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I was at that game and I wanted to scream with frustration. God you nailed it. It seems like the coaches are spot lighting the Q man. Why? Santos was a man without a ball and Pod looked scared and gun shy. Where the hell are Moody and Kuminga ? Many teams have three year guys out there.

k fish

I would agree but it's not going to help either of them and just block guys like Lester and gui from showing what they can do. Last summer leauge kuminga was a ball handler running pnr throwing lobs to Wiseman and when the season came he was relegated to standing in the corner and never getting a screen if he was on ball. The mishandling of kuminga all come from kerr not wanting to adjust to his talent. He can do much more but know use of working on it in the summer leauge if Kerr won't change. Plus chance of injuries when kuminga and moody are needed

Jello Smooth

Alch … sometimes I think I’m crazy then you confirm I am not. We are freaking unathletic especially upfront. Crafty players that don’t shoot belong in the Euro league

k fish

Another great breakdown alc.....Lester needs to be rostered asap. As far as podz, I like the court vision but besides that him lack of confidence and shot creation in the summer leauge is rough. His IQ is questionable because he passes up alot of shots that he needs to be ready to take. Hope he improves but I hate the pick. Seems like a reach to draft a "smart Kerr guy" rather then being realistic. I don't think the past picks have been the problem I think it's kerr.....Kerr probably would draft lamb in the 1st round too lol. We could of used some size and athleticism with the pick instead we praying a guy with a low ceiling can improve

k fish

Exactly like literally going out of our way to be small and unathletic because that's what Kerr likes lol

Ballin Forever

Kerr has no problem. Kerr has just been asked to win a championship while also develop multiple young guys at the same time. Its not a realistic task... No coach has done what they asked Kerr to do.

Billy Roberson

His IQ is not the problem, he’s trying to be unselfish and fit the system instead of dominate the offense like he did at Santa Clara. He’ll just have to learn when he can just pull instead of trying to make a play


100% agree with your rant in the beginning of breakdown. ... 100%!!! 85% disagree with some other aspects of breakdown. Thinks this is another fucking mistake in the first round. ANOTHER one. Think Podz is Nico 2.0. dont get me wrong. I love IQ,, the willingness to pass,, etc. But dont ever see him being able to stay in the game. just will be blown off by more athletic NBA athletes. So his offensive bag will need to be elite to stay in game, and it wont be. I dont like what I saw about how he "gave up", thats weak, shallow. He's got to find baby Jesus inside or something. This again is more of an indictment about the Warriors management etc. Its been shit for years in the draft since Jerry left. And the management seems to keep doing that same crap over and over and over again in the draft. Someone brought up the idea of Emoni Bates instead of Podz, If we didnt see a reason to grab Cam ( and why we didnt get him over Podz still is bewildering, we need power and such). IMO Emoni is such a better choice than Podz, that's obvious just on first blush, and the management should have seen this, they are getting way way more money to see this and they didn't, again, ... amazing). Our management, player development is not the elite level of a Miami or OKC and Presti. Alot of talking heads say it is, but it ain't. These last number of years with the warriors feels like the times of pre-curry. Without Curry this team, the player development, the draft, reminds me of some very sickening feelings I had in my gut when I was tethered to pre-curry warriors. I mean watching Wiseman play still makes me still feel like vomiting. Always has. Its a vibe, its in my gut. Same thing with Podz. Its a knowingness. Sure I want him to be better, but ... Also disagree with idea of nurturing 1st pick. Nurture potential, irrespective of ones prejudice about where they were picked or what you have emotionally invested in player. See the truth as it is and not what one wishes it would be. Go with the truth. Yeah, I could run the team better than light years. Just to busy helping the poor and sick to get rich though. The way management is and has been drafting and running the team into the ground is disturbing and is going to force my allegiance to Sac or whatever. This is just sickening.


Feels like Podz is adjusting to how NBA guys are gapping him and maybe trying to show he’s not just a shooter. Commentator yesterday said he talked to Podz and he said I’m not a shooter I’m a baller who shoots. But dude needs to be JJ Reddick with more of a bag/vision and hustle


Coach Alchemy came out yall.

