it’s way too early to write him off. This SL team is doing him no favors either. I’ll speak on it later m the next breakdown


javan johnson is a skilled baller and it was not any remarks against him. the warriors have draft numerous duds compared to other teams that seem to find better shooters than us. i think any reasonable person would think the warriors would have hada bench full of exceptional shooters and we did have rr and pbj until the big move. let’s hope this year we correct the shortcomings


I agree. Dont like Podz pick. Just based on logic. Cam was slated to go in the top 10 in the draft... So a strong and very NEEDED athletic NBA body player that fell to Warriors low draft spot: should this not be the Warriors choice? And if Warriors don't choose Cam, the player they got should be immediately exceptional, considering that Podz position is already an overload on the team. is this not just plain logic? I recently saw a someone mention Emoni Bates. This is a person, just by the eye test I would have rather had than Podz. There is a thing called emotional intelligence. where you can read someone just at a glance. The warriors front office seems to be emotional dead. Its obvious to me that Bates is better than Podz. Hope im wrong. But this is how I see things. Gui should moved up out of the G league and Podz put there.


I just don’t get it. Watching Whitmore fucking cook us last night, get like 7+ steals, what the FUCK is our front office doing? Podz is at BEST a bench PG who can pass/rebound, and hit a few threes here and there. Whitmore is a fucking starting caliber player on quite a few teams ALREADY, in a year or two when he’s succeeding and Podz is in China, i hope we crucify this front office for their inability to do their job. I could easily name at least 5 players that would be immediately a better pick, if not more!