Ballin Forever

This was my biggest fear with drafting Pod. We have too many guys who already pass up shots. Dray.. Loon.. GP2.. are pass heavy front court players. With someone like BPOD... what exactly would be his use for our team?? He seems like a Steve Nash/JKidd type of guard that wants to move the ball around. But we already have CP3.. along with 2 other frontcourt players who dont like to score. We need more play finishers. Remember watching us last year and we started to look like the Globetrotters with all that passing. Would have much rather drafted Kris Murray. We gona look back at this draft and really hate that we didnt grab him.


Yo Reggie Perry's shot is pure. And middy. Warriors could use a guy his size with touch. A stretch 4 or 5?


Is it just me or do the young players all suck at setting screens? It was a noticeable hole in Wiseman’s game, and JK isn’t much better at it. None of the g leaguers look great at it either. These seems like a serious flaw in the coaching staff if they can’t teach it 😞

Andre Brooks

How long before we admit the Warriors coaching/ developmental staff is dog shit? Can’t hold vets accountable, can’t develop young guys, and we come out flat every game.


Man I tried to chug a whole Gatorade bottle of the Podz Kool-aid to try and convince myself somehow the front office knew something we didn't, not using 19 on a frontcourt weapon - but fucking A if Brandin's another Jacob Evans - How many case studies do we need to see "system fit" guards are still project pieces at best? It's why you don't gamble on the draft and use the pick on the trade market. Washington would've preferred 19 in the Poole deal rather than this heavily protected 2030 pick that now limits their trade packages moving forward. Contenders can only have so many seeds, we already have a surplus, they just lucky TJ-D fell into their hands cause he might have the juice to save this draft for the new front office

Captain Rossco

We need to get Coach Alch for Summer League 2024!


“Hooper” bucket getters look like world beaters in SL and then are never heard from again. I have a feeling he will look way better amongst better players. But yeah rn it looks ugly I understand the concern. He certainly wasn’t super high on my board going in. But I’m not ready to say “welp we F up” .. not yet


I really don’t like the developmental stuff I have seen over the last few as far as building out their fundamentals and skills. As for Kerr, not many coaches can do both. I think he and ultimately we.. are bound to the system that brought 4 rings. It be nice to have are cake and eat it too! But yeah behind the scenes they got to do better on just day to day fundamental shit. Bring in a Phil handy or somebody, whole crew look like tennis players

Andre Brooks

I actually wasn’t trying to single out Kerr. Kerr isn’t the only person on the coaching staff. Kerr/ the organization should bring in assistants that can sure up his weaknesses.


I agree! Kerr is Kerr and he’s gonna be who he is for better or worse. It just feels like the rest of the staff is based too much of relationships instead of skill sets

John Z

The arrogance with the system shit might be what bothers me most. Adapt or die, quit trying to make every little thing fit.

Andre Brooks

I agree. I hope the new GM acknowledges systemic issues related to the coaching staff and developmental guys, and makes changes


I thinks it’s on Steph to push for it. Otherwise it ain’t happening. Truth is, he and Dray are probably a big part of why it is this way.


Hey Alc, can you drop a list of players you would rather taken at 19? Every single one. I’m curious how deep it goes, I’m nearing double digits. I know its too early to complete diss Podz, but man, its already CLEAR as day that we could have taken someone much better. Inevitably, the Warriors dynasty will end after Curry, for probably a longggg time, due to our own doings. Cam Whitmore was the pick, without a doubt, on everyday that ends with Y. Any pick after the top 6-8 I think he was the pick. A GIFT from the GODS fell into their lap and they shit the bed.

yan't get right

Lmao, what. It's summer league, man. I want to engage with your ideas in good faith but there's no amount of evidence that would say anything about who else we should've picked at this current moment. Pod is extremely capable but it seems like he's trying to "differentiate" himself from all the trigger happy prospects in summer league and it's messing with his mojo as a scorer. He's trying to way too hard to play the long game, and I'll be honest I think that he's actually playing for one of the few organization where that could pay off. But I guess we're going solely off who's putting up numbers in summer league yet another year in a row

Jello Smooth

Yes it’s summer league and I don’t see bust but I do see epic bench career thin TJ Mconnell. But to your question: If we had to pick their and I am going to leave Cam out for a second… Murray, Miller per the Alch review at that pick. If we had option to move back Clowney and Bailey - hey cause they going to be on the bench just like Poddy.


I don't think Podzs was a bad pick, but, lets be honest, he is playing most of the season in Santa Clara this year. We have a lot guards on the roster